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Created November 2, 2019 17:13
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import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from doublePen import DoublePen
import sys
p1 = DoublePen(1,1,1,1,120.0,0.0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
xdata, ydata = [], []
ln, = plt.plot([], [],)
def init():
ax.set_xlim(-(p1.l1 + p1.l2), (p1.l1 + p1.l2))
ax.set_ylim(-(p1.l1 + p1.l2), (p1.l1 + p1.l2))
return ln,
def update(frame):
points = p1.calculate(frame)
xs = points[0]
ys = points[1]
ln.set_data(xdata, ydata)
return ln,
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=(0, (p1.time_stamp(19.99)[1])),
init_func=init, blit=True)
Jack Baude double pendulum prediction
- predicts where a double pendulm will be in space with time
given the mass of the two bobs, lengths of the pendulum arms
and the intial starting postion
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import cos, sin
import scipy.integrate as integrate
class DoublePen:
# Constants
# dt is the spasce between time points that we are taking the dervative of
dt = 0.00001
totalTime = 20
# the intial velocity of the pendulum
v1 = 0.0
v2 = 0.0
# Gravity velocity
G = 9.81
def __init__(self, mass1, mass2, length1, length2, intTheta1, intTheta2):
self.m1 = mass1
self.m2 = mass2
self.l1 = length1
self.l2 = length2
self.startTheta1 = intTheta1
self.startTheta2 = intTheta2
# double pendulum equation that takes in the intial state of the pen as a array
# and t as a numpy arange
def equation(self, state, t):
theta1 = state[0]
theta2 = state[2]
intVm1 = state[1]
intVm2 = state[3]
# makes a empty array of zeros
dydx = np.zeros_like(state)
# sets the dydx[1] equal to angular velocity of mass 1
dydx[0] = state[1]
del_ = state[2] - state[0]
den1 = (self.m1 + self.m2) * self.l1 - self.m2 * self.l1 * cos(del_) * cos(del_)
dydx[1] = (
self.m2 * self.l1 * state[1] * state[1] * sin(del_) * cos(del_)
+ self.m2 * self.G * sin(state[2]) * cos(del_)
+ self.m2 * self.l1 * state[3] * state[3] * sin(del_)
- (self.m1 + self.m2) * self.G * sin(state[0])
) / den1
# derivative of dydx
dydx[2] = state[3]
den2 = (self.l1 / self.l1) * den1
dydx[3] = (
-self.m2 * self.l1 * state[3] * state[3] * sin(del_) * cos(del_)
+ (self.m1 + self.m2) * self.G * sin(state[0]) * cos(del_)
- (self.m1 + self.m2) * self.l1 * state[1] * state[1] * sin(del_)
- (self.m1 + self.m2) * self.G * sin(state[2])
) / den2
return dydx
# calculates the postion of the double pendulum
def calculate(self, tcal):
time_stamp = self.time_stamp(tcal)
ts = time_stamp[0]
amountOfTimePoints = time_stamp[1]
cords = self.getMassCords()
print("\n{} sample of {} time samples".format(ts, amountOfTimePoints))
print("The points of the orgin, m1, and m2 are as follows")
"(0,0) , ({},{}) , ({},{})".format(
cords[0][ts], cords[1][ts], cords[2][ts], cords[3][ts]
xs = [0, cords[0][ts], cords[2][ts]]
ys = [0, cords[1][ts], cords[3][ts]]
def plot(self,tcal):
points = self.calculate(tcal)
xs = points[0]
ys = points[1]
plt.axis([-2, 2, -2, 2])
plt.title("Double Pendulum Prediction")
plt.ylabel("Double Pendulm {} seconds in".format(tcal))
# returns the x and y points of both mass 1 and mass 2
def getMassCords(self):
state = [self.startTheta1, self.v1, self.startTheta2, self.v2]
dydt = integrate.odeint(self.equation, state, self.getTimeArray())
x1 = self.l1 * sin(dydt[:, 0])
y1 = -(self.l1) * cos(dydt[:, 0])
x2 = self.l2 * sin(dydt[:, 2]) + x1
y2 = -(self.l2) * cos(dydt[:, 2]) + y1
return [x1, y1, x2, y2]
#return the time stamp or the nth point for nth time
def time_stamp(self, tcal):
# tcal is the time we are calculating for
tPercent = tcal / self.totalTime
# we need the amount of time points so we can find the nth time point in the array that the deriv returns so we can calcualte where the pen is in space
amountOfTimePoints = self.totalTime / self.dt
# by multiplying the amount of time points by the percentage of points we can get the index we are looking for in the list that deriv returns
ts = int((amountOfTimePoints * tPercent) - self.dt)
return ts, amountOfTimePoints
# changes the totaltime and the deltaT or the space between time samples
def changeTime(self, tt, deltaT):
dt = deltaT
totalTime = tt
# returns a time array
def getTimeArray(self):
t = np.arange(0.0, self.totalTime, self.dt)
return t
def main():
p1 = DoublePen(1, 1, 1, 1, 120.0, 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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