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Created December 19, 2012 18:28
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Monads Implementation in javascript, as seen in crockford presentation at yui conf 2012
//BASIC PIECES, 3 functions: unit, bind and the bind argument
//function unit(value)
//function bind(monad, function(value))
//all three functions return a monad
/* The unit function is a constructor (returns a monad object)
* The magic is in the bind function
* There are AXIOMS:
* bind(unit(value)), f) === f(value)
* bind(monad, unit) === monad
* bind(bind(monad, f), g) === bind(monad, function (value) { return bind(f(value), g); })
//to avoid defining lots of bind function for different kind of monads
//and manage naming interference
//we turn the function into a method
//to define many different monads with similar properties
//various languages like common lisp have a macro system.
//javascript does not but does have functions and dynamic objects
//so you can get MACROIDS
function MONAD() {
return function unit(value) {
var monad = Object.create(null);
monad.bind = function (func) {
return func(value);
return monad;
//returns a unit function (unit function return in Haskell)
//it creates a monad that inherits nothing
//it puts a bind method in that monad, and the bind method
//will take a function as an argument and return the value of calling that function with the value
//that was passed in to the unit constructor. Then it returns a monad.
//in this for it is called the IDENTITY MONAD: the value that got passed into the unit
//will be the thing that gets passed into all the bind functions.
var identity = MONAD();
var monad = identity("Hello world");
//let's rewrite axioms in the object oriented form, in the method form.
unit(value).bind(f) === f(value)
monad.bind(unit) === monad
monad.bind(f).bind(g) === monad.bind(function (value) {
return f(value).bind(g);
//let's compare something:
bind(bind(monad, f), g)
monad.bind(f).bind(g) //Ajax Monad
monad.bind(func, [a, b, c]) //second argument who will optionally take an array of parameters
monad.method(a, b, c)
function MONAD() {
var prototype = Object.create(null);
function unit(value) {
var monad = Object.create(prototype);
monad.bind = function (func, args) {
return func.apply(undefined, //this is bad, in the next edition of javascript ES6 we will probably have
[value].concat(Array.prototype //a method called SPAT that will simplify things
.slice.apply(args || []))); // -> return func(value, ...args)
return monad;
function MONAD() {
var prototype = Object.create(null);
function unit(value) {
var monad = Object.create(prototype);
monad.bind = function (func, args) {
return func(value, ...args);
return monad;
unit.method = function (name, func) {
prototype[name] = func;
return unit;
function MONAD() {
var prototype = Object.create(null);
function unit(value) {
var monad = Object.create(prototype);
monad.bind = function (func, args) {
return func(value, ...args);
return monad;
//this doesen't take only a function that knows about monads but any function
//and guaratees that the result is a monad
unit.lift = function (name, func) {
prototype[name] = function (...args) {
return unit(this.bind(func, args));
return unit;
return unit;
var ajax = MONAD()
.lift('alert', alert);
var monad = ajax("Hello world.");
//similar to NaN
function MONAD(modifier) {
var prototype = Object.create(null);
function unit(value) {
var monad = Object.create(prototype);
monad.bind = function (func, args) {
return func(value, ...args);
if (typeof modifier === 'function') {
modifier(monad, value);
return monad;
var maybe = MONAD(function (monad, value) {
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
monad.is_null = true;
monad.bind = function () {
return monad;
var monad = maybe(null); //nothing happens
//inspired from FUTURES from the ACTOR MODEL
//resolve the problems of TURN BASED SYSTEMS (nested callbacks)
//a promise is an object that represents a possible future value.
//every promise has a corresponding resolver that is used to ultimately assign value to the promise
//a promise can have one of three states: kept, broken or pending
//a promise can accept functions that will be called with th evalue once the promise has been kept or broken.
//promise.when(success, failure) returns another promise for the result of your success function.
var my_vow = VOW.make();
.when(kept, broken)
.when(function success(string) {
}, failure)
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Dario, amico mio. Sto provando ad andare OLTRE quanto detto da Doug, creandomi delle mie applicazioni di questo benedetto macroide. Solo provare ad estendere questa "ajax monad" mi fa venire i capogiri. Ti va di unire gli sforzi?
Comunque buona giornata.

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