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Created October 10, 2016 05:31
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* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
--------- beginning of main
W/auditd ( 245): type=2000 audit(0.0:1): initialized
I/auditd ( 245): type=1403 audit(0.0:2): policy loaded auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
I/ueventd ( 227): type=1400 audit(0.0:3): avc: denied { relabelfrom } for uid=0 name="iio:device5" dev="tmpfs" ino=9204 scontext=u:r:ueventd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iio_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
I/ueventd ( 227): type=1400 audit(0.0:4): avc: denied { relabelto } for uid=0 name="iio:device5" dev="tmpfs" ino=9204 scontext=u:r:ueventd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:iio_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
I/ ( 253): debuggerd: starting
I/ ( 254): debuggerd: starting
--------- beginning of system
I/vold ( 255): Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
V/vold ( 255): Detected support for: exfat ext4 f2fs ntfs vfat
D/vold ( 255): e4crypt_init_user0
D/vold ( 255): e4crypt_prepare_user_storage for volume null, user 0, serial 0, flags 1
D/vold ( 255): Preparing: /data/system/users/0
D/vold ( 255): Preparing: /data/misc/profiles/cur/0
D/vold ( 255): Preparing: /data/misc/profiles/cur/0/foreign-dex
D/vold ( 255): Preparing: /data/system_de/0
D/vold ( 255): Preparing: /data/misc_de/0
D/vold ( 255): Preparing: /data/user_de/0
D/vold ( 255): e4crypt_unlock_user_key 0 serial=0 token_present=0
E/vold ( 255): Failed to chmod /data/system_ce/0: No such file or directory
E/vold ( 255): Failed to chmod /data/misc_ce/0: No such file or directory
I/vdc ( 1): 200 257 Command succeeded
I//system/bin/tzdatacheck( 262): tzdata file /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/tzdata does not exist. No action required.
I/sysinit ( 265): Running /system/etc/init.d/00banner
I/cm ( 267): ____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ ___
I/cm ( 268): | \_/ |__| |\ | | | | __ |___ |\ | |\/| | | | \
I/cm ( 269): |___ | | | | \| |__| |__] |___ | \| | | |__| |__/
I/cm ( 272): Welcome to Android 7.0 / CyanogenMod-14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari
I/sysinit ( 273): Running /system/etc/init.d/90userinit
I/wcnss_service( 314): wcnss_read_and_store_cal_data trying to read cal
E/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_boot_tod_init: Unable to set TOD at boot up
E/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Unable to set TOD at boot up
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_modem_qmi_init: Initiallizing QMI
I/libmdmdetect( 332): ESOC framework not supported
W/gatekeeperd( 334): falling back to software GateKeeper
I/libmdmdetect( 332): Found internal modem: modem
I/audioserver( 317): ServiceManager: 0xf6399580
I/cameraserver( 318): ServiceManager: 0xf6819580
I/CameraService( 318): CameraService started (pid=318)
I/gatekeeperd( 334): cold boot: clearing state
V/AudioDaemon( 333): Start audiod daemon
I/CameraService( 318): CameraService process starting
D/keystore( 321): Wrapping keymaster0 module Keymaster QCOM HAL with SoftKeymasterDevice
V/AudioDaemon( 333): readyToRun: open snd card state node files
D/SoftKeymaster( 321): system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 150: Reinitializing SoftKeymasterDevice to use HW keymaster0
V/AudioDaemon( 333): Start threadLoop()
D/AudioDaemon( 333): Opening sound card state : /proc/asound/card0/state
W/BatteryNotifier( 317): batterystats service unavailable!
I/AudioFlinger( 317): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/mediaserver( 325): ServiceManager: 0xf64995e0
I/mediaserver( 323): ServiceManager: 0xf61995e0
V/AudioDaemon( 333): bool android::AudioDaemon::getStateFDs(std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > &): 1 sound cards detected
V/AudioDaemon( 333): bool android::AudioDaemon::getDeviceEventFDs(): 0 audio device event detected
E/AudioDaemon( 333): No audio device events detected
W/BatteryNotifier( 318): batterystats service unavailable!
D/AudioDaemon( 333): Opening cpe0_state : /proc/asound/card0/cpe0_state
W/BatteryNotifier( 325): batterystats service unavailable!
E/AudioDaemon( 333): CPE state open /proc/asound/card0/cpe0_state failed No such file or directory, Retrying 1
I/AudioPolicyService( 317): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
W/BatteryNotifier( 318): batterystats service unavailable!
E/QMI_FW ( 332): QMUXD: WARNING qmi_qmux_if_pwr_up_init failed! rc=-1
I/libmdmdetect( 332): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 332): Found internal modem: modem
I/SoftKeymaster( 321): system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 131: Creating device
D/SoftKeymaster( 321): system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 132: Device address: 0x7f9343e400
E/QMI_FW ( 332): QMUXD: WARNING qmi_qmux_if_pwr_up_init failed! rc=-1
E/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_modem_qmi_init: qmi_client_get_service_list returned 0num_services 1
I/libmdmdetect( 332): ESOC framework not supported
E/CameraService( 318): Could not load camera HAL module: -2 (No such file or directory)
I/libmdmdetect( 332): Found internal modem: modem
E/QMI_FW ( 332): QMUXD: WARNING qmi_qmux_if_pwr_up_init failed! rc=-1
D/SurfaceFlinger( 286): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7f96a48a00
D/qdhwcomposer( 286): hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to open fb node 2
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to open fb node 3
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to find HDMI node
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to open fb node 2
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to open fb node 3
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to find HDMI node
D/qdhwcomposer( 286): hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): adev_open: enter
E/AudioDaemon( 333): CPE state open /proc/asound/card0/cpe0_state failed No such file or directory, Retrying 2
D/msm8916_platform( 317): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
D/AudioDaemon( 333): number of sndcards 1 CPEs 0
D/AudioDaemon( 333): read for sound card state change before while
D/AudioDaemon( 333): sound card state file content: ONLINE
D/AudioDaemon( 333): before while
E/AudioDaemon( 333): put cur_state to online
D/AudioDaemon( 333): cur_state=0, bootup_complete=0
E/AudioDaemon( 333): sound card up is deteced before while
E/AudioDaemon( 333): bootup_complete set to 1
E/AudioDaemon( 333): read for event state change before while
D/AudioDaemon( 333): poll() for sound card state change
E/mm-camera-sensor( 331): sensor_probe:133 failed: to load s5k3m2_f13s01k
E/mm-camera-sensor( 331): sensor_init_probe:119 failed: to load s5k3m2_f13s01k
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/mm-camera( 331): isp_util_gen_hws_caps: integrating kernel vfe is pending
E/mm-camera( 331): isp_tintless_create: using BE stats for tintless!, isp main version = 28
I/audioserver( 317): type=1400 audit(0.0:16): avc: denied { read } for uid=1041 name="class" dev="sysfs" ino=10 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
I/audioserver( 317): type=1400 audit(0.0:17): avc: denied { open } for uid=1041 path="/sys/class" dev="sysfs" ino=10 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
I/msm8916_platform( 317): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 317): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 317): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
E/mm-camera( 331): cpp_hardware_load_firmware:446, cpphw->hwinfo.version = 0x40020000
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 317): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 317): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 317): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 317): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 317): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 317): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 317): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 317): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 317): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 317): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-151479284
D/msm8916_platform( 317): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-151479284
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 317): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 317): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 317): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 317): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 317): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 317): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 317): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 317): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 317): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 317): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 317): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 317): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 317): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 317): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 317): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 317): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 317): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/sh ( 282): type=1400 audit(0.0:5): avc: denied { read } for uid=0 name="" dev="mmcblk0p34" ino=673 scontext=u:r:qti_init_shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:bluetooth_loader_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
I/sh ( 282): type=1400 audit(0.0:6): avc: denied { open } for uid=0 path="/system/etc/" dev="mmcblk0p34" ino=673 scontext=u:r:qti_init_shell:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:bluetooth_loader_exec:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
I/rfs_access( 280): type=1400 audit(0.0:7): avc: denied { write } for uid=0 name="rfsa" dev="debugfs" ino=8753 scontext=u:r:rfs_access:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
I/rfs_access( 280): type=1400 audit(0.0:8): avc: denied { open } for uid=0 path="/sys/kernel/debug/rmt_storage/rfsa" dev="debugfs" ino=8753 scontext=u:r:rfs_access:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 317): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
I/rmt_storage( 279): type=1400 audit(0.0:9): avc: denied { write } for uid=0 name="rmts" dev="debugfs" ino=8754 scontext=u:r:rmt_storage:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
I/rmt_storage( 279): type=1400 audit(0.0:10): avc: denied { open } for uid=0 path="/sys/kernel/debug/rmt_storage/rmts" dev="debugfs" ino=8754 scontext=u:r:rmt_storage:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
D/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
E/rfs_access( 280): Mmap failed for client: rfsa_sensor
I/rfs_access( 280): All clients successfully initialized.
I/rfs_access( 280): Capset success!
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): select_devices: done
I/rmt_storage( 279): Shared memory initialised successfully.
I/rmt_storage( 279): Registering modemst1: 0x4a /boot/modem_fs1
I/rmt_storage( 279): Registering modemst2: 0x4b /boot/modem_fs2
I/rmt_storage( 279): Registering fsc: 0xff /boot/modem_fsc
I/rmt_storage( 279): Registering fsg: 0x58 /boot/modem_fsg
I/rmt_storage( 279): 4 GPT partitions found
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
I/rmt_storage( 279): Capset success!
D/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 317): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x1 conn_h=0x7fb562a000
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_open_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x1 msg_id=1: Client found
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_open_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x1 msg_id=1: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x2 conn_h=0x7fb562a330
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1 Worker thread started
I/rmt_storage( 279): wake lock name: rmt_storage_548502369360, name creation success: 24
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_open_cb: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2: req_h=0x2 msg_id=1: Client found
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_open_cb: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2: req_h=0x2 msg_id=1: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2 Worker thread started
I/rmt_storage( 279): wake lock name: rmt_storage_548501333072, name creation success: 24
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x3 conn_h=0x7fb562a340
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_open_cb: /boot/modem_fsg: clnt_h=0x3: req_h=0x3 msg_id=1: Client found
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_open_cb: /boot/modem_fsg: clnt_h=0x3: req_h=0x3 msg_id=1: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/soundtrigger( 317): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 317): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 317): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x4 conn_h=0x7fb562a350
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf63bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 317): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf63bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 317): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fsg: clnt_h=0x3 Worker thread started
I/rmt_storage( 279): wake lock name: rmt_storage_548500296784, name creation success: 24
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_open_cb: /boot/modem_fsc: clnt_h=0x4: req_h=0x4 msg_id=1: Client found
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_open_cb: /boot/modem_fsc: clnt_h=0x4: req_h=0x4 msg_id=1: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fsc: clnt_h=0x4 Worker thread started
I/rmt_storage( 279): wake lock name: rmt_storage_548499260496, name creation success: 24
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_alloc_buff_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x5 msg_id=4: Alloc request received: Size: 917504
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_alloc_buff_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x5 msg_id=4: Old Client requesting buffer from RMTS Server
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_alloc_buff_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x5 msg_id=4: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x6 msg_id=3: R/W request received
I/rmt_storage( 279): wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1 Unblock worker thread (th_id: 548502369360)
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x6 msg_id=3: Bytes read = 512
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x6 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1 About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 548502369360) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0
I/rmt_storage( 279):
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2: req_h=0x7 msg_id=3: R/W request received
I/rmt_storage( 279): wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2 Unblock worker thread (th_id: 548501333072)
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2: req_h=0x7 msg_id=3: Bytes read = 512
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2: req_h=0x7 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2 About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 548501333072) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0
I/rmt_storage( 279):
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x8 msg_id=3: R/W request received
I/rmt_storage( 279): wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1 Unblock worker thread (th_id: 548502369360)
I/lowmemorykiller( 284): Using in-kernel low memory killer interface
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x8 msg_id=3: Bytes read = 916480
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0x8 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1 About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 548502369360) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0
I/rmt_storage( 279):
I/qcom-bluetooth( 292): /system/etc/ config = onboot
I/rfs_access( 280): All Data dirs exist or were created successfully.
I/rfs_access( 280): Initialized RFS server
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): SurfaceFlinger is starting
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
D/libEGL ( 286): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): qseecom listener services process entry PPID = 1
E/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Listener: index = 0, hierarchy = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Init dlopen(, RTLD_NOW) succeeds
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Init::Init dlsym(g_FSHandle rpmb_init_service) succeeds
I/rpmb ( 283): RPMB Mult = 16384, Rel_sec_cnt = 1
E/DrmLibRpmb( 283): rpmb_init succeeded! with ret = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Init rpmb_init_service ret = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): RPMB system services: init (Listener ID = 8192)
E/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Listener: index = 1, hierarchy = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Init dlopen(, RTLD_NOW) succeeds
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Init::Init dlsym(g_FSHandle ssd_init_service) succeeds
E/SSD ( 283): ssd_init_service succeeded!
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Init ssd_init_service ret = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): SSD system services: init (Listener ID = 12288)
E/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Listener: index = 2, hierarchy = 0
E/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Init dlopen(, RLTD_NOW) is failed....
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): SEC_UI_INIT failed, shall not start secure ui listener
E/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Listener: index = 5, hierarchy = 0
E/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Init dlopen(, RLTD_NOW) is failed....
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): ERROR: FWLOCK_INIT failed, shall not start fwlock listener
D/QSEECOMD: ( 283): Parent qseecom daemon process paused!!
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): qseecom listener service threads starting!!!
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Total listener services to start = 7
E/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Listener: index = 0, hierarchy = 1
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init dlopen(, RTLD_NOW) succeeds
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init::Init dlsym(g_FSHandle rpmb_start) succeeds
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 298): QSEECom_register_listener 8192 sb_length = 0x5000
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init rpmb_start ret = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): RPMB system services: Started (Listener ID = 8192)
E/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Listener: index = 1, hierarchy = 1
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init dlopen(, RTLD_NOW) succeeds
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init::Init dlsym(g_FSHandle ssd_start) succeeds
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 298): QSEECom_register_listener 12288 sb_length = 0x5000
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init ssd_start ret = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): SSD system services: Started (Listener ID = 12288)
E/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Listener: index = 2, hierarchy = 1
E/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init dlopen(, RLTD_NOW) is failed....
E/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Listener: index = 3, hierarchy = 1
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init dlopen(, RTLD_NOW) succeeds
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init::Init dlsym(g_FSHandle atime_start) succeeds
D/DrmLibTime( 298): QSEE Time Listener: atime_start
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 298): QSEECom_register_listener 11 sb_length = 0x5000
D/DrmLibTime( 298): registering fs service to QSEECom is done!
D/DrmLibTime( 298): begin to create a thread!
D/DrmLibTime( 298): Creating a pthread in atime_start is done! return 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init atime_start ret = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): time services: Started (Listener ID = 11)
E/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Listener: index = 4, hierarchy = 1
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init dlopen(, RTLD_NOW) succeeds
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init::Init dlsym(g_FSHandle fs_start) succeeds
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 298): QSEECom_register_listener 10 sb_length = 0x5000
D/DrmLibTime( 298): QSEE Time Listener: dispatch
D/DrmLibTime( 298): before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init fs_start ret = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): file system services: Started (Listener ID = 10)
E/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Listener: index = 5, hierarchy = 1
E/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init dlopen(, RLTD_NOW) is failed....
E/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Listener: index = 6, hierarchy = 1
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init dlopen(, RTLD_NOW) succeeds
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init::Init dlsym(g_FSHandle gpfs_start) succeeds
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 298): QSEECom_register_listener 28672 sb_length = 0x7e000
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): Init gpfs_start ret = 0
D/QSEECOMD: ( 298): gpfile system services: Started (Listener ID = 28672)
D/libEGL ( 286): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
D/libEGL ( 286): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 298): QSEECom_get_handle sb_length = 0x400
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 298): App is not loaded in QSEE
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 298): Loaded image: APP id = 3
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x5 conn_h=0x7fb562a360
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2: req_h=0x9 msg_id=3: R/W request received
I/rmt_storage( 279): wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2 Unblock worker thread (th_id: 548501333072)
I/irsc_util( 311): Starting irsc tool
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2: req_h=0x9 msg_id=3: Bytes written = 917504
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2: req_h=0x9 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: clnt_h=0x2 About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 548501333072) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0
I/rmt_storage( 279):
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x5 conn_h=0x7fb562a360
I/Adreno ( 286): QUALCOMM build : d842ad3, Ia10634f51b
I/Adreno ( 286): Build Date : 01/04/16
I/Adreno ( 286): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.06.00.05
I/Adreno ( 286): Local Branch : mybranch17585849
I/Adreno ( 286): Remote Branch : quic/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.7
I/Adreno ( 286): Remote Branch : NONE
I/Adreno ( 286): Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
I/ ( 320): installd firing up
I/Netd ( 327): Netd 1.0 starting
D/TetherController( 327): Setting IP forward enable = 0
I/QtiConnectivityAdapter( 327): Failed to open libconnctrl, some features may not be present.
