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abock / dontdoit.c
Created August 10, 2018 15:45
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nickkraakman /
Last active July 9, 2024 12:55
FFmpeg cheat sheet for 360 video

FFmpeg Cheat Sheet for 360º video

Brought to you by Headjack

FFmpeg is one of the most powerful tools for video transcoding and manipulation, but it's fairly complex and confusing to use. That's why I decided to create this cheat sheet which shows some of the most often used commands.

Let's start with some basics:

  • ffmpeg calls the FFmpeg application in the command line window, could also be the full path to the FFmpeg binary or .exe file
mruediger / USB
Last active December 8, 2020 16:09
USB Bootstick for multiple isos using UEFI and BIOS

This small Howto is about setting up a USB stick to boot different iso files using grub's loopback capability. I only tested this on Fedora, but it should also work on other Linux distributions.

First, lets find the USB Stick


This should give you a list of all your block devices. My stick is found as /dev/sdc

Then we need to partition the USB stick using GPT.

  • we will use gdisk sudo gdisk /dev/USBDEV
  • create a new empty partition table by pressing o