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Last active February 16, 2022 17:41
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Unity2018 - scripting autonomous fish drones: avoiding obstacles using raycast
/// FishDrone by JackDraak
/// July 2018
/// 'changelog' viewable on GitHub.
using UnityEngine;
public class FishDrone : MonoBehaviour
private Animator animator;
private float changeDelay, changeTime;
private float correctedSpeed, newSpeed, speed;
private float correctedTurnRate, turnRate;
private float roughScale, scaleFactor;
private float sleepTime = 0;
private int layerMask; // = 1 << 8; // Bit shift the index of the layer (8) to get a bit mask
private Quaternion startQuat;
private Rigidbody thisRigidbody;
private Vector3 dimensions =;
private Vector3 fore, port, starbord;
private Vector3 startPos;
private const float ANIMATION_SCALING_LARGE = 0.4f;
private const float ANIMATION_SCALING_MED = 0.7f;
private const float ANIMATION_SCALING_SMALL = 1.7f;
private const float ANIMATION_SPEED_FACTOR = 1.8f;
private const float CHANGE_TIME_MAX = 10f;
private const float CHANGE_TIME_MIN = 4f;
private const float LERP_FACTOR_FOR_SPEED = 0.003f;
private const float RAYCAST_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 13.3f;
private const float RAYCAST_DRAWTIME = 3f;
private const float RAYCAST_DETECTION_ANGLE = 37.5f;
private const float RAYCAST_FRAME_GAP = 0.1f;
private const float RAYCAST_MAX_DISTANCE = 1.0f;
private const float RAYCAST_SLEEP_DELAY = 0.3f;
private const float SCALE_MAX = 1.6f;
private const float SCALE_MIN = 0.4f;
private const float SIZE_LARGE_BREAK = 3f;
private const float SIZE_MID_BREAK = 2f;
private const float SPEED_MAX = 1.3f;
private const float SPEED_MIN = 0.2f;
private const float TURNRATE_MAX = 10f;
private const float TURNRATE_MIN = 3f;
private void BeFishy()
private bool FiftyFifty() // On average, return 'True' ~half the time, and 'False' ~half the time.
if (Mathf.FloorToInt(Random.Range(0, 2)) == 1) return true;
else return false;
private void FixedUpdate()
private void Init()
// Set dynamic turnrate/direction.
turnRate = Random.Range(TURNRATE_MIN, TURNRATE_MAX);
if (FiftyFifty()) turnRate = -turnRate;
// Set dynamic starting orientation in Y dimension.
Vector3 thisRotation =;
thisRotation.y = Random.Range(0f, 360f);
transform.Rotate(thisRotation, Space.World);
// Set dynamic scale.
Vector3 scale =;
scale.x = Random.Range(SCALE_MIN, SCALE_MAX);
scale.y = Random.Range(SCALE_MIN, SCALE_MAX);
scale.z = Random.Range(SCALE_MIN, SCALE_MAX);
transform.localScale = scale;
// Set dynamic animation speed (~slower for larger fish).
roughScale = scale.x + scale.y + scale.z / 3.0f; // Average the scales of the 3 planes.
if (roughScale < SIZE_MID_BREAK) scaleFactor = ANIMATION_SCALING_SMALL;
else if (roughScale < SIZE_LARGE_BREAK) scaleFactor = ANIMATION_SCALING_MED;
private void LerpSpeed()
if (!(Mathf.Approximately(speed, newSpeed)))
speed = Mathf.Lerp(speed, newSpeed, LERP_FACTOR_FOR_SPEED);
animator.SetFloat("stateSpeed", speed * scaleFactor * ANIMATION_SPEED_FACTOR);
private void Motivate()
// Turn.
dimensions.y = Time.deltaTime * correctedTurnRate;
transform.Rotate(dimensions, Space.World);
// Propel.
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.fixedDeltaTime * correctedSpeed, Space.Self);
if (changeTime + changeDelay < Time.time) SetSpeed();
private void OrientView()
// Orient transform with direction of travel.
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.forward); // Not strictly required.
// Set up whiskers based on current position and facing.
fore = transform.forward;
port = Quaternion.Euler(0, -RAYCAST_DETECTION_ANGLE, 0) * transform.forward;
starbord = Quaternion.Euler(0, RAYCAST_DETECTION_ANGLE, 0) * transform.forward;
// To create a vector on 45 degrees...
//left45 = (transform.forward - transform.right).normalized; // 45* to the left of fore.
//right45 = (transform.forward + transform.right).normalized; // 45* to the right of fore.