E/ ( 327): Failed to open libdatactrl, some features may not be present.
I/irsc_util( 311): Num of entries:284
E/wcnss_service( 314): Failed to open dlopen failed: library "" not found
E/wcnss_service( 314): Failed to Initialize wcnss QMI interface library
E/wcnss_service( 314): Serial Number is 12e2da46
E/wcnss_service( 314): CAL file not found
I/gatekeeperd( 334): Starting gatekeeperd...
I/perfprofd( 354): starting Android Wide Profiling daemon
E/perfprofd( 354): unable to open configuration file /data/data/
I/perfprofd( 354): random seed set to 1740494985
I/keystore( 321): Found keymaster0 module Keymaster QCOM HAL, version 3
I/SoftKeymaster( 321): system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 131: Creating device
D/SoftKeymaster( 321): system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 132: Device address: 0x7f9343e000
D/QCOMKeyMaster( 321): keymaster app is loaded
D/QCOMKeyMaster( 321): keymaster app got loaded at attempt number 0
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 321): QSEECom_get_handle sb_length = 0x2000
D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 321): App is already loaded QSEE and app id = 3
E/mm-camera( 331): server_process_module_init:59, int mods
I/libmdmdetect( 332): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 332): Found internal modem: modem
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 0
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:ats_rtc_init: Time read from RTC -- year = 116, month = 9,day = 9
I/perfd ( 372): type=1400 audit(0.0:11): avc: denied { write } for uid=0 name="perfd" dev="mmcblk0p36" ino=606255 scontext=u:r:perfd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
I/perfd ( 372): type=1400 audit(0.0:12): avc: denied { add_name } for uid=0 name="mpctl" scontext=u:r:perfd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
I/perfd ( 372): type=1400 audit(0.0:13): avc: denied { create } for uid=0 name="mpctl" scontext=u:r:perfd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 1475984425000
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_init_config: ATS_RTC initialized with rc: 0
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 1
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_1
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_1
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 2
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_2
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_2
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 3
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_3
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_3
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 4
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_4
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_4
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 5
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_5
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_5
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 6
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_6
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_6
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 7
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_7
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_7
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 8
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_8
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_8
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 9
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_9
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_9
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 10
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_10
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_10
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 11
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_11
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_11
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 12
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_12
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_12
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 13
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_13
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_13
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_pre_init::Base = 14
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: Storage Name: ats_14
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_14
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff Read operation
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Unable to open filefor read
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_post_init:Error in accessing storage
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_init_config: Other bases initilized, exiting genoff_init
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS9/9/116 3:40:25
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 1, val = 4294967296, operation = 1
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon: genoff get for 1
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS9/9/116 3:40:25
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 1475984425000
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 0
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:Final Time = 1475984425000
I/libmdmdetect( 313): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 313): Found internal modem: modem
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Thermal daemon started
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Using target config file '/system/etc/thermal-engine-8939.conf'
I/perfd ( 372): type=1400 audit(0.0:14): avc: denied { setattr } for uid=0 name="mpctl" dev="mmcblk0p36" ino=606260 scontext=u:r:perfd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): devices_manager_init: Init
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Number of gpus :1
I/Thermal-IOCTL( 313): KTM IOCTL interface "/dev/msm_thermal_query" opened
E/ThermalEngine( 313): update_cpu_topology: Cluster Info[0]. Cluster Id: 1 cpu_bits:0xf sync:1
E/ThermalEngine( 313): update_cpu_topology: Cluster Info[1]. Cluster Id: 0 cpu_bits:0xf0 sync:1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): vdd_rstr_init: Init KTM VDD RSTR enabled: 0
I/ThermalEngine( 313): sensors_manager_init: Init
I/libmdmdetect( 313): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 313): Found internal modem: modem
I/libmdmdetect( 312): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 312): Found internal modem: modem
I/libmdmdetect( 312): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 312): Found internal modem: modem
I/libmdmdetect( 312): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 312): Found internal modem: modem
I/ThermalEngine( 313): BCL sensors setup done.
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Loading config file for virtual sensor
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Loading configuration file /system/etc/thermal-engine-8939.conf
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section global
E/ThermalEngine( 313): virtual_sensors_init: Error getting virtual sensors set
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Loading configuration file /system/etc/thermal-engine-8939.conf
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section global
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Created section 'SS-GPU'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'ss'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section SS-GPU
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'time_constant'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'SS-POPMEM'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'ss'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section SS-POPMEM
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device_max_limit'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'time_constant'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'SS-CPU4-5-6-7'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'ss'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section SS-CPU4-5-6-7
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device_max_limit'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'time_constant'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'SS-CPU3'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'ss'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section SS-CPU3
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device_max_limit'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'time_constant'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'SS-CPU2'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'ss'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section SS-CPU2
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device_max_limit'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'time_constant'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'SS-CPU1'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'ss'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section SS-CPU1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device_max_limit'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'time_constant'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'SS-CPU0'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'ss'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section SS-CPU0
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'set_point_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'device_max_limit'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'time_constant'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Created section 'XO_GPU_MONITOR'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section XO_GPU_MONITOR
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Created section 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section XO_CHARGING_MONITOR
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'CAMERA_CAMCORDER_MONITOR'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section CAMERA_CAMCORDER_MONITOR
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Created section 'CPU0_HOTPLUG_MONITOR'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section CPU0_HOTPLUG_MONITOR
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Created section 'CPU1_HOTPLUG_MONITOR'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section CPU1_HOTPLUG_MONITOR
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Created section 'CPU2_HOTPLUG_MONITOR'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section CPU2_HOTPLUG_MONITOR
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'CPU3_HOTPLUG_MONITOR'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section CPU3_HOTPLUG_MONITOR
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Created section 'CPU5_HOTPLUG_MONITOR'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section CPU5_HOTPLUG_MONITOR
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Created section 'CPU6_HOTPLUG_MONITOR'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section CPU6_HOTPLUG_MONITOR
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS9'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS9
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'descending'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS8'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS8
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'descending'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS7'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS7
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'descending'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS6'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS6
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'descending'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS5'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS5
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'descending'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS3'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS3
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'descending'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS2'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS2
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'descending'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS1'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'descending'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found section 'VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS0'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Algo Type 'monitor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Parsing section VDD_RSTR_MONITOR-TSENS0
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sampling'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'sensor'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'thresholds_clr'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'actions'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'action_info'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Found field 'descending'
I/ThermalEngine( 313): [CPU6_HOTPLUG_MONITOR]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): algo_type monitor
I/ThermalEngine( 313): sampling 1000
I/ThermalEngine( 313): sensor xo_therm_buf
I/ThermalEngine( 313): thresholds 55000
I/ThermalEngine( 313): thresholds_clr 52000
I/ThermalEngine( 313): actions hotplug_6
I/ThermalEngine( 313): action_info 1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): [CPU5_HOTPLUG_MONITOR]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): algo_type monitor
I/ThermalEngine( 313): sampling 1000
I/ThermalEngine( 313): sensor xo_therm_buf
I/ThermalEngine( 313): thresholds 55000
I/ThermalEngine( 313): thresholds_clr 52000
I/ThermalEngine( 313): actions hotplug_5
I/ThermalEngine( 313): action_info 1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): [CPU2_HOTPLUG_MONITOR]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): algo_type monitor
I/ThermalEngine( 313): sampling 1000
I/ThermalEngine( 313): sensor xo_therm_buf
I/ThermalEngine( 313): thresholds 50000
I/ThermalEngine( 313): vdd_restrict_qmi_request: MODEM req level(0) is recorded and waiting for completing QMI registration
I/ThermalEngine( 313): vdd_restrict_qmi_request: ADSP req level(0) is recorded and waiting for completing QMI registration
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_disable_cb: write out 0
I/libmdmdetect( 312): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 312): Found internal modem: modem
I/mediacodec( 322): @@@ mediacodecservice starting
W/ ( 322): No seccomp filter defined for this architecture.
I/ ( 317): sMaxFastTracks = 8
V/MediaUtils( 324): physMem: 1944031232
V/MediaUtils( 324): requested limit: 388806240
V/MediaUtils( 324): actual limit: 388806240
V/MediaUtils( 324): original limits: 4294967295/4294967295
V/MediaUtils( 324): new limits: 388806240/4294967295
W/ ( 324): No seccomp filter defined for this architecture.
I/libmdmdetect( 427): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 427): Found internal modem: modem
I/qcom-bluetooth( 435): /system/etc/ Bluetooth stack is Bluedroid
I/netmgrd ( 427): type=1400 audit(0.0:15): avc: denied { dac_override } for uid=0 capability=1 scontext=u:r:netmgrd:s0 tcontext=u:r:netmgrd:s0 tclass=capability permissive=1
V/AudioDaemonMain( 333): Audio daemon starting sequence..
I/libmdmdetect( 394): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 328): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 328): Found internal modem: modem
I/libmdmdetect( 394): Found internal modem: modem
I/qdutils ( 286): PartialUpdate status: Disabled
I/qdutils ( 286): Left Align: 0
I/qdutils ( 286): Width Align: 0
I/qdutils ( 286): Top Align: 0
I/qdutils ( 286): Height Align: 0
I/qdutils ( 286): Min ROI Width: 0
I/qdutils ( 286): Min ROI Height: 0
I/qdutils ( 286): Needs ROI Merge: 0
I/qdutils ( 286): Dynamic Fps: Enabled
I/qdutils ( 286): Min Panel fps: 45
I/qdutils ( 286): Max Panel fps: 60
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to open fb node 2
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to open fb node 3
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to find HDMI node
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to open fb node 2
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to open fb node 3
E/qdutils ( 286): int qdutils::getHDMINode(): Failed to find HDMI node
E/qdhwcomposer( 286): timeout_handler: HWC proc not registered
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 0 surface_id=-1026555902
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 1 surface_id=-1026555901
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 2 surface_id=-1026555900
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 3 surface_id=-1026555899
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 4 surface_id=-1026555898
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 5 surface_id=-1026555897
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 6 surface_id=-1026555896
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 7 surface_id=-1026555895
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 8 surface_id=-1026555894
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 9 surface_id=-1026555893
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 10 surface_id=-1026555892
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 11 surface_id=-1026555891
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 12 surface_id=-1026555890
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 13 surface_id=-1026555889
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 14 surface_id=-1026555888
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 15 surface_id=-1026555887
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 16 surface_id=-1026555886
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 17 surface_id=-1026555885
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 18 surface_id=-1026555884
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 19 surface_id=-1026555883
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 20 surface_id=-1026555882
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 21 surface_id=-1026555881
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 22 surface_id=-1026555880
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 23 surface_id=-1026555879
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 24 surface_id=-1026555878
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 25 surface_id=-1026555877
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 26 surface_id=-1026555876
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 27 surface_id=-1026555875
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 28 surface_id=-1026555874
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 29 surface_id=-1026555873
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 30 surface_id=-1026555872
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit i = 31 surface_id=-1026555871
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit: 2 Plane YUV i=0 surface_id=-1026555869
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit: 2 Plane YUV i=1 surface_id=-1026555868
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit: 2 Plane YUV i=2 surface_id=-1026555867
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit: 2 Plane YUV i=3 surface_id=-1026555866
W/qdcopybit( 286): open_copybit: 3 Plane YUV i=0 surface_id=-1026555864
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): Initializing Qualcomm Hardware Composer
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): MDP version: 500
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): Using composer version 1.5
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): hwc_registerProcs
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): Initializing UEVENT Thread
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): Initializing VSYNC Thread
D/qdhwcomposer( 286): hwc_getDisplayAttributes disp = 0, width = 1080
D/qdhwcomposer( 286): hwc_getDisplayAttributes disp = 0, height = 1920
E/qdhwcomposer( 286): Unknown display attribute 6
D/qdhwcomposer( 286): hwc_getDisplayAttributes disp = 0, width = 1080
D/qdhwcomposer( 286): hwc_getDisplayAttributes disp = 0, height = 1920
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): vsync_loop: Reading event 0 for dpy 0 from /sys/class/graphics/fb0/vsync_event
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): vsync_loop: Reading event 1 for dpy 0 from /sys/class/graphics/fb0/show_blank_event
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): vsync_loop: Reading event 2 for dpy 0 from /sys/class/graphics/fb0/msm_fb_thermal_level
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): vsync_loop: Reading event 0 for dpy 1 from /sys/class/graphics/fb-1/vsync_event
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): vsync_loop: Reading event 1 for dpy 1 from /sys/class/graphics/fb-1/show_blank_event
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): vsync_loop: Reading event 2 for dpy 1 from /sys/class/graphics/fb-1/msm_fb_thermal_level
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): vsync_loop: Reading event 0 for dpy 2 from /sys/class/graphics/fb-1/vsync_event
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): vsync_loop: Reading event 1 for dpy 2 from /sys/class/graphics/fb-1/show_blank_event
I/qdhwcomposer( 286): vsync_loop: Reading event 2 for dpy 2 from /sys/class/graphics/fb-1/msm_fb_thermal_level
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): EGL information:
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): vendor : Android
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): version : 1.4 Android META-EGL
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): extensions: EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_ANDROID_presentation_time EGL_KHR_swap_buffers_with_damage EGL_ANDROID_create_native_client_buffer EGL_ANDROID_front_buffer_auto_refresh EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_lock_surface EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_ANDROID_recordable EGL_KHR_partial_update EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error EGL_EXT_yuv_surface
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): Client API: OpenGL_ES
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): EGLSurface: 8-8-8-8, config=0x7f96bb1020
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): OpenGL ES informations:
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): vendor : Qualcomm
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): renderer : Adreno (TM) 405
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): version : OpenGL ES 3.1 V@140.0 (GIT@Ia10634f51b)
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): extensions: GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_OES_texture_npot GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_QCOM_alpha_test GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_sRGB GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_OES_sample_variables GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_arr
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16384
I/SurfaceFlinger( 286): GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 16384
I/libmdmdetect( 328): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 328): Found internal modem: modem
E/PerMgrLib( 328): Peripheral manager is not supported on this device
I/libmdmdetect( 394): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 394): Found internal modem: modem
E/PerMgrLib( 394): Peripheral manager is not supported on this device
D/QC-time-services( 332): Daemon:genoff_boot_tod_init: Setting system time to sec =1475984425, nsec =0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_module_init:26 name=vpe
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=10
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:712: done enumerating media entities
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:712: done enumerating media entities
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:717: entity.revision=0
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:712: done enumerating media entities
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:684: no more media devices
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_find_subdev:729: no vpe device found.
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_hardware_create:31: error: cannot find vpe subdev
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_module_create_vpe_ctrl:141, failed, cannnot create vpe hardware instance
E/mm-camera( 331): vpe_module_init:34 failed
E/mm-camera( 331): c2d_module_init:32 name=c2d
E/mm-camera-img( 331): frameproc_comp_load:828] Error opening frameproc library
E/mm-camera( 331): module_imgbase_init_llvd:1440] Error rc -6
E/mm-camera( 331): pproc_module_init:2552] llvd module create failed
I/BufferProvider( 317): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 317): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 317): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5a03bc0 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 317): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf63bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 317): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 317): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 317): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 317): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf63bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 317): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf63bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 317): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 317): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5803800 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 317): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf63bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 317): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 317): batterystats service unavailable!
W/AudioFlinger( 317): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf63d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 317): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 317): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5503300 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf63d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 317): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf63d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 317): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 317): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 317): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 317): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 317): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 317): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 317): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 317): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 317): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 317): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5503700 ready to run
D/r_submix( 317): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 317): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 317): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 317): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 317): RadioService
I/RadioService( 317): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 317): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 317): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 317): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/ThermalEngine( 313): qmi: Instance id 157 for fusion TS
I/ThermalEngine( 313): MODEM thermal mitigation available.
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: MODEM - Pending request: pa mitigation succeeded for level 0.
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Modem:0
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: MODEM - Pending request: cpuv_restriction_cold mitigation succeeded for level 0.
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:VDD[MODEM-cpuv_restriction_cold]:0
W/linker ( 331): /system/vendor/lib/ has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
I/mm-qcamera-daem( 331): type=1400 audit(0.0:18): avc: denied { execmod } for uid=1006 path="/system/vendor/lib/" dev="mmcblk0p34" ino=2562 scontext=u:r:mm-qcamerad:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
E/mm-camera-img( 331): frameproc_comp_load:828] Error opening frameproc library
E/mm-camera( 331): module_imgbase_init_imglib_chroma_flash:1440] Error rc -6
E/mm-camera-img( 331): module_imglib_create_topology:649] Can not init the module imglib_chroma_flash
E/mm-camera-img( 331): frameproc_comp_load:828] Error opening frameproc library
E/mm-camera( 331): module_imgbase_init_imglib_optizoom:1440] Error rc -6
E/mm-camera-img( 331): module_imglib_create_topology:649] Can not init the module imglib_optizoom
E/mm-camera-img( 331): frameproc_comp_load:828] Error opening frameproc library
E/mm-camera( 331): module_imgbase_init_imglib_ubifocus:1440] Error rc -6
E/mm-camera-img( 331): module_imglib_create_topology:649] Can not init the module imglib_ubifocus
E/mm-camera-img( 331): frameproc_comp_load:828] Error opening frameproc library
E/mm-camera( 331): module_imgbase_init_imglib_trueportrait:1440] Error rc -6
E/mm-camera-img( 331): module_imglib_create_topology:649] Can not init the module imglib_trueportrait
E/mm-camera-img( 331): frameproc_comp_load:828] Error opening frameproc library
E/mm-camera( 331): module_imgbase_init_imglib_fssr:1440] Error rc -6
E/mm-camera-img( 331): module_imglib_create_topology:649] Can not init the module imglib_fssr
E/mm-camera-img( 331): frameproc_comp_load:828] Error opening frameproc library
E/mm-camera( 331): module_imgbase_init_imglib_multitouchfocus:1440] Error rc -6
E/mm-camera-img( 331): module_imglib_create_topology:649] Can not init the module imglib_multitouchfocus
I/libmdmdetect( 328): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 328): Found internal modem: modem
I/libmdmdetect( 328): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 328): Found internal modem: modem
D/SurfaceFlinger( 286): SF. shader cache generated - 26 shaders in 685.908203 ms
D/qdutils ( 286): DEBUG_CALC_FPS: 0
D/qdutils ( 286): period: 10
D/qdutils ( 286): ignorethresh_us: 500000
D/libEGL ( 482): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
D/libEGL ( 482): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
D/libEGL ( 482): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
I/qdutils ( 309): PartialUpdate status: Disabled
I/qdutils ( 309): Left Align: 0
I/qdutils ( 309): Width Align: 0
I/qdutils ( 309): Top Align: 0
I/qdutils ( 309): Height Align: 0
I/qdutils ( 309): Min ROI Width: 0
I/qdutils ( 309): Min ROI Height: 0
I/qdutils ( 309): Needs ROI Merge: 0
I/qdutils ( 309): Dynamic Fps: Enabled
I/qdutils ( 309): Min Panel fps: 45
I/qdutils ( 309): Max Panel fps: 60
D/PPDaemon( 309): CABL version 1.1.20130401
D/PPDaemon( 309): isHDMIPrimary: HDMI is not primary display
D/PPDaemon( 309): int dcm_os_intf_control(boolean): Entering
D/PPDaemon( 309): Calling LSM init
D/PPDaemon( 309): Diag_LSM_Init succeeded.
D/AndroidRuntime( 315): >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
D/PPDaemon( 309): QDCM_Service_ErrorTypes InitUtility(): Entering
D/PPDaemon( 309): MDP version: 0x10080000.
D/PPDaemon( 309): MDSS version: 0x10080000.
E/ ( 309): [QDCM_Service_Open,1211]QDCM utility version=0x02060002
D/PPDaemon( 309): QDCM_Service_RegisterCallback() successful.
D/PPDaemon( 309): Panel Name: sharp_rsp61322_1080p_video_mode_dsi_panel
D/PPDaemon( 309): QDCM_Service_ErrorTypes InitUtility(): Exiting
D/PPDaemon( 309): intf.hContext = 0x9222eea0, qdcmContextHandle = 0x7f9222eea0
D/PPDaemon( 309): int dcm_os_intf_control(boolean): Exiting
I/Adreno ( 482): QUALCOMM build : d842ad3, Ia10634f51b
I/Adreno ( 482): Build Date : 01/04/16
I/Adreno ( 482): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.06.00.05
I/Adreno ( 482): Local Branch : mybranch17585849
I/Adreno ( 482): Remote Branch : quic/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.7
I/Adreno ( 482): Remote Branch : NONE
I/Adreno ( 482): Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
D/AndroidRuntime( 315): CheckJNI is ON
I/art ( 315): option[0]=-Xzygote
I/art ( 315): option[1]=-Xcheck:jni
I/art ( 315): option[2]=-Xstacktracefile:/data/anr/traces.txt
I/art ( 315): option[3]=exit
I/art ( 315): option[4]=vfprintf
I/art ( 315): option[5]=sensitiveThread
I/art ( 315): option[6]=-verbose:gc
I/art ( 315): option[7]=-Xms16m
I/art ( 315): option[8]=-Xmx512m
I/art ( 315): option[9]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=192m
I/art ( 315): option[10]=-XX:HeapMinFree=2m
I/art ( 315): option[11]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=8m
I/art ( 315): option[12]=-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.75
I/art ( 315): option[13]=-Xusejit:true
I/art ( 315): option[14]=-Xjitsaveprofilinginfo
I/art ( 315): option[15]=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y
I/art ( 315): option[16]=-Xlockprofthreshold:500
I/art ( 315): option[17]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[18]=--runtime-arg
I/art ( 315): option[19]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[20]=-Xms64m
I/art ( 315): option[21]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[22]=--runtime-arg
I/art ( 315): option[23]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[24]=-Xmx64m
I/art ( 315): option[25]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[26]=--compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/art ( 315): option[27]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[28]=--image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded-classes
I/art ( 315): option[29]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[30]=--compiled-classes=/system/etc/compiled-classes
I/art ( 315): option[31]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[32]=--runtime-arg
I/art ( 315): option[33]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[34]=-Xms64m
I/art ( 315): option[35]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[36]=--runtime-arg
I/art ( 315): option[37]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[38]=-Xmx512m
I/art ( 315): option[39]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[40]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a53
I/art ( 315): option[41]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[42]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a53
I/art ( 315): option[43]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[44]=--instruction-set-features=default
I/art ( 315): option[45]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 315): option[46]=--instruction-set-features=default
I/art ( 315): option[47]=-Duser.locale=en-US
I/art ( 315): option[48]=--cpu-abilist=arm64-v8a
I/art ( 315): option[49]=-Xfingerprint:Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys
I/art ( 315): Pruning dalvik-cache since we are generating an image and will need to recompile
E/BootAnimation( 482): couldn't find audio_conf.txt
D/BootAnimation( 482): Free memory: 1681708, max texture size: 16384
D/BootAnimation( 482): Disabled bootanimation texture cache, FPS drops might occur.
I/art ( 315): Using an offset of 0xff30f000 from default art base address of 0x70000000
I/art ( 315): GenerateImage: /system/bin/dex2oat --image=/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/ --dex-file=/system/framework/core-oj.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-libart.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/conscrypt.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/okhttp.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-junit.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/framework.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/voip-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ims-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/apache-xml.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar --oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@framework@boot.oat --instruction-set=arm64 --instruction-set-features=smp,a53 --base=0x6f30f000 --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx64m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --image-classes=/system/etc/prelo
D/AndroidRuntime( 316): >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 316): CheckJNI is ON
I/art ( 316): option[0]=-Xzygote
I/art ( 316): option[1]=-Xcheck:jni
I/art ( 316): option[2]=-Xstacktracefile:/data/anr/traces.txt
I/art ( 316): option[3]=exit
I/art ( 316): option[4]=vfprintf
I/art ( 316): option[5]=sensitiveThread
I/art ( 316): option[6]=-verbose:gc
I/art ( 316): option[7]=-Xms16m
I/art ( 316): option[8]=-Xmx512m
I/art ( 316): option[9]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=192m
I/art ( 316): option[10]=-XX:HeapMinFree=2m
I/art ( 316): option[11]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=8m
I/art ( 316): option[12]=-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.75
I/art ( 316): option[13]=-Xusejit:true
I/art ( 316): option[14]=-Xjitsaveprofilinginfo
I/art ( 316): option[15]=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y
I/art ( 316): option[16]=-Xlockprofthreshold:500
I/art ( 316): option[17]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[18]=--runtime-arg
I/art ( 316): option[19]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[20]=-Xms64m
I/art ( 316): option[21]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[22]=--runtime-arg
I/art ( 316): option[23]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[24]=-Xmx64m
I/art ( 316): option[25]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[26]=--compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/art ( 316): option[27]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[28]=--image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded-classes
I/art ( 316): option[29]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[30]=--compiled-classes=/system/etc/compiled-classes
I/art ( 316): option[31]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[32]=--runtime-arg
I/art ( 316): option[33]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[34]=-Xms64m
I/art ( 316): option[35]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[36]=--runtime-arg
I/art ( 316): option[37]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[38]=-Xmx512m
I/art ( 316): option[39]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[40]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a53
I/art ( 316): option[41]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[42]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a53
I/art ( 316): option[43]=-Ximage-compiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[44]=--instruction-set-features=default
I/art ( 316): option[45]=-Xcompiler-option
I/art ( 316): option[46]=--instruction-set-features=default
I/art ( 316): option[47]=-Duser.locale=en-US
I/art ( 316): option[48]=--cpu-abilist=armeabi-v7a,armeabi
I/art ( 316): option[49]=-Xfingerprint:Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys
I/dex2oat ( 615): /system/bin/dex2oat --image=/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/ --dex-file=/system/framework/core-oj.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-libart.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/conscrypt.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/okhttp.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-junit.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/framework.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/voip-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ims-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/apache-xml.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar --oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@framework@boot.oat --instruction-set=arm64 --instruction-set-features=smp,a53 --base=0x6f30f000 --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx64m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded-classes --
I/art ( 316): Pruning dalvik-cache since we are generating an image and will need to recompile
I/art ( 316): Using an offset of 0xff994000 from default art base address of 0x70000000
I/art ( 316): GenerateImage: /system/bin/dex2oat --image=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/ --dex-file=/system/framework/core-oj.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-libart.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/conscrypt.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/okhttp.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-junit.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/framework.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/voip-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ims-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/apache-xml.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar --oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat --instruction-set=arm --instruction-set-features=smp,div,atomic_ldrd_strd --base=0x6f994000 --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx64m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --image-classes=/syste
D/MDP_SCALE( 286): Debug enabled = 0, Max mixer width= 2560
I/dex2oat ( 625): /system/bin/dex2oat --image=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/ --dex-file=/system/framework/core-oj.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-libart.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/conscrypt.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/okhttp.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-junit.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/framework.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/voip-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ims-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/apache-xml.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar --oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat --instruction-set=arm --instruction-set-features=smp,div,atomic_ldrd_strd --base=0x6f994000 --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx64m --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded
I/libmdmdetect( 394): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 394): Found internal modem: modem
I/libmdmdetect( 394): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 394): Found internal modem: modem
I/dex2oat ( 615): setting boot class path to /system/framework/core-oj.jar:/system/framework/core-libart.jar:/system/framework/conscrypt.jar:/system/framework/okhttp.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/telephony-common.jar:/system/framework/voip-common.jar:/system/framework/ims-common.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar:/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar:/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar
I/dex2oat ( 625): setting boot class path to /system/framework/core-oj.jar:/system/framework/core-libart.jar:/system/framework/conscrypt.jar:/system/framework/okhttp.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/telephony-common.jar:/system/framework/voip-common.jar:/system/framework/ims-common.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar:/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar:/system/framework/telephony-ext.jar
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 317): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 317): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 317): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 317): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 317): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 317): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 317): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 317): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 317): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 317): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 317): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 317): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 317): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 317): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 317): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 317): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 317): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
--------- beginning of crash
F/libc ( 317): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 317 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=317 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=317
E/ ( 701): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 701): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 701): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 701): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 701): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 701): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 701): pid: 317, tid: 317, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 701): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 701): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 2c884679 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 701): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f6fabe88 r7 f6fa9ac0
F/DEBUG ( 701): r8 f6fa9990 r9 f5a7c060 sl f6fae470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 701): ip ff891494 sp ff891960 lr f6fa4b1b pc f6fa4b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 701):
F/DEBUG ( 701): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 701): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 701): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 701): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 701): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 701): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 701): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 701): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 701): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 701): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 317
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/iptables( 327): iptables v1.4.20: Couldn't find target `fw_dozable'
I/iptables( 327):
I/iptables( 327): Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
I/iptables( 327): iptables terminated by exit(2)
E/Netd ( 327): exec() res=0, status=512 for /system/bin/iptables -w -t filter -D fw_INPUT -j fw_dozable
I/ip6tables( 327): ip6tables v1.4.20: Couldn't find target `fw_dozable'
I/ip6tables( 327):
I/ip6tables( 327): Try `ip6tables -h' or 'ip6tables --help' for more information.
I/ip6tables( 327): ip6tables terminated by exit(2)
E/Netd ( 327): exec() res=0, status=512 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -t filter -D fw_INPUT -j fw_dozable
I/iptables( 327): iptables v1.4.20: Couldn't find target `fw_standby'
I/iptables( 327):
I/iptables( 327): Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
I/iptables( 327): iptables terminated by exit(2)
E/Netd ( 327): exec() res=0, status=512 for /system/bin/iptables -w -t filter -D fw_INPUT -j fw_standby
I/ip6tables( 327): ip6tables v1.4.20: Couldn't find target `fw_standby'
I/ip6tables( 327):
I/ip6tables( 327): Try `ip6tables -h' or 'ip6tables --help' for more information.
I/ip6tables( 327): ip6tables terminated by exit(2)
E/Netd ( 327): exec() res=0, status=512 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -t filter -D fw_INPUT -j fw_standby
I/iptables( 327): iptables v1.4.20: Couldn't find target `fw_powersave'
I/iptables( 327):
I/iptables( 327): Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
I/iptables( 327): iptables terminated by exit(2)
E/Netd ( 327): exec() res=0, status=512 for /system/bin/iptables -w -t filter -D fw_INPUT -j fw_powersave
I/ip6tables( 327): ip6tables v1.4.20: Couldn't find target `fw_powersave'
I/ip6tables( 327):
I/ip6tables( 327): Try `ip6tables -h' or 'ip6tables --help' for more information.
I/ip6tables( 327): ip6tables terminated by exit(2)
E/Netd ( 327): exec() res=0, status=512 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -t filter -D fw_INPUT -j fw_powersave
V/NatController( 327): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -F natctrl_FORWARD) res=0
V/NatController( 327): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -j DROP) res=0
V/NatController( 327): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -F natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING) res=0
V/NatController( 327): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -F natctrl_tether_counters) res=1
V/NatController( 327): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -X natctrl_tether_counters) res=1
V/NatController( 327): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -N natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
V/NatController( 327): runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t mangle -A natctrl_mangle_FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu) res=0
D/MDnsDS ( 327): MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
D/MDnsDS ( 327): MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
D/MDnsDS ( 327): Going to poll with pollCount 1
D/BootAnimation( 482): Free memory: 1676060, max texture size: 16384
D/BootAnimation( 482): Disabled bootanimation texture cache, FPS drops might occur.
I/ ( 799): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 799): ServiceManager: 0xf6799580
W/BatteryNotifier( 799): batterystats service unavailable!
I/AudioFlinger( 799): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 799): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 799): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/libmdmdetect( 427): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 427): Found internal modem: modem
I/libmdmdetect( 427): ESOC framework not supported
I/libmdmdetect( 427): Found internal modem: modem
I/dex2oat ( 615): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7874(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 45% free, 4MB/8MB, paused 123us total 26.658ms
I/dex2oat ( 625): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7874(1462KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 58% free, 2MB/6MB, paused 92us total 22.832ms
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 799): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 799): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
I/audioserver( 799): type=1400 audit(0.0:19): avc: denied { read } for uid=1041 name="class" dev="sysfs" ino=10 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
I/audioserver( 799): type=1400 audit(0.0:20): avc: denied { open } for uid=1041 path="/sys/class" dev="sysfs" ino=10 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 799): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 799): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 799): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 799): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 799): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 799): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 799): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 799): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 799): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 799): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 799): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-147268596
D/msm8916_platform( 799): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-147268596
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 799): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 799): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 799): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 799): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 799): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 799): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 799): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 799): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 799): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 799): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 799): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 799): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 799): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 799): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 799): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 799): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 799): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 799): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 799): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 799): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 799): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 799): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf67bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 799): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf67bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 799): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 799): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 799): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 799): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5e03540 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 799): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf67bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 799): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 799): batterystats service unavailable!