// Enable these rays to visualize the wiskers in the scene view.
///Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, fore, Color.magenta, 0);
///Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, port, Color.cyan, 0);
///Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, starbord,, 0);
// TODO note that the 'background' rocks do not have colliders... this needs to be fixed.
private void PlanPath()
// Sleep for a spell to minimize the costly raycasting calls.
if (Time.time > sleepTime)
sleepTime = Time.time + RAYCAST_SLEEP_DELAY;
RaycastHit hitPort, hitStarbord;
// Look ahead.
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, fore, RAYCAST_MAX_DISTANCE, layerMask))
if (correctedSpeed == 0) correctedSpeed = speed;
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, fore,, RAYCAST_DRAWTIME);
correctedSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(speed, speed * 0.2f, 1 / correctedSpeed);
sleepTime = Time.time + RAYCAST_FRAME_GAP;
else correctedSpeed = speed;
// Look left.
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, port, out hitPort, RAYCAST_MAX_DISTANCE, layerMask))
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, port,, RAYCAST_DRAWTIME);
sleepTime = Time.time + RAYCAST_FRAME_GAP;
// Look right.
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, starbord, out hitStarbord, RAYCAST_MAX_DISTANCE, layerMask))
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, starbord, Color.yellow, RAYCAST_DRAWTIME);
sleepTime = Time.time + RAYCAST_FRAME_GAP;
// Turn more sharply when a neighbour is detected.
// TODO when there are neighbors on both sides, if course is toward closer target then invert course.
if (hitPort.distance > 0 || hitStarbord.distance > 0)
correctedTurnRate = turnRate * RAYCAST_CORRECTION_FACTOR;
else correctedTurnRate = turnRate;
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player") speed++;
public void Reset()
if (transform != null)
transform.position = startPos;
transform.rotation = startQuat;
private void SetSpeed()
changeTime = Time.time;
changeDelay = Random.Range(CHANGE_TIME_MIN, CHANGE_TIME_MAX);
newSpeed = Random.Range(SPEED_MIN, SPEED_MAX);
private void Start()
// Setup for collision-avoidance: layerMask
// Bit shift the index of the layer (8) to get a bit mask
layerMask = 1 << 8; // This would cast rays only against colliders in layer 8.
// But we want to collide against everything except layer 8.
layerMask = ~layerMask; // The ~ operator inverts the bitmask.
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
startPos = transform.position;
startQuat = transform.rotation;
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Recent Updates: I've been working on the OrientView() and PlanPath() functions. The proper Google search request can really help get you places, that's when I stumbled onto the two tricks for casting rays at 45 degrees or arbitrary angles.


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As noted on Reddit, if I have a scene with ~50 or more fish drones, the frame-rate begins to plummet. A couple smart commenters suggest setting up the detection to sleep for X time or X number of frames when it doesn't detect any neighbors... a great suggestion.
if(Time.frameCount % 10 == 0){ AvoidCollissions() ; }

I think instead of using frame-count I'll use Time.time and let each of the 3 whiskers be independent (i.e. each one will have it's own timer, so that I can define a maximum sleep period, and 2/3 can continue to sleep when another is active.

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Ugh, doing 3 timers was causing havoc because of the way I have it set up to use both left and right views before making a decision, so for now I've got a single timer that sleeps for 0.3 seconds if there are no neighbors detected. My current scene has 138 fish drones active, and is maintaining 50+ FPS. (Previously, 50 drones ran ~15-25 FPS).

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