W/AudioFlinger( 799): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 799): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf67bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 799): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf67bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 799): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 799): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5c03240 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 799): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf67bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 799): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 799): batterystats service unavailable!
W/AudioFlinger( 799): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf67d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 799): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 799): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5903400 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf67d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 799): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf67d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 799): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 799): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 799): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 799): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 799): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 799): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 799): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 799): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 799): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 799): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5903e80 ready to run
D/r_submix( 799): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 799): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 799): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 799): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 799): RadioService
I/RadioService( 799): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 799): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 799): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 799): platform_stdev_init: Enter
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 799): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 799): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 799): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 799): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 799): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 799): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 799): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 799): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 799): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 799): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 799): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 799): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 799): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 799): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 799): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 799): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 799): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 799): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 799 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=799 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=799
E/ ( 836): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 836): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 836): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 836): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 836): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 836): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 836): pid: 799, tid: 799, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 836): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 836): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 aab6e390 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 836): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f7319e88 r7 f7317ac0
F/DEBUG ( 836): r8 f7317990 r9 f67c2060 sl f731c470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 836): ip ffc3e5d4 sp ffc3eaa0 lr f7312b1b pc f7312b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 836):
F/DEBUG ( 836): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 836): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 836): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 836): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 836): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 836): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 836): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 836): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 836): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 836): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 799
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 615): dex2oat took 5.589s (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=4MB (5016056B) native alloc=9MB (9842312B) free=4MB (4837752B)
I/dex2oat ( 625): dex2oat took 5.526s (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=2MB (2939880B) native alloc=7MB (7444624B) free=4MB (5007216B)
D/ICU ( 316): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
D/ICU ( 315): No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
W/art ( 316): Before Android 4.1, method double java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextDouble(double, double) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
W/art ( 316): Before Android 4.1, method int java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextInt(int, int) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
W/art ( 316): Before Android 4.1, method long java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextLong(long, long) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
W/art ( 315): Before Android 4.1, method double java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextDouble(double, double) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
W/art ( 315): Before Android 4.1, method int java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextInt(int, int) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
W/art ( 315): Before Android 4.1, method long java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextLong(long, long) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random
I/Radio-JNI( 316): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
I/Radio-JNI( 315): register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
I/SamplingProfilerIntegration( 316): Profiling disabled.
D/Zygote ( 316): begin preload
I/Zygote ( 316): Installing ICU cache reference pinning...
I/Zygote ( 316): Preloading ICU data...
I/SamplingProfilerIntegration( 315): Profiling disabled.
D/Zygote ( 315): begin preload
I/Zygote ( 315): Installing ICU cache reference pinning...
I/Zygote ( 315): Preloading ICU data...
I/Zygote ( 315): Preloading classes...
I/Zygote ( 316): Preloading classes...
I/ ( 849): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 849): ServiceManager: 0xf6a19580
W/BatteryNotifier( 849): batterystats service unavailable!
I/AudioFlinger( 849): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 849): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 849): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
E/Typeface( 315): Error mapping font file /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
E/Typeface( 316): Error mapping font file /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 47.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CAMERA_CAMCORDER_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 47.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Thermal-Server: No client connected to socket
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Camera:1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Thermal-Server: No client connected to socket
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Camcorder:1
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 849): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 849): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 849): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 849): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 849): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 849): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 849): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 849): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 849): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 849): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 849): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 849): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 849): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-144507892
D/msm8916_platform( 849): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-144507892
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 849): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 849): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 849): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 849): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 849): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 849): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 849): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 849): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 849): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 849): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 849): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 849): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 849): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 849): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 849): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 849): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 849): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 849): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 849): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 849): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 849): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 849): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf6a3b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 849): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf6a3b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 849): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 849): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 849): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 849): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf6083740 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 849): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf6a3b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 849): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 849): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 849): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 849): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf6a3b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 849): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf6a3b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 849): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 849): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5e836c0 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 849): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf6a3b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 849): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 849): batterystats service unavailable!
W/AudioFlinger( 849): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6a50ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 849): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 849): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83a80 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6a50ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 849): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6a50ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 849): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 849): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 849): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 849): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 849): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 849): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 849): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 849): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 849): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 849): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83140 ready to run
D/r_submix( 849): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 849): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 849): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 849): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 849): RadioService
I/RadioService( 849): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 849): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 849): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 849): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1497600 Khz
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 849): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 849): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 849): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 849): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 849): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 849): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 849): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 849): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 849): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 849): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 849): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 849): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 849): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 849): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 849): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 849): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 849): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 849): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 849 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=849 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=849
E/ ( 859): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 859): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 859): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 859): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 859): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 859): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 859): pid: 849, tid: 849, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 859): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 859): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 37d3c9bd r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 859): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f75bbe88 r7 f75b9ac0
F/DEBUG ( 859): r8 f75b9990 r9 f6a42070 sl f75be470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 859): ip ff7f63c4 sp ff7f6890 lr f75b4b1b pc f75b4b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 859):
F/DEBUG ( 859): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 859): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 859): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 859): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 859): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 859): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 859): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 859): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 859): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 859): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 849
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1459200 Khz
I/art ( 315): Thread[1,tid=315,Native,Thread*=0x7f74a95a00,peer=0x12c560d0,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/"
D/MtpDeviceJNI( 315): register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
I/art ( 315): Thread[1,tid=315,Native,Thread*=0x7f74a95a00,peer=0x12c560d0,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/"
I/art ( 315): Thread[1,tid=315,Native,Thread*=0x7f74a95a00,peer=0x12c560d0,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib64/"
I/art ( 316): Thread[1,tid=316,Native,Thread*=0xf4a85400,peer=0x12c04f70,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/"
D/MtpDeviceJNI( 316): register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
I/art ( 316): Thread[1,tid=316,Native,Thread*=0xf4a85400,peer=0x12c04f70,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/"
I/art ( 316): Thread[1,tid=316,Native,Thread*=0xf4a85400,peer=0x12c04f70,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/"
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 2 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Battery:1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:CLUSTER[1]:1344000 Khz
I/ ( 864): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 864): ServiceManager: 0xf6599580
W/BatteryNotifier( 864): batterystats service unavailable!
I/AudioFlinger( 864): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 864): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 864): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
W/System ( 315): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/tcmclient.jar
W/System ( 316): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/tcmclient.jar
I/System ( 315): Loaded time zone names for "" in 79ms (51ms in ICU)
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 864): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 864): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 864): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 864): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 864): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 864): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 864): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 864): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 864): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 864): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 864): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 864): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 864): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-149230580
D/msm8916_platform( 864): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-149230580
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 864): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 864): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 864): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 864): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 864): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 864): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 864): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 864): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 864): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 864): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 864): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 864): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 864): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 864): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 864): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 864): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
I/System ( 315): Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in 195ms (39ms in ICU)
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 864): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 864): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 864): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 864): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 864): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 864): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf65bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 864): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf65bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 864): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 864): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 864): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 864): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5c03080 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 864): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf65bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 864): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 864): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 864): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 864): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf65bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 864): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf65bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 864): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 864): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5a03540 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 864): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf65bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 864): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 864): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 864): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf65d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 864): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 864): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5703b80 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf65d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 864): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf65d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 864): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 864): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 864): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 864): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 864): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 864): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 864): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 864): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 864): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 864): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf57032c0 ready to run
D/r_submix( 864): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 864): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 864): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 864): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 864): RadioService
I/RadioService( 864): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 864): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 864): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 864): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/System ( 316): Loaded time zone names for "" in 85ms (51ms in ICU)
I/System ( 316): Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in 195ms (37ms in ICU)
I/Zygote ( 315): ...preloaded 4161 classes in 8341ms.
I/art ( 315): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches starting
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 864): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 864): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 864): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 864): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 864): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 864): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 864): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 864): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 864): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 864): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 864): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 864): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 864): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 864): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 864): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 864): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 864): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 864): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 864 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=864 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=864
E/ ( 875): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
I/art ( 315): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches strings total=285721 before=11780 after=11780
I/art ( 315): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches types total=23628 before=9235 after=11254
I/art ( 315): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches fields total=112794 before=40573 after=53552
I/art ( 315): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches methods total=198346 before=77996 after=95943
I/art ( 315): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches finished
F/DEBUG ( 875): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 875): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 875): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 875): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 875): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 875): pid: 864, tid: 864, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 875): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 875): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 dd7c17f0 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 875): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f7185e88 r7 f7183ac0
F/DEBUG ( 875): r8 f7183990 r9 f65c2060 sl f7188470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 875): ip fffc6594 sp fffc6a60 lr f717eb1b pc f717eb1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 875):
F/DEBUG ( 875): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 875): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 875): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 875): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 875): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 875): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 875): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 875): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 875): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 875): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 864
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/Zygote ( 315): Preloading resources...
I/Zygote ( 316): ...preloaded 4161 classes in 8932ms.
I/art ( 316): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches starting
I/art ( 316): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches strings total=285721 before=11780 after=11780
I/art ( 316): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches types total=23628 before=9235 after=11254
I/art ( 316): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches fields total=112794 before=40573 after=53552
I/art ( 316): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches methods total=198346 before=77996 after=95943
I/art ( 316): VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches finished
I/Zygote ( 316): Preloading resources...
I/Zygote ( 315): ...preloaded 114 resources in 558ms.
I/Zygote ( 315): ...preloaded 41 resources in 43ms.
D/libEGL ( 315): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
D/libEGL ( 315): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
D/libEGL ( 315): loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
I/Zygote ( 315): Preloading shared libraries...
I/Zygote ( 315): Uninstalled ICU cache reference pinning...
I/Zygote ( 315): Installed AndroidKeyStoreProvider in 28ms.
I/Zygote ( 316): ...preloaded 114 resources in 564ms.
I/Zygote ( 316): ...preloaded 41 resources in 45ms.
D/libEGL ( 316): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
D/libEGL ( 316): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
D/libEGL ( 316): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
I/Zygote ( 316): Preloading shared libraries...
I/Zygote ( 315): Warmed up JCA providers in 562ms.
D/Zygote ( 315): end preload
I/art ( 315): Starting a blocking GC Explicit
I/art ( 315): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7643(422KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 10MB/17MB, paused 217us total 35.154ms
I/Zygote ( 316): Uninstalled ICU cache reference pinning...
I/art ( 315): Starting a blocking GC Explicit
I/art ( 315): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 922(28KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 10MB/17MB, paused 224us total 29.636ms
I/Zygote ( 316): Installed AndroidKeyStoreProvider in 34ms.
I/art ( 315): Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
I/art ( 315): Starting a blocking GC Background
I/Zygote ( 315): System server process 882 has been created
I/Zygote ( 315): Accepting command socket connections
I/Zygote ( 316): Warmed up JCA providers in 641ms.
D/Zygote ( 316): end preload
I/art ( 316): Starting a blocking GC Explicit
I/art ( 316): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10407(523KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 9MB/15MB, paused 321us total 48.384ms
I/art ( 316): Starting a blocking GC Explicit
I/art ( 316): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1868(70KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 9MB/15MB, paused 241us total 33.630ms
I/Zygote ( 316): Accepting command socket connections
I/Zygote ( 882): Process: zygote socket opened, supported ABIS: armeabi-v7a,armeabi
I/InstallerConnection( 882): connecting...
I/ ( 320): new connection
I/ ( 893): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 893): ServiceManager: 0xf6799580
W/BatteryNotifier( 893): batterystats service unavailable!
I/AudioFlinger( 893): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 893): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
I/dex2oat ( 894): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 893): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/dex2oat ( 894): dex2oat took 925.305ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=2MB (2881856B) java alloc=1079KB (1105240B) native alloc=2MB (2944264B) free=5MB (5968632B)
I/dex2oat ( 907): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 893): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 893): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 893): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 893): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 893): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 893): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 893): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 893): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 893): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 893): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 893): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 893): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 893): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-147182580
D/msm8916_platform( 893): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-147182580
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 893): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 893): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 893): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 893): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 893): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 893): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 893): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 893): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 893): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 893): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 893): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 893): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 893): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 893): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 893): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 893): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 893): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 893): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 893): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 893): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 893): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 893): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf67bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 893): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf67bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 893): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 893): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 893): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 893): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5e03540 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 893): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf67bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 893): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 893): batterystats service unavailable!
W/AudioFlinger( 893): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 893): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf67bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 893): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf67bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 893): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 893): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5c03240 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 893): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf67bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 893): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 893): batterystats service unavailable!
W/AudioFlinger( 893): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf67d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 893): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 893): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5903400 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf67d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 893): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf67d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 893): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 893): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 893): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 893): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 893): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 893): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 893): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 893): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 893): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 893): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5783e80 ready to run
D/r_submix( 893): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 893): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 893): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 893): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 893): RadioService
I/RadioService( 893): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 893): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 893): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 893): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/dex2oat ( 907): dex2oat took 327.881ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=447KB (458144B) java alloc=162KB (166520B) native alloc=1732KB (1774056B) free=3MB (3468824B)
I/dex2oat ( 922): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 893): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 893): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 893): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 893): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 893): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 893): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 893): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 893): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 893): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 893): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 893): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 893): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 893): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 893): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 893): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 893): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 893): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 893): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 893 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=893 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=893
E/ ( 931): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 931): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 931): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 931): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 931): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 931): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 931): pid: 893, tid: 893, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 931): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 931): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 ebe4dd86 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 931): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f732ee88 r7 f732cac0
F/DEBUG ( 931): r8 f732c990 r9 f5bff0a0 sl f7331470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 931): ip fff9bac4 sp fff9bf90 lr f7327b1b pc f7327b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 931):
F/DEBUG ( 931): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 931): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 931): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 931): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 931): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 931): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 931): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 931): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 931): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 931): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 893
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void$BluetoothHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message) took 125.899ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void$MainHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message) took 238.598ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void took 696.209ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of int, android.content.Intent, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String,,, android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionSession,, android.os.IBinder, java.lang.String, int, int, int, java.lang.String, int, int, int,, boolean, boolean,[],$ActivityContainer, took 103.065ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of$ContentProviderHolder, java.lang.String, android.os.IBinder, boolean, int) took 141.054ms
I/ ( 936): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 936): ServiceManager: 0xf6a19580
W/BatteryNotifier( 936): batterystats service unavailable!
I/AudioFlinger( 936): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 936): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 936): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void,, java.lang.String[]) took 126.690ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void took 222.544ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of int, java.lang.String, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.content.IIntentReceiver, int, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String[], int, android.os.Bundle, boolean, boolean, int, int, int) took 174.832ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void,, java.lang.String[]) took 106.264ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void,, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], boolean, took 312.728ms
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 936): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 936): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 936): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 936): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 936): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 936): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 936): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 936): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 936): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 936): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 936): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 936): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 936): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-144278516
D/msm8916_platform( 936): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-144278516
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 936): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 936): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 936): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 936): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 936): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 936): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 936): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 936): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 936): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 936): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 936): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 936): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 936): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 936): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 936): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 936): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 936): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 936): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void,, java.lang.String[], int, boolean, java.lang.String) took 153.977ms
D/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 936): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 936): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 936): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 936): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf6a3b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 936): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf6a3b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 936): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 936): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 936): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 936): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf6083740 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 936): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf6a3b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 936): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 936): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 936): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 936): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf6a3b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 936): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf6a3b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 936): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 936): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5e836c0 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 936): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf6a3b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 936): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 936): batterystats service unavailable!
W/AudioFlinger( 936): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6a50ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 936): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 936): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83a80 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6a50ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 936): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6a50ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 936): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 936): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 936): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 936): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 936): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 936): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 936): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 936): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 936): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 936): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83140 ready to run
D/r_submix( 936): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 936): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 936): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 936): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 936): RadioService
I/RadioService( 936): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 936): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 936): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 936): platform_stdev_init: Enter
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void, java.lang.String, android.content.Context, boolean) took 101.868ms
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 936): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 936): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 936): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 936): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 936): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 936): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 936): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 936): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 936): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 936): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 936): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 936): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 936): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 936): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 936): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 936): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 936): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 936): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 936 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=936 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=936
E/ ( 946): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 946): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 946): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 946): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 946): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 946): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 946): pid: 936, tid: 936, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 946): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 946): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 fc38d4a4 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 946): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f7608e88 r7 f7606ac0
F/DEBUG ( 946): r8 f7606990 r9 f5e7f0a0 sl f760b470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 946): ip ffdd7a94 sp ffdd7f60 lr f7601b1b pc f7601b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 946):
F/DEBUG ( 946): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 946): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 946): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 946): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 946): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 946): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 946): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 946): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 946): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 946): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void took 314.118ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void<init>(android.content.Context,, boolean, boolean) took 260.315ms
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 936
E/ ( 253): debuggerd: failed to send signal 18 to target: No such process
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, android.util.ArraySet,, java.text.SimpleDateFormat, java.util.Date, java.util.List, boolean) took 119.097ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void took 161.919ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void$BinderService.dump(,, java.lang.String[]) took 107.623ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void$InstallArgs,$PackageInstalledInfo) took 190.011ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) took 116.879ms
I/ ( 951): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 951): ServiceManager: 0xf6299580
W/BatteryNotifier( 951): batterystats service unavailable!
I/AudioFlinger( 951): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 951): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 951): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of$Package$Package, int, int, long, android.os.UserHandle) took 374.323ms
W/dex2oat ( 922): Compilation of void,, java.lang.String[]) took 366.848ms
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU2_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 4
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[2]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU1_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 6
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[1]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU0_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 7
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[0]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 3 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Battery:2
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_GPU_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: GPU - Setting GPU[0] to 465000000
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:GPU[0]:465000000 Hz
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CAMERA_CAMCORDER_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 2 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Thermal-Server: No client connected to socket
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Camera:2
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Thermal-Server: No client connected to socket
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Camcorder:2
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU3_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out f
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[3]
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 951): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 951): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 951): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 951): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 951): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 951): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 951): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 951): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 951): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 951): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 951): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 951): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 951): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-152278004
D/msm8916_platform( 951): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-152278004
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 951): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 951): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 951): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 951): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 951): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 951): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 951): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 951): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 951): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 951): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 951): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 951): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 951): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 951): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 951): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 951): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 951): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 951): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 951): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 951): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 951): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 951): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf62bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 951): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf62bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 951): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 951): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 951): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 951): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5903180 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 951): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf62bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 951): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 951): batterystats service unavailable!
W/AudioFlinger( 951): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 951): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf62bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 951): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf62bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 951): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 951): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5703980 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 951): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf62bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 951): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 951): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf62d0ec0) io_handle(14)
W/AudioFlinger( 951): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
E/audio_hw_extn( 951): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 951): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf54036c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf62d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 951): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf62d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 951): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 951): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 951): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 951): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 951): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 951): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 951): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 951): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 951): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 951): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5403940 ready to run
D/r_submix( 951): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 951): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 951): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 951): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 951): RadioService
I/RadioService( 951): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 951): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 951): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 951): platform_stdev_init: Enter
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 951): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 951): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 951): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 951): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 951): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 951): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 951): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 951): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 951): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 951): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 951): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 951): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 951): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 951): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 951): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 951): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 951): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 951): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 951 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=951 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=951
E/ ( 962): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
I/dex2oat ( 922): dex2oat took 11.111s (threads: 8) arena alloc=21MB (22437368B) java alloc=5MB (6261064B) native alloc=31MB (33368976B) free=25MB (27186288B)
F/DEBUG ( 962): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 962): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 962): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 962): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 962): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 962): pid: 951, tid: 951, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 962): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 962): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 9aabe311 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 962): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f6eefe88 r7 f6eedac0
F/DEBUG ( 962): r8 f6eed990 r9 f62c20a0 sl f6ef2470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 962): ip ff8123f4 sp ff8128c0 lr f6ee8b1b pc f6ee8b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 962):
F/DEBUG ( 962): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 962): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 962): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 962): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 962): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 962): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 962): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 962): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 962): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 962): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
I/dex2oat ( 963): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 951
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 963): dex2oat took 924.499ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=1048KB (1073280B) java alloc=267KB (273640B) native alloc=1509KB (1546176B) free=3MB (3434560B)
I/dex2oat ( 976): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
W/dex2oat ( 976): Compilation of, int) took 112.643ms
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU2_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out b
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[2]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU1_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 9
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[1]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU0_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 8
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[0]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 3 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Battery:1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU3_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 0
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[3]
W/dex2oat ( 976): Compilation of void$1.onWriteCalled( took 110.291ms
I/ ( 985): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 985): ServiceManager: 0xf6819580
W/BatteryNotifier( 985): batterystats service unavailable!
I/AudioFlinger( 985): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 985): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): adev_open: enter
W/dex2oat ( 976): Compilation of void$WifiLog.writeTo( took 179.109ms
D/msm8916_platform( 985): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
W/dex2oat ( 976): Compilation of, boolean, java.util.List, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) took 145.043ms
W/dex2oat ( 976): Compilation of boolean$ConnectModeState.processMessage(android.os.Message) took 165.573ms
I/dex2oat ( 976): dex2oat took 2.652s (threads: 8) arena alloc=12MB (12901864B) java alloc=1140KB (1168352B) native alloc=5MB (5896200B) free=17MB (17958904B)
I/InstallerConnection( 882): disconnecting...
E/ ( 320): eof
E/ ( 320): failed to read size
I/ ( 320): closing connection
I/SystemServer( 882): Entered the Android system server!
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/Installer( 882): Waiting for installd to be ready.
I/InstallerConnection( 882): connecting...
I/ ( 320): new connection
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
I/ActivityManager( 882): Memory class: 192
I/ServiceThread( 882): Enabled StrictMode logging for ActivityManager looper.
I/ServiceThread( 882): Enabled StrictMode logging for android.ui looper.
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 985): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 985): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 985): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 985): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 985): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 985): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 985): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 985): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 985): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 985): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 985): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 985): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 985): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-146568180
D/msm8916_platform( 985): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-146568180
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 985): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 985): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 985): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 985): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 985): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 985): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 985): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 985): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 985): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 985): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 985): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 985): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 985): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 985): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 985): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 985): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/BatteryStatsImpl( 882): Reading daily items from /data/system/batterystats-daily.xml
D/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 985): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 985): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 985): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 985): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 985): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 985): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf683b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 985): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf683b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 985): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 985): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 985): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 985): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5e83280 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 985): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf683b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 985): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 985): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 985): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 985): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf683b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 985): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf683b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 985): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 985): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5c83980 ready to run
W/BatteryNotifier( 985): batterystats service unavailable!
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf683b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/BatteryNotifier( 985): batterystats service unavailable!
W/BatteryNotifier( 985): batterystats service unavailable!
W/AudioFlinger( 985): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6850ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 985): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 985): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983200 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6850ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 985): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6850ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 985): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 985): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 985): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 985): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 985): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 985): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 985): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 985): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 985): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 985): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983580 ready to run
D/r_submix( 985): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 985): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 985): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 985): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 985): RadioService
I/RadioService( 985): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 985): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 985): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 985): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/AppOps ( 882): No existing app ops /data/system/appops.xml; starting empty
I/IntentFirewall( 882): Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
I/ServiceThread( 882): Enabled StrictMode logging for android.display looper.
D/AppOps ( 882): AppOpsService published
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/ServiceThread( 882): Enabled StrictMode logging for PowerManagerService looper.
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Unable to open prefetcher: dlopen failed: library "" not found
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Failed to get prefetcher handle.
I/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): QCOM power HAL initing.
W/libsuspend( 882): Error writing 'on' to /sys/power/state: Invalid argument
I/libsuspend( 882): Selected wakeup count
D/PowerHAL_MSM8939_Ext( 882): Enabling big CPU cluster
E/PowerHAL_MSM8939_Ext( 882): Error opening /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/core_ctl/max_cpus: Permission denied
I/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Got set_interactive hint
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Error opening sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor: No such file or directory
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Error opening sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: No such file or directory
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Error opening sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Permission denied
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Error opening sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: No such file or directory
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Error opening sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Permission denied
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Failed to write to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 882): Invalid hint ID.
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting phase 100
I/DisplayManagerService( 882): Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 1080 x 1920, modeId 1, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1080, height=1920, fps=60.0}], colorTransformId 1, defaultColorTransformId 1, supportedColorTransforms [{id=1, colorTransform=0}], HdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@d9cbbdc, density 480, 449.704 x 447.412 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state UNKNOWN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
D/SurfaceFlinger( 286): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7f96a48a00
D/SurfaceFlinger( 286): Screen type=0 is already mode=2
I/DisplayManagerService( 882): Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
I/SystemServer( 882): StartPackageManagerService
W/FileUtils( 882): Failed to chmod(/data/system/packages.list): android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
D/SELinuxMMAC( 882): Using policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
I/PackageManager( 882): No settings file; creating initial state
I/dex2oat ( 1011): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 985): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 985): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 985): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 985): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 985): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 985): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 985): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 985): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 985): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 985): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 985): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 985): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 985): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 985): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 985): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 985): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 985): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 985): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 985 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=985 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=985
E/ ( 1013): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1013): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1013): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1013): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1013): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1013): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1013): pid: 985, tid: 985, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1013): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1013): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 ed73cdc5 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1013): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f73d9e88 r7 f73d7ac0
F/DEBUG ( 1013): r8 f73d7990 r9 f6842070 sl f73dc470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1013): ip ffcf3f54 sp ffcf4420 lr f73d2b1b pc f73d2b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1013):
F/DEBUG ( 1013): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1013): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1013): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1013): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1013): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1013): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1013): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1013): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1013): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1013): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 985
I/dex2oat ( 1011): dex2oat took 799.509ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=2MB (2541088B) java alloc=849KB (869448B) native alloc=2MB (2431088B) free=5MB (5957520B)
I/dex2oat ( 1025): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1025): dex2oat took 385.970ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=1799KB (1843112B) java alloc=247KB (253400B) native alloc=1617KB (1656032B) free=3MB (4111136B)
I/dex2oat ( 1034): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1034): dex2oat took 278.832ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=325KB (333064B) java alloc=334KB (342104B) native alloc=1294KB (1325992B) free=2MB (2868312B)
I/dex2oat ( 1043): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1043): dex2oat took 218.615ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=252KB (258320B) java alloc=52KB (54104B) native alloc=1094KB (1120368B) free=1465KB (1501072B)
I/dex2oat ( 1052): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1052): dex2oat took 357.643ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=3MB (3321384B) java alloc=134KB (137912B) native alloc=1274KB (1305000B) free=4MB (4462168B)
I/dex2oat ( 1062): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1062): dex2oat took 273.627ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=574KB (587848B) java alloc=45KB (47064B) native alloc=1026KB (1051264B) free=2MB (3143040B)
I/dex2oat ( 1072): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/ ( 1067): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1067): ServiceManager: 0xf6299580
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1067): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): adev_open: enter
I/dex2oat ( 1072): dex2oat took 185.801ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=11KB (11736B) java alloc=39KB (40616B) native alloc=861KB (882576B) free=1186KB (1214576B)
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/dex2oat ( 1085): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1085): dex2oat took 470.101ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=3MB (3917616B) java alloc=286KB (293872B) native alloc=1774KB (1817264B) free=6MB (6571344B)
I/dex2oat ( 1096): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1096): dex2oat took 448.549ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=1461KB (1496896B) java alloc=521KB (533800B) native alloc=1385KB (1418872B) free=4MB (4872584B)
E/art ( 882): DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file '/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar' does not exist
W/PackageManager( 882): Library not found: /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/dex2oat ( 1105): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1067): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1067): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1067): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1067): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1067): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1067): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1067): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-152011764
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-152011764
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1067): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1067): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1067): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1067): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1067): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1067): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1067): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1067): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1067): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1067): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1067): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1067): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1067): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1067): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1067): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1067): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1067): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1067): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1067): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf62bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1067): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf62bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1067): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5903180 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf62bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1067): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf62bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1067): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf62bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5703980 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf62bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 1067): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf62d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1067): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf54036c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf62d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1067): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf62d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1067): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1067): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1067): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1067): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1067): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1067): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1067): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5403940 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1067): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1067): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1067): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1067): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1067): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1067): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1067): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1067): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1067): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/dex2oat ( 1105): dex2oat took 221.020ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=294KB (301720B) java alloc=136KB (140120B) native alloc=1102KB (1128712B) free=2MB (2541304B)
I/dex2oat ( 1121): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1121): dex2oat took 179.867ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=84KB (86488B) java alloc=60KB (62408B) native alloc=1035KB (1059968B) free=2036KB (2085760B)
I/dex2oat ( 1130): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1130): dex2oat took 422.251ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=1576KB (1614720B) java alloc=179KB (183368B) native alloc=1770KB (1813488B) free=4MB (4477968B)
I/dex2oat ( 1140): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1067): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1067): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1067): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1067): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1067): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1067): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1067): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1067): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1067): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1067): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1067): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1067): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1067): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1067): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1067): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1067): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1067): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1067): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1067 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1067 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1067
I/dex2oat ( 1140): dex2oat took 269.051ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=634KB (649384B) java alloc=283KB (290760B) native alloc=1317KB (1348640B) free=3MB (3369952B)
E/ ( 1150): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
I/dex2oat ( 1151): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
F/DEBUG ( 1150): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1150): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1150): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1150): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1150): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1150): pid: 1067, tid: 1067, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1150): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1150): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 f1370def r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1150): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f6e7ae88 r7 f6e78ac0
F/DEBUG ( 1150): r8 f6e78990 r9 f62c10e0 sl f6e7d470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1150): ip ffc78434 sp ffc78900 lr f6e73b1b pc f6e73b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1150):
F/DEBUG ( 1150): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1150): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1150): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1150): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1150): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1150): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1150): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1150): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1150): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1150): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1067
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 1151): dex2oat took 212.517ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=262KB (268856B) java alloc=48KB (49400B) native alloc=1106KB (1132632B) free=1453KB (1488808B)
I/dex2oat ( 1164): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1164): dex2oat took 363.616ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=3MB (3594520B) java alloc=137KB (140640B) native alloc=1340KB (1372552B) free=6MB (6491768B)
I/dex2oat ( 1173): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1173): dex2oat took 180.331ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=16KB (16528B) java alloc=40KB (41184B) native alloc=853KB (874416B) free=1194KB (1222736B)
I/dex2oat ( 1182): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1182): dex2oat took 423.474ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=3MB (4036000B) java alloc=339KB (347224B) native alloc=1801KB (1844544B) free=6MB (7068352B)
I/dex2oat ( 1191): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1191): dex2oat took 430.085ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=1877KB (1922104B) java alloc=559KB (572960B) native alloc=1494KB (1530712B) free=4MB (4760744B)
E/art ( 882): DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file '/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar' does not exist
W/PackageManager( 882): Library not found: /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar
I/dex2oat ( 1202): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1202): dex2oat took 220.521ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=301KB (308640B) java alloc=115KB (118576B) native alloc=1098KB (1124544B) free=2MB (3069760B)
I/dex2oat ( 1211): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1211): dex2oat took 182.816ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=102KB (105336B) java alloc=63KB (65240B) native alloc=1030KB (1055080B) free=2MB (2614936B)
D/PackageManager( 882): No files in app dir /vendor/overlay
D/PackageManager( 882): start scanDirLI:/system/framework
D/PackageManager( 882): max thread:6
I/ ( 1212): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1212): ServiceManager: 0xf6699580
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1212): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/framework/org.cyanogenmod.platform-res.apk changed; collecting certs
W/PackageManager( 882): Permission cyanogenmod.permission.WRITE_ALARMS from package cyanogenmod.platform in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_CLOCK
W/PackageManager( 882): Permission cyanogenmod.permission.MANAGE_ALARMS from package cyanogenmod.platform in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_CLOCK
W/PackageManager( 882): Permission cyanogenmod.permission.READ_ALARMS from package cyanogenmod.platform in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_CLOCK
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/framework/framework-res.apk changed; collecting certs
D/PackageManager( 882): end scanDirLI:/system/framework
D/PackageManager( 882): start scanDirLI:/system/priv-app
D/PackageManager( 882): max thread:6
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/BackupRestoreConfirmation changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/AudioFX changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/BlockedNumberProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CMSettingsProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): New shared user android.uid.shared: id=10001
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CMAudioService changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CallLogBackup changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CarrierConfig changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CMUpdater changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CMParts changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CellBroadcastReceiver changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): New shared user android.uid.calendar: id=10005
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/DefaultContainerService changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CtsShimPrivPrebuilt changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/CyanogenSetupWizard changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Contacts/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #425
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/DocumentsUI changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Contacts changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): New shared user id=10010
W/PackageManager( 882): Permission android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/EmergencyInfo changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/ExtServices changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Dialer/Dialer.apk Binary XML file line #193
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Dialer changed; collecting certs
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
I/PackageManager( 882): New shared user id=10014
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/FMRadio changed; collecting certs
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/FerrariDoze changed; collecting certs
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1212): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/FusedLocation changed; collecting certs
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1212): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1212): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1212): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1212): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/InputDevices changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/LiveLockScreenService changed; collecting certs
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1212): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1212): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-148161524
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-148161524
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1212): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1212): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1212): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1212): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1212): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1212): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1212): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1212): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1212): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning changed; collecting certs
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1212): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1212): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1212): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1212): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices: done
W/PackageParser( 882): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/priv-app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #269
W/PackageParser( 882): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/priv-app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #272
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1212): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/MediaProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/MmsService changed; collecting certs
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1212): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/MtpDocumentsProvider changed; collecting certs
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1212): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1212): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/OneTimeInitializer changed; collecting certs
D/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1212): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1212): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf66bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1212): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf66bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Gallery2 changed; collecting certs
I/BufferProvider( 1212): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5d03b00 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Provision changed; collecting certs
W/AudioFlinger( 1212): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/ProxyHandler changed; collecting certs
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf66bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1212): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf66bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b033c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1212): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf66d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1212): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf58037c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf66d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1212): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf66d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1212): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Screencast changed; collecting certs
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1212): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1212): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1212): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1212): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1212): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1212): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf58030c0 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1212): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1212): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1212): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1212): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1212): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1212): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1212): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1212): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1212): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/SettingsProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/SharedStorageBackup changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/PackageInstaller changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS in package: at: Binary XML file line #102
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/StatementService changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Shell changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Snap changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Telecom changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY in package: at: Binary XML file line #117
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Trebuchet changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/VpnDialogs changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/SystemUI changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/WallpaperCropper changed; collecting certs
W/PackageManager( 882): Permission from package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
W/PackageManager( 882): Permission from package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
W/PackageManager( 882): Permission from package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/WeatherManagerService changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS in package: at: Binary XML file line #53
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/TeleService changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: at: Binary XML file line #58
W/PackageParser( 882): Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: at: Binary XML file line #59
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/WeatherProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/qcrilmsgtunnel changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Settings/Settings.apk Binary XML file line #572
I/PackageManager( 882): New shared user android.uid.systemui: id=10033
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/priv-app/Settings changed; collecting certs
D/PackageManager( 882): end scanDirLI:/system/priv-app
D/PackageManager( 882): start scanDirLI:/system/app
D/PackageManager( 882): max thread:6
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/BasicDreams changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/AntHalService changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/BookmarkProvider changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/BluetoothExt/BluetoothExt.apk Binary XML file line #139
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/BluetoothMidiService changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/BluetoothExt/BluetoothExt.apk Binary XML file line #163
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/BluetoothExt changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/CMWallpapers changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #227
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/CaptivePortalLogin changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/CMFileManager/CMFileManager.apk Binary XML file line #174
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Bluetooth changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/CMFileManager changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/CertInstaller changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/CtsShimPrebuilt changed; collecting certs
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1212): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Calendar changed; collecting certs
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1212): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
W/PackageManager( 882): Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 100
W/PackageManager( 882): Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 100
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1212): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1212): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
W/PackageManager( 882): Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 100
D/ ( 1212): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1212): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
W/PackageManager( 882): Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 100
D/ ( 1212): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1212): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1212): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1212): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1212): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1212): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1212): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1212): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1212): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1212): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1212): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
W/PackageManager( 882): Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 100
F/libc ( 1212): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1212 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1212 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1212
E/ ( 1236): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Development changed; collecting certs
W/PackageManager( 882): Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 50
F/DEBUG ( 1236): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1236): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1236): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1236): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1236): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1236): pid: 1212, tid: 1212, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1236): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1236): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 e4c6f93e r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1236): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f723fe88 r7 f723dac0
F/DEBUG ( 1236): r8 f723d990 r9 f66c10e0 sl f7242470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1236): ip fffd6d24 sp fffd71f0 lr f7238b1b pc f7238b1a cpsr 600f0030
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/DownloadProviderUi changed; collecting certs
F/DEBUG ( 1236):
F/DEBUG ( 1236): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1236): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1236): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1236): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1236): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1236): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1236): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1236): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1236): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1236): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/EasterEgg changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/DeskClock changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Eleven changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/ExactCalculator changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Exchange2 changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/ExtShared changed; collecting certs
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1212
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/HTMLViewer changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /system/app/HexoLibre/HexoLibre.apk Binary XML file line #17
W/PackageParser( 882): Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /system/app/HexoLibre/HexoLibre.apk Binary XML file line #18
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/HexoLibre changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Email changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/KeyChain changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/LiveWallpapersPicker changed; collecting certs
W/PackageParser( 882): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Gello/Gello.apk Binary XML file line #284
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/PacProcessor changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Gello changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/LockClock changed; collecting certs
W/PackageManager( 882): Permission from package in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/LatinIME changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/PhotoTable changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/PicoTts changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/PrintRecommendationService changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/PrintSpooler changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Profiles changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/SoundRecorder changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/TimeService changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Terminal changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/Stk changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/WAPPushManager changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/WallpaperBackup changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/shutdownlistener changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/telresources changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/webview changed; collecting certs
I/PackageManager( 882): /system/app/messaging changed; collecting certs
D/PackageManager( 882): end scanDirLI:/system/app
D/PackageManager( 882): No files in app dir /system/vendor/app
D/PackageManager( 882): No files in app dir /oem/app
D/PackageManager( 882): No files in app dir /data/app
D/PackageManager( 882): No files in app dir /data/app-private
D/PackageManager( 882): No files in app dir /data/app-ephemeral
W/PackageManager( 882): Protected action; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 100
W/PackageManager( 882): Protected action; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 100
W/PackageManager( 882): Protected action; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 100
W/PackageManager( 882): Protected action; cap priority to 0; package: activity: origPrio: 100
W/PackageManager( 882): Package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser desires unavailable shared library com.qrd.useragent; ignoring!
W/PackageManager( 882): Package org.codeaurora.bluetooth desires unavailable shared library com.quicinc.wbc; ignoring!
W/PackageManager( 882): Package desires unavailable shared library com.qualcomm.qti.smartsearch; ignoring!
W/PackageManager( 882): Package desires unavailable shared library; ignoring!
W/PackageManager( 882): Package desires unavailable shared library; ignoring!
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for com.cyanogenmod.setupwizard to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for com.dsi.ant.server to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for org.cyanogenmod.cmparts to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for com.qualcomm.timeservice to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for org.cyanogenmod.cmsettings to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for cyanogenmod.platform to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
E/ ( 320): invalid apk path '/system/framework/org.cyanogenmod.platform-res.apk' (bad prefix)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Adjusting ABI for org.cyanogenmod.doze to arm64-v8a (requirer=android, scannedPackage=null)
I/PackageManager( 882): Time to scan packages: 12.658 seconds
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL to package org.cyanogenmod.snap (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x3858bc45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION to package org.cyanogenmod.snap (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3858bc45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission android.permission.PREVENT_SYSTEM_KEYS in package org.cyanogenmod.snap
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3809be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3809be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3809be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser.permission.READ_HOMEPAGE in package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser.permission.WRITE_HOMEPAGE in package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission cyanogenmod.permission.LEGALESE in package com.cyanogenmod.setupwizard
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyngn.stats.SEND_ANALYTICS in package com.cyanogenmod.setupwizard
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyanogen.permission.REQUEST_KILL_SWITCH_OP in package com.cyanogenmod.setupwizard
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission android.permission.MMS_PUSH in package org.codeaurora.bluetooth
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.qualcomm.permission.USE_PHONE_SERVICE in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyngn.stats.SEND_ANALYTICS in package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER in package com.cyanogenmod.filemanager
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyanogenmod.filemanager.permissions.READ_THEME in package com.cyanogenmod.filemanager
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS to package com.cyanogenmod.eleven (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be65)
I/ ( 1241): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1241): ServiceManager: 0xf6519580
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1241): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3c49be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission org.codeaurora.permission.POWER_ON_ALERT in package
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): adev_open: enter
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.permission.READ_WEATHER in package
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
V/PackageManager( 882): reconcileAppsData for null u0 0x3
I/SELinux ( 320): SELinux: Loaded file_contexts contexts from /file_contexts.bin.
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/android is not active; migrating from /data/data/android
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/android.ext.shared is not active; migrating from /data/data/android.ext.shared
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/org.cyanogenmod.cmparts is not active; migrating from /data/data/org.cyanogenmod.cmparts
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/org.cyanogenmod.cmsettings is not active; migrating from /data/data/org.cyanogenmod.cmsettings
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
W/installd( 320): Requested default storage /data/user_de/0/ is not active; migrating from /data/data/
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1241): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1241): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1241): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1241): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1241): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1241): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1241): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-149894132
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-149894132
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1241): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1241): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1241): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1241): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1241): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1241): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1241): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1241): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1241): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1241): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1241): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1241): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1241): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1241): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1241): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices: done
V/PackageManager( 882): reconcileAppsData finished 100 packages; restoreconNeeded was true
V/PackageManager( 882): Disabling
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to disable
D/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1241): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
V/PackageManager( 882): Disabling$Receiver
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to disable$Receiver
V/PackageManager( 882): Disabling$SecretCodeReceiver
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to disable$SecretCodeReceiver
V/PackageManager( 882): Disabling
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to disable
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1241): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
V/PackageManager( 882): Disabling
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to disable
V/PackageManager( 882): Disabling$Receiver
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to disable$Receiver
V/PackageManager( 882): Disabling$ActiveReceiver
D/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to disable$ActiveReceiver
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): select_devices: done
V/PackageManager( 882): Disabling$SecretCodeReceiver
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to disable$SecretCodeReceiver
V/PackageManager( 882): Disabling
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to disable
D/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1241): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
V/PackageManager( 882): Enabling
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to enable
V/PackageManager( 882): Enabling
W/PackageManager( 882): Unable to enable
I/soundtrigger( 1241): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf653b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1241): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf653b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1241): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83340 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf653b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1241): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf653b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1241): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf653b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983dc0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf653b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 1241): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6550ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1241): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5683d40 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6550ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1241): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6550ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1241): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1241): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1241): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1241): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1241): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1241): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1241): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5683bc0 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1241): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1241): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1241): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1241): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1241): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1241): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1241): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1241): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1241): platform_stdev_init: Enter
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1241): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1241): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1241): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1241): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1241): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1241): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1241): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1241): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1241): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1241): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1241): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1241): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1241): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1241): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1241): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1241): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1241): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1241): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1241 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1241 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1241
E/ ( 1251): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1251): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1251): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1251): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1251): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1251): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1251): pid: 1241, tid: 1241, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1251): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1251): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 c9cf701e r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1251): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f7098e88 r7 f7096ac0
F/DEBUG ( 1251): r8 f7096990 r9 f597f0a0 sl f709b470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1251): ip ffe76a74 sp ffe76f40 lr f7091b1b pc f7091b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1251):
F/DEBUG ( 1251): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1251): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1251): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1251): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1251): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1251): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1251): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1251): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1251): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1251): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1241
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/TelephonyProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1256): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1256): dex2oat took 666.051ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=7MB (8265544B) java alloc=477KB (488664B) native alloc=1877KB (1922160B) free=11MB (12233616B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/MmsService/MmsService.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1265): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1265): dex2oat took 342.316ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=2MB (2303672B) java alloc=313KB (320728B) native alloc=1559KB (1596976B) free=4MB (5218768B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/DefaultContainerService/DefaultContainerService.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1274): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1274): dex2oat took 293.964ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=536KB (549448B) java alloc=112KB (115136B) native alloc=1134KB (1161664B) free=2MB (2508352B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/qcrilmsgtunnel/qcrilmsgtunnel.apk pkg=com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1283): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1283): dex2oat took 395.521ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=2MB (2276344B) java alloc=173KB (177752B) native alloc=1408KB (1442632B) free=5MB (5373112B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1293): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/ ( 1292): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1292): ServiceManager: 0xf6819580
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1292): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
W/dex2oat ( 1293): Compilation of void, int, int) took 181.109ms
I/dex2oat ( 1293): dex2oat took 560.368ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=6MB (6935336B) java alloc=261KB (267608B) native alloc=1888KB (1934264B) free=7MB (7502920B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/LiveLockScreenService/LiveLockScreenService.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.livelockscreen.service isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1305): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1305): dex2oat took 412.491ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=2MB (2385256B) java alloc=475KB (487272B) native alloc=1419KB (1453960B) free=5MB (5886072B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/InputDevices/InputDevices.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1314): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1292): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1292): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1292): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1292): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1292): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1292): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1292): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-146613236
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-146613236
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1292): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1292): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1292): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1292): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1292): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1292): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1292): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1292): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1292): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1292): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1292): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1292): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1292): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1292): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1292): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1292): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1292): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1292): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1292): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf683b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1292): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf683b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/dex2oat ( 1314): dex2oat took 206.892ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=15KB (15632B) java alloc=33KB (33808B) native alloc=876KB (897880B) free=1171KB (1199272B)
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/ExtShared/ExtShared.apk pkg=android.ext.shared isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/BufferProvider( 1292): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5e83280 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf683b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1292): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf683b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1292): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf683b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5c83980 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf683b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 1292): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6850ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1292): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983200 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6850ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1292): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6850ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1292): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1292): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1292): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1292): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1292): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1292): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1292): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983580 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1292): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1292): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1292): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1292): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1292): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1292): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1292): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1292): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1292): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/dex2oat ( 1325): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1325): dex2oat took 188.333ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=14KB (14888B) java alloc=39KB (40400B) native alloc=852KB (872920B) free=1195KB (1224232B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Telecom/Telecom.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1338): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1292): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1292): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1292): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1292): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1292): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1292): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1292): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1292): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1292): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1292): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1292): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1292): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1292): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1292): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1292): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1292): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1292): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1292): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1292 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1292 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1292
E/ ( 1347): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1347): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1347): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1347): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1347): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1347): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1347): pid: 1292, tid: 1292, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1347): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1347): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 9d799845 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1347): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f744fe88 r7 f744dac0
F/DEBUG ( 1347): r8 f744d990 r9 f68410f0 sl f7452470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1347): ip ffc1a324 sp ffc1a7f0 lr f7448b1b pc f7448b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1347):
F/DEBUG ( 1347): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1347): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1347): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1347): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1347): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1347): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1347): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1347): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1347): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1347): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1292
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 1338): dex2oat took 1.052s (threads: 8) arena alloc=3MB (3371696B) java alloc=1514KB (1550688B) native alloc=3MB (3780776B) free=6MB (6704984B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Dialer/Dialer.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1352): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
W/dex2oat ( 1352): Before Android 4.1, method, android.content.res.ColorStateList,$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in
W/dex2oat ( 1352): Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
I/ ( 1361): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1361): ServiceManager: 0xf6719580
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1361): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1361): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1361): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1361): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1361): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1361): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1361): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1361): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-147526644
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-147526644
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1361): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1361): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1361): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1361): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1361): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1361): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1361): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1361): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1361): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1361): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1361): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1361): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1361): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1361): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1361): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1361): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1361): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1361): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1361): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf673b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1361): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf673b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1361): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5d83800 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf673b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1361): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf673b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1361): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf673b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83b00 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf673b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1361): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6750ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1361): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf58835c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6750ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1361): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6750ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1361): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1361): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1361): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1361): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1361): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1361): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1361): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5703780 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1361): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1361): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1361): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1361): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1361): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1361): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1361): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1361): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1361): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/dex2oat ( 1352): dex2oat took 4.606s (threads: 8) arena alloc=3MB (4133256B) java alloc=7MB (7975568B) native alloc=14MB (15409896B) free=6MB (7134488B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/ExtServices/ExtServices.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1371): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1361): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1361): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1361): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1361): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1361): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1361): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1361): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1361): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1361): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1361): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1361): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1361): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1361): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1361): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1361): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1361): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1361): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1361): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1361 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1361 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1361
E/ ( 1373): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1373): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1373): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1373): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1373): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1373): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1373): pid: 1361, tid: 1361, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1373): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1373): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 e2acf228 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1373): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f72f6e88 r7 f72f4ac0
F/DEBUG ( 1373): r8 f72f4990 r9 f58fe0f0 sl f72f9470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1373): ip ff859844 sp ff859d10 lr f72efb1b pc f72efb1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1373):
F/DEBUG ( 1373): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1373): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1373): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1373): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1373): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1373): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1373): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1373): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1373): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1373): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1361
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 1371): dex2oat took 267.325ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=337KB (345992B) java alloc=94KB (96272B) native alloc=1126KB (1153960B) free=2MB (2516056B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/CMSettingsProvider/CMSettingsProvider.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.cmsettings isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1385): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1385): dex2oat took 359.588ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=1923KB (1970016B) java alloc=343KB (351760B) native alloc=1686KB (1727216B) free=4MB (4564240B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/PackageInstaller/PackageInstaller.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1394): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
W/dex2oat ( 1394): Before Android 4.1, method, android.content.res.ColorStateList,$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in
W/dex2oat ( 1394): Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
I/ ( 1404): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1404): ServiceManager: 0xf6719580
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1404): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/dex2oat ( 1394): dex2oat took 2.415s (threads: 8) arena alloc=3MB (3515752B) java alloc=5MB (5290632B) native alloc=7MB (7914528B) free=5MB (6241248B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/ProxyHandler/ProxyHandler.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1408): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1408): dex2oat took 265.555ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=1272KB (1303048B) java alloc=92KB (94224B) native alloc=1183KB (1212016B) free=3MB (3506576B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/LatinIME/LatinIME.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1417): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1404): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1404): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1404): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1404): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1404): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1404): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1404): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-147866612
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-147866612
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1404): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1404): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1404): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1404): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1404): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1404): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1404): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1404): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1404): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1404): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1404): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1404): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1404): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1404): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1404): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1404): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1404): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1404): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1404): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf673b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1404): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf673b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1404): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5d83800 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf673b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 1404): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf673b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1404): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf673b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83b00 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf673b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1404): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6750ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1404): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf58835c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6750ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1404): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6750ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1404): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1404): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1404): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1404): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1404): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1404): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1404): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5703780 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1404): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1404): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1404): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1404): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1404): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1404): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1404): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1404): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1404): platform_stdev_init: Enter
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1404): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1404): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1404): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1404): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1404): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1404): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1404): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1404): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1404): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1404): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1404): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1404): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1404): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1404): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1404): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1404): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1404): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1404): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1404 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1404 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1404
E/ ( 1432): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
I/dex2oat ( 1417): dex2oat took 1.384s (threads: 8) arena alloc=3MB (3340216B) java alloc=2MB (2499920B) native alloc=4MB (4957776B) free=6MB (6576560B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Settings/Settings.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
F/DEBUG ( 1432): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1432): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1432): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1432): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1432): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1432): pid: 1404, tid: 1404, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1432): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1432): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 70fe69f4 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1432): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f7310e88 r7 f730eac0
F/DEBUG ( 1432): r8 f730e990 r9 f58fe0f0 sl f7313470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1432): ip ff81c8c4 sp ff81cd90 lr f7309b1b pc f7309b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1432):
F/DEBUG ( 1432): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1432): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1432): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1432): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1432): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1432): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1432): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1432): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1432): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1432): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
I/dex2oat ( 1433): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1404
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/dex2oat ( 1433): Before Android 4.1, method, android.content.res.ColorStateList,$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in
W/dex2oat ( 1433): Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
I/ ( 1446): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1446): ServiceManager: 0xf6819580
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1446): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
W/dex2oat ( 1433): Compilation of java.util.List took 110.678ms
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU2_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 4
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[2]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU1_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 6
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[1]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU0_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 7
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[0]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 3 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Battery:2
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU3_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out f
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[3]
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1446): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1446): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1446): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1446): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1446): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1446): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1446): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-146306036
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-146306036
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1446): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1446): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1446): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1446): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1446): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1446): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1446): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1446): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1446): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1446): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1446): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1446): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1446): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1446): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1446): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1446): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1446): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1446): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1446): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf683b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1446): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf683b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1446): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5e83280 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf683b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1446): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf683b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1446): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf683b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5c83980 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf683b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1446): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6850ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1446): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983200 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6850ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1446): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6850ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1446): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
W/dex2oat ( 1433): Compilation of void, int) took 114.395ms
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1446): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1446): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1446): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1446): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1446): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1446): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983580 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1446): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1446): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1446): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1446): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1446): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1446): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1446): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1446): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1446): platform_stdev_init: Enter
W/dex2oat ( 1433): Compilation of void<init>(, android.view.View,, int) took 134.584ms
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1446): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1446): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1446): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1446): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1446): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1446): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1446): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1446): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1446): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1446): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1446): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1446): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1446): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1446): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1446): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1446): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1446): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1446 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1446 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1446
E/ ( 1456): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1456): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1456): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1456): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1456): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1456): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1456): pid: 1446, tid: 1446, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1456): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1456): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 b7724d10 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1456): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f73ebe88 r7 f73e9ac0
F/DEBUG ( 1456): r8 f73e9990 r9 f5c7f0f0 sl f73ee470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1456): ip ffbc8644 sp ffbc8b10 lr f73e4b1b pc f73e4b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1456):
F/DEBUG ( 1456): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1456): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1456): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1456): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1456): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1456): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1456): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1456): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1456): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1456): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1446
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 1433): dex2oat took 5.221s (threads: 8) arena alloc=5MB (5377336B) java alloc=12MB (12908544B) native alloc=15MB (16432640B) free=8MB (9257472B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/TeleService/TeleService.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1461): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of void$ took 104.487ms
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of$CallStatusCode took 138.702ms
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of boolean, android.preference.Preference) took 114.820ms
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of void took 101.378ms
I/ ( 1470): sMaxFastTracks = 8
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of void$MainThreadHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message) took 605.873ms
I/audioserver( 1470): ServiceManager: 0xf6899580
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1470): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of void,, java.lang.String) took 292.392ms
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): adev_open: enter
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of int[]$1.-getcom-android-internal-telephony-CommandException$ErrorSwitchesValues() took 113.338ms
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of void[],,$MessageRetrievalListener) took 128.342ms
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of android.telecom.Connection, android.telecom.ConnectionRequest) took 147.233ms
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1470): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1470): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1470): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1470): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1470): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1470): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1470): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-145982452
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-145982452
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1470): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1470): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1470): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1470): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1470): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1470): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1470): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1470): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1470): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1470): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1470): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1470): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1470): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1470): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1470): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1470): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1470): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1470): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1470): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf68bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1470): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf68bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1470): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5f03fc0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf68bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1470): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf68bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1470): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf68bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5d030c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf68bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1470): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf68d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1470): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5a03040 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf68d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1470): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf68d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1470): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1470): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1470): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1470): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1470): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1470): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1470): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5a03c80 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1470): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1470): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1470): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1470): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1470): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1470): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1470): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1470): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1470): platform_stdev_init: Enter
W/dex2oat ( 1461): Compilation of java.lang.String org.apache.james.mime4j.decoder.DecoderUtil.decodeEncodedWord(java.lang.String, int, int) took 174.492ms
I/dex2oat ( 1461): dex2oat took 4.095s (threads: 8) arena alloc=10MB (10670168B) java alloc=3MB (3546384B) native alloc=6MB (7099288B) free=13MB (14396520B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Shell/Shell.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1480): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1470): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1470): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1470): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1470): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1470): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1470): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1470): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1470): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1470): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1470): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1470): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1470): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1470): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1470): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1470): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1470): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1470): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1470): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1470 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1470 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1470
E/ ( 1489): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1489): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1489): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1489): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1489): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1489): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1489): pid: 1470, tid: 1470, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1489): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1489): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 05a36133 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1489): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f7453e88 r7 f7451ac0
F/DEBUG ( 1489): r8 f7451990 r9 f68c20e0 sl f7456470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1489): ip ffe5fbf4 sp ffe600c0 lr f744cb1b pc f744cb1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1489):
F/DEBUG ( 1489): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1489): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1489): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1489): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1489): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1489): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1489): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1489): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1489): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1489): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
I/dex2oat ( 1480): dex2oat took 620.200ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=1696KB (1737616B) java alloc=458KB (469744B) native alloc=1792KB (1835240B) free=3MB (3931928B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/FusedLocation/FusedLocation.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=/system/framework/
I/dex2oat ( 1490): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1470
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 1490): dex2oat took 260.968ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=413KB (423200B) java alloc=146KB (150208B) native alloc=1305KB (1336528B) free=3MB (3382064B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1503): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
W/dex2oat ( 1503): Before Android 4.1, method, android.content.res.ColorStateList,$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in
W/dex2oat ( 1503): Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU2_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out b
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[2]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU1_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 9
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[1]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU0_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 8
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[0]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 3 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Battery:1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU3_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 0
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[3]
I/ ( 1512): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1512): ServiceManager: 0xf6519580
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1512): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1512): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1512): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1512): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1512): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1512): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1512): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1512): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-149652468
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-149652468
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1512): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1512): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1512): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1512): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1512): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1512): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1512): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1512): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1512): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1512): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1512): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1512): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1512): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1512): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1512): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1512): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1512): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1512): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1512): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf653b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1512): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf653b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1512): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83340 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf653b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1512): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf653b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1512): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf653b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983dc0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf653b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6550ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1512): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
W/AudioFlinger( 1512): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5683d40 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6550ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1512): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6550ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1512): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1512): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1512): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1512): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1512): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1512): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1512): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5683bc0 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1512): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1512): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1512): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1512): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1512): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1512): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1512): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1512): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1512): platform_stdev_init: Enter
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1512): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1512): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1512): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1512): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1512): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1512): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1512): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1512): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1512): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1512): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1512): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1512): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1512): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1512): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1512): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1512): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1512): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1512): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1512 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1512 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1512
E/ ( 1522): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1522): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1522): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1522): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1522): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1522): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1522): pid: 1512, tid: 1512, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1522): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1522): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 0edea6ee r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1522): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f70d3e88 r7 f70d1ac0
F/DEBUG ( 1522): r8 f70d1990 r9 f65420f0 sl f70d6470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1522): ip ffe98264 sp ffe98730 lr f70ccb1b pc f70ccb1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1522):
F/DEBUG ( 1522): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1522): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1522): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1522): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1522): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1522): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1522): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1522): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1522): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1522): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1512
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 1503): dex2oat took 5.128s (threads: 8) arena alloc=3MB (3573376B) java alloc=12MB (12775944B) native alloc=17MB (17900912B) free=6MB (7264912B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/WeatherManagerService/WeatherManagerService.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.weatherservice isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=speed oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1527): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=speed
I/dex2oat ( 1527): dex2oat took 461.767ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=1908KB (1954136B) java alloc=483KB (494888B) native alloc=1327KB (1359160B) free=4MB (4932296B)
E/PackageManager( 882): There should probably be exactly one verifier; found []
I/art ( 882): Starting a blocking GC Explicit
I/art ( 882): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 72450(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 40(2MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 8MB/12MB, paused 686us total 95.613ms
I/SystemServer( 882): StartOtaDexOptService
I/SystemServer( 882): StartUserManagerService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$LifeCycle
I/lowmemorykiller( 284): ActivityManager connected
D/SensorService( 882): nuSensorService starting...
I/MultiHal( 882): Loaded library from
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_accel: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_accel: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
E/SensorHAL( 882): Acc sensors_mask_enabled=0
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn_u: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn_u: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 200 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
I/SensorHAL( 882): Calibration File is not present! /persist/st_gyro_cali.txt
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro_u: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 200 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro_u: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_quat: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_quat: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_game_quat: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_game_quat: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_step_d: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_euler: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_euler: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_linear: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_linear: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gravity: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gravity: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_step_c: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU2_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 4
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[2]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU1_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 6
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[1]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU0_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 7
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[0]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 3 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Battery:2
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_geo_quat: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_geo_quat: Batch mode available [ disabled continuos ].
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU3_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm raised 1 at 50.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out f
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged OFF CPU[3]
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_activity: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_accel_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_accel_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
E/SensorHAL( 882): Acc sensors_mask_enabled=0
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn_u_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn_u_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 200 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro_u_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 200 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro_u_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_quat_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_quat_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_game_quat_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_game_quat_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_step_d_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_euler_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_euler_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_linear_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_linear_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gravity_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gravity_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_step_c_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_geo_quat_wk: Sampling frequency available [ 5 15 50 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_geo_quat_wk: Batch mode available [ disabled wake-up ].
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): als: Sampling frequency available [ 170 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): als: No scale file available, will be used default fullscale.
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): distance: Sampling frequency available [ 100 ].
D/SensorHAL( 882): distance: No scale file available, will be used default fullscale.
E/SensorHAL( 882): sizeof(sampl_freq_avl) = 8, 4
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_accel: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn_u: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro_u: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_quat: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_game_quat: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_euler: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_linear: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_step_d: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_sign_motion: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gravity: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_step_c: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_geo_quat: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_tilt: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_activity: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_accel_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_magn_u_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gyro_u_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_quat_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_step_d_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_game_quat_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_gravity_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_linear_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_step_c_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_euler_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_geo_quat_wk: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): distance: Thread started.
D/SensorHAL( 882): als: Thread started.
E/SensorHAL( 882): set_enable status=0, sensor_type=0, sensors_mask_enabled =0
E/SensorHAL( 882): work = true, dev_dir_name =/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device3
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_accel: power-off.
E/SensorHAL( 882): set_enable status=0, sensor_type=11, sensors_mask_enabled =0
E/SensorHAL( 882): work = true, dev_dir_name =/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device11
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_game_quat: power-off.
E/SensorHAL( 882): set_enable status=0, sensor_type=9, sensors_mask_enabled =0
E/SensorHAL( 882): work = true, dev_dir_name =/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device14
D/SensorHAL( 882): lsm6db0_linear: power-off.
I/SensorService( 882): Generated new HMAC key.
D/SensorService( 882): new thread SensorEventAckReceiver
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
D/SensorService( 882): nuSensorService thread starting...
E/BatteryStatsService( 882): power: Missing API
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
E/KernelCpuSpeedReader( 882): Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory)
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/SystemServer( 882): Reading configuration...
I/SystemServer( 882): StartSchedulingPolicyService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/SystemServer( 882): StartTelephonyRegistry
I/SystemServer( 882): StartEntropyMixer
W/EntropyMixer( 882): No existing entropy file -- first boot?
I/EntropyMixer( 882): Writing entropy...
I/SystemServer( 882): Camera Service
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/ServiceThread( 882): Enabled StrictMode logging for CameraService_proxy looper.
I/SystemServer( 882): StartAccountManagerService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
I/SystemServer( 882): StartContentService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
I/SystemServer( 882): InstallSystemProviders
W/System ( 882): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CMSettingsProvider/lib/arm64
D/ActivityThread( 882): Loading provider settings:
W/System ( 882): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/lib/arm64
I/ ( 1579): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1579): ServiceManager: 0xf6399580
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1579): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
D/SettingsProvider( 882): Generated and saved new ANDROID_ID [2d3cf22c483d6c9d] for user 0
I/SyncManager( 882): No initial accounts
I/SyncManager( 882): No initial status
I/SyncManager( 882): No initial statistics
I/SystemServer( 882): StartVibratorService
I/SystemServer( 882): StartConsumerIrService
E/ConsumerIrService( 882): Can't open consumer IR HW Module, error: -2
I/SystemServer( 882): StartAlarmManagerService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/SystemServer( 882): InitWatchdog
I/SystemServer( 882): StartInputManagerService
I/InputManager( 882): Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=true
I/SystemServer( 882): StartWindowManagerService
I/WindowManager( 882): No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
I/SystemServer( 882): StartVrManagerService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
W/VrManagerService( 882): init_native: Could not open VR hardware module, error No such file or directory (-2).
I/VrManagerService( 882): No VR packages found, disabling VR components
I/InputManager( 882): Starting input manager
D/EventHub( 882): No input device configuration file found for device 'msm8939-tapan-snd-card Headset Jack'.
I/EventHub( 882): New device: id=1, fd=272, path='/dev/input/event6', name='msm8939-tapan-snd-card Headset Jack', classes=0x80, configuration='', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
D/EventHub( 882): No input device configuration file found for device 'msm8939-tapan-snd-card Button Jack'.
W/EventHub( 882): Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event5: Function not implemented
I/EventHub( 882): New device: id=2, fd=273, path='/dev/input/event5', name='msm8939-tapan-snd-card Button Jack', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
D/EventHub( 882): No input device configuration file found for device 'qpnp_pon'.
W/EventHub( 882): Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event2: Function not implemented
I/EventHub( 882): New device: id=3, fd=274, path='/dev/input/event2', name='qpnp_pon', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EPOLLWAKEUP, usingClockIoctl=true
E/EventHub( 882): could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
D/BluetoothManagerService( 882): Loading stored name and address
D/BluetoothManagerService( 882): Stored bluetooth Name=null,Address=null
I/SystemServer( 882): ConnectivityMetricsLoggerService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/SystemServer( 882): PinnerService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
E/PinnerService( 882): Starting PinnerService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
W/System ( 882): ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1579): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1579): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1579): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1579): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1579): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1579): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1579): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-151213044
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-151213044
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1579): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1579): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1579): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1579): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1579): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1579): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1579): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1579): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1579): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1579): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1579): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1579): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1579): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1579): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1579): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1579): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1579): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1579): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1579): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf63bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1579): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf63bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1579): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5a03bc0 ready to run
E/BatteryStatsService( 882): power: Missing API
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf63bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
E/KernelCpuSpeedReader( 882): Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory)
W/AudioFlinger( 1579): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf63bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1579): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf63bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5803800 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf63bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1579): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf63d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1579): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5503300 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf63d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1579): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf63d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1579): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1579): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1579): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1579): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1579): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1579): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1579): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5503700 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1579): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1579): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1579): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1579): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1579): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1579): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1579): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1579): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1579): platform_stdev_init: Enter
W/InputMethodManagerService( 882): No IME selected. Choose the most applicable IME.
I/InputMethodManagerService( 882): Default found, using
I/SystemServer( 882): StartAccessibilityManagerService
I/ActivityManager( 882): Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h640dp 480dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h s.2}
I/UsageStatsDatabase( 882): Upgrading from version 0 to 3
I/UsageStatsDatabase( 882): Deleting all usage stats files
I/UsageStatsService( 882): User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2016-10-10 03:41:50(1476070910621)
D/UsageStatsService( 882): Initializing defaults for system apps on user 0
W/art ( 882): Long monitor contention with owner (991) at, int)( waiters=0 in boolean, int) for 280ms
E/AppIdleHistory( 882): Unable to read app idle file for user 0
I/ActivityManager( 882): Config changes=400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h616dp 480dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h s.3}
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
D/MountService( 882): Thinking about init, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
D/MountService( 882): Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
D/MountService( 882): Thinking about init, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
D/MountService( 882): Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
D/CryptdConnector( 882): SND -> {1 cryptfs getfield SystemLocale}
D/CryptdConnector( 882): RCV <- {200 1 -1}
I/ActivityManager( 882): Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [en_US] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h616dp 480dpi nrml long port -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h s.4}
W/MountService( 882): No primary storage mounted!
D/VoldConnector( 882): SND -> {1 asec list}
D/VoldConnector( 882): RCV <- {200 1 asec operation succeeded}
I/PackageManager( 882): No secure containers found
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL to package org.cyanogenmod.snap (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x38d8bc45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION to package org.cyanogenmod.snap (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38d8bc45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission android.permission.PREVENT_SYSTEM_KEYS in package org.cyanogenmod.snap
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3889be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3889be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3889be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser.permission.READ_HOMEPAGE in package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser.permission.WRITE_HOMEPAGE in package org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission cyanogenmod.permission.LEGALESE in package com.cyanogenmod.setupwizard
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyngn.stats.SEND_ANALYTICS in package com.cyanogenmod.setupwizard
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyanogen.permission.REQUEST_KILL_SWITCH_OP in package com.cyanogenmod.setupwizard
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission android.permission.MMS_PUSH in package org.codeaurora.bluetooth
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.qualcomm.permission.USE_PHONE_SERVICE in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyngn.stats.SEND_ANALYTICS in package com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3888be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER in package com.cyanogenmod.filemanager
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyanogenmod.filemanager.permissions.READ_THEME in package com.cyanogenmod.filemanager
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS to package com.cyanogenmod.eleven (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3898be65)
W/PackageManager( 882): Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3cc9be45)
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission org.codeaurora.permission.POWER_ON_ALERT in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.permission.READ_WEATHER in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
W/PackageManager( 882): Unknown permission in package
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1579): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1579): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1579): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1579): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1579): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1579): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1579): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1579): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1579): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1579): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1579): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1579): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1579): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1579): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1579): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1579): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1579): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1579): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1579 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1579 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1579
E/ ( 1598): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1598): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1598): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1598): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1598): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1598): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1598): pid: 1579, tid: 1579, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1598): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1598): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 98af0212 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1598): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f6f3de88 r7 f6f3bac0
F/DEBUG ( 1598): r8 f6f3b990 r9 f587c0f0 sl f6f40470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1598): ip ffd751a4 sp ffd75670 lr f6f36b1b pc f6f36b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1598):
F/DEBUG ( 1598): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1598): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1598): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1598): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1598): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1598): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1598): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1598): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1598): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1598): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1579
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/art ( 882): Long monitor contention with owner MountService (1595) at void, int[], boolean)( waiters=0 in void for 1.609s
W/MountService( 882): No primary storage defined yet; hacking together a stub
W/MountService( 882): No primary storage defined yet; hacking together a stub
W/MountService( 882): No primary storage mounted!
D/VoldConnector( 882): SND -> {2 asec list}
D/VoldConnector( 882): RCV <- {200 2 asec operation succeeded}
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/FMRadio/FMRadio.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1603): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1603): dex2oat took 176.726ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1019KB (1043760B) free=1540KB (1577680B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/FerrariDoze/FerrariDoze.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.doze isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1612): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1612): dex2oat took 195.507ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=852KB (872496B) free=1195KB (1224656B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Snap/Snap.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.snap isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1621): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU2_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out b
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[2]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU1_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 9
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[1]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU0_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 8
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[0]
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 3 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Battery:1
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'CPU3_HOTPLUG_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 1 at 48.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): hotplug_ktm_request: write out 0
I/ThermalEngine( 313): ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[3]
I/ ( 1623): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1623): ServiceManager: 0xf6319580
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1623): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/dex2oat ( 1621): dex2oat took 528.180ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=584KB (598360B) free=1975KB (2023080B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/CalendarProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar
I/dex2oat ( 1634): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1634): dex2oat took 229.921ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=35KB (36168B) native alloc=1081KB (1107344B) free=1478KB (1514096B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/MediaProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1643): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1643): dex2oat took 181.078ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1046KB (1071408B) free=1513KB (1550032B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/shutdownlistener/shutdownlistener.apk pkg=com.qualcomm.shutdownlistner isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=/system/framework/qcrilhook.jar
I/dex2oat ( 1652): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1652): dex2oat took 197.721ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=35KB (36216B) native alloc=1075KB (1101168B) free=1484KB (1520272B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/WallpaperCropper/WallpaperCropper.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1661): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x6 conn_h=0x7fb562a360
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0xa msg_id=3: R/W request received
I/rmt_storage( 279): wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1 Unblock worker thread (th_id: 548502369360)
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1623): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
I/audioserver( 1623): type=1400 audit(0.0:21): avc: denied { read } for uid=1041 name="class" dev="sysfs" ino=10 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
I/audioserver( 1623): type=1400 audit(0.0:22): avc: denied { open } for uid=1041 path="/sys/class" dev="sysfs" ino=10 scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0xa msg_id=3: Bytes written = 917504
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1: req_h=0xa msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: clnt_h=0x1 About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 548502369360) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0
I/rmt_storage( 279):
I/rmt_storage( 279): rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x6 conn_h=0x7fb562a360
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1623): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1623): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1623): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1623): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1623): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1623): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-152093684
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-152093684
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1623): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1623): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1623): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1623): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1623): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1623): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1623): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1623): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1623): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1623): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1623): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1623): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1623): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1623): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1623): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1623): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1623): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1623): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1623): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf633b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1623): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf633b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/dex2oat ( 1661): dex2oat took 268.011ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1016KB (1040912B) free=1543KB (1580528B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/DocumentsUI/DocumentsUI.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/BufferProvider( 1623): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983e80 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf633b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 1623): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf633b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1623): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf633b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf57830c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf633b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1623): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6350ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1623): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf54834c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6350ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1623): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6350ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1623): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1623): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1623): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1623): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1623): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1623): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1623): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5483040 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1623): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1623): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1623): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1623): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1623): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1623): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1623): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1623): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1623): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/dex2oat ( 1672): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1672): dex2oat took 435.064ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=538KB (551824B) free=2021KB (2069616B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/ExternalStorageProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1686): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1686): dex2oat took 223.703ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1007KB (1031216B) free=1552KB (1590224B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/HTMLViewer/HTMLViewer.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1696): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1696): dex2oat took 187.183ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=872KB (893232B) free=1175KB (1203920B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Gello/Gello.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.gello.browser isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1706): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1623): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1623): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1623): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1623): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1623): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1623): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1623): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1623): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1623): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1623): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1623): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1623): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1623): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1623): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1623): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1623): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1623): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1623): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1623 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1623 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1623
E/ ( 1709): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1709): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1709): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1709): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1709): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1709): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1709): pid: 1623, tid: 1623, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1709): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1709): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 e82353e6 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1709): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f6ecde88 r7 f6ecbac0
F/DEBUG ( 1709): r8 f6ecb990 r9 f63410f0 sl f6ed0470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1709): ip ff83b734 sp ff83bc00 lr f6ec6b1b pc f6ec6b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1709):
F/DEBUG ( 1709): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1709): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1709): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1709): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1709): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1709): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1709): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1709): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1709): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1709): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1623
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 1706): dex2oat took 948.832ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=832KB (852984B) free=2MB (2423816B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/DownloadProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1721): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1721): dex2oat took 212.996ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1087KB (1113936B) free=1472KB (1507504B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/messaging/messaging.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1730): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1730): dex2oat took 847.902ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=887KB (909136B) free=2MB (2367664B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Terminal/Terminal.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1739): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/ ( 1741): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1741): ServiceManager: 0xf6499580
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1741): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/dex2oat ( 1739): dex2oat took 348.848ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=486KB (498384B) free=2MB (2647344B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/AudioFX/AudioFX.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.audiofx isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1752): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1752): dex2oat took 379.785ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=475KB (487032B) free=2MB (2134408B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/SoundRecorder/SoundRecorder.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1761): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1761): dex2oat took 168.980ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1023KB (1048240B) free=1536KB (1573200B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/CyanogenSetupWizard/CyanogenSetupWizard.apk pkg=com.cyanogenmod.setupwizard isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1770): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1741): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1741): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1741): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1741): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1741): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1741): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1741): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-150078452
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-150078452
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1741): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1741): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1741): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1741): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1741): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1741): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1741): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1741): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1741): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1741): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1741): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1741): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1741): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1741): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1741): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1741): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1741): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1741): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1741): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf64bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1741): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf64bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1741): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b03640 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf64bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1741): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf64bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1741): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf64bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5903680 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf64bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1741): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf64d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1741): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5603f40 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf64d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1741): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf64d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1741): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1741): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1741): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1741): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1741): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1741): now using address 0 for route 9
I/dex2oat ( 1770): dex2oat took 435.645ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32208B) native alloc=433KB (443576B) free=2MB (2177864B)
I/AudioFlinger( 1741): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5583500 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1741): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1741): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1741): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1741): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1741): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1741): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1741): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1741): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1741): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/DownloadProviderUi/DownloadProviderUi.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1785): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1785): dex2oat took 166.694ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32208B) native alloc=854KB (874992B) free=1193KB (1222160B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/PacProcessor/PacProcessor.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1795): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1795): dex2oat took 183.996ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=852KB (872688B) free=1195KB (1224464B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/CertInstaller/CertInstaller.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1804): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1804): dex2oat took 180.954ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=999KB (1023664B) free=1560KB (1597776B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/CarrierConfig/CarrierConfig.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1813): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1813): dex2oat took 183.993ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=851KB (872432B) free=1196KB (1224720B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/BluetoothExt/BluetoothExt.apk pkg=org.codeaurora.bluetooth isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=/system/framework/javax.obex.jar
I/dex2oat ( 1822): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1741): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1741): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1741): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1741): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1741): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1741): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1741): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1741): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1741): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1741): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1741): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1741): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1741): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1741): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1741): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1741): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1741): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1741): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1741 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1741 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1741
E/ ( 1824): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 1824): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 1824): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 1824): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 1824): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 1824): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 1824): pid: 1741, tid: 1741, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 1824): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 1824): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 c25be4c0 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 1824): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f7080e88 r7 f707eac0
F/DEBUG ( 1824): r8 f707e990 r9 f567e0f0 sl f7083470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 1824): ip ffcf97c4 sp ffcf9c90 lr f7079b1b pc f7079b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 1824):
F/DEBUG ( 1824): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 1824): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 1824): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 1824): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 1824): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 1824): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 1824): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1824): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 1824): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 1824): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
I/dex2oat ( 1822): dex2oat took 197.697ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32240B) native alloc=1026KB (1051120B) free=1533KB (1570320B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Contacts/Contacts.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1834): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1741
E/ ( 253): debuggerd: failed to send signal 18 to target: No such process
I/dex2oat ( 1834): dex2oat took 300.428ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=535KB (548424B) free=2024KB (2073016B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/EasterEgg/EasterEgg.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1845): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1845): dex2oat took 84.568ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1044KB (1069776B) free=1515KB (1551664B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/MtpDocumentsProvider/MtpDocumentsProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1854): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1854): dex2oat took 46.767ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32208B) native alloc=1016KB (1040976B) free=1543KB (1580464B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Stk/Stk.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1863): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1863): dex2oat took 47.585ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1035KB (1060464B) free=1524KB (1560976B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/BackupRestoreConfirmation/BackupRestoreConfirmation.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1872): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1872): dex2oat took 45.337ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32240B) native alloc=852KB (872496B) free=1195KB (1224656B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Profiles/Profiles.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.profiles isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1881): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1881): dex2oat took 50.360ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1076KB (1102128B) free=1483KB (1519312B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/LockClock/LockClock.apk pkg=com.cyanogenmod.lockclock isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1890): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1890): dex2oat took 254.697ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=431KB (441624B) free=2MB (2179816B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Provision/Provision.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1899): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1899): dex2oat took 40.846ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=912KB (934192B) free=1135KB (1162960B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/StatementService/StatementService.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1908): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1908): dex2oat took 49.145ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1086KB (1112592B) free=1473KB (1508848B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/CMAudioService/CMAudioService.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.cmaudio.service isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1917): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1917): dex2oat took 80.130ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1039KB (1064528B) free=1520KB (1556912B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Calendar/Calendar.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1926): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1926): dex2oat took 149.904ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=516KB (529360B) free=2MB (2616368B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/SharedStorageBackup/SharedStorageBackup.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1935): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1935): dex2oat took 42.727ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32208B) native alloc=852KB (872496B) free=1195KB (1224656B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/PrintSpooler/PrintSpooler.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1944): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1944): dex2oat took 100.074ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1082KB (1108752B) free=1477KB (1512688B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/BasicDreams/BasicDreams.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1953): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1953): dex2oat took 39.777ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=892KB (913712B) free=1155KB (1183440B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/webview/webview.apk isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1962): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1962): dex2oat took 188.059ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=438KB (448632B) free=2MB (2172808B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/webview/webview.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/ ( 1963): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 1963): ServiceManager: 0xf6319580
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 1963): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): adev_open: enter
I/dex2oat ( 1972): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/dex2oat ( 1972): dex2oat took 161.851ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=457KB (468040B) free=2MB (2153400B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/CMUpdater/CMUpdater.apk pkg=com.cyanogenmod.updater isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1984): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1984): dex2oat took 114.331ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1011KB (1035728B) free=1548KB (1585712B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/CellBroadcastReceiver/CellBroadcastReceiver.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 1993): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 1993): dex2oat took 53.286ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1051KB (1076592B) free=1508KB (1544848B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/OneTimeInitializer/OneTimeInitializer.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2002): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2002): dex2oat took 46.538ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32208B) native alloc=1011KB (1036272B) free=1548KB (1585168B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Screencast/Screencast.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.screencast isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2011): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2011): dex2oat took 45.682ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1012KB (1036592B) free=1547KB (1584848B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/CMParts/CMParts.apk pkg=org.cyanogenmod.cmparts isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2020): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2020): dex2oat took 228.528ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=564KB (577864B) free=1995KB (2043576B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/KeyChain/KeyChain.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2029): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2029): dex2oat took 45.118ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=997KB (1021232B) free=1562KB (1600208B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/CMWallpapers/CMWallpapers.apk pkg=com.cyanogenmod.wallpapers isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2038): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2038): dex2oat took 44.376ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=852KB (872688B) free=1195KB (1224464B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/PrintRecommendationService/PrintRecommendationService.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 1963): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 1963): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 1963): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1963): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1963): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 1963): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 1963): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-151643124
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-151643124
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 1963): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 1963): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 1963): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 1963): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1963): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1963): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1963): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
I/dex2oat ( 2047): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
D/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1963): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 1963): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 1963): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 1963): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 1963): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 1963): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1963): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1963): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1963): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 1963): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 1963): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 1963): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf633b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1963): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf633b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 1963): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983e80 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf633b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1963): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf633b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 1963): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf633b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf57830c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf633b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 1963): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6350ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 1963): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf54834c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6350ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 1963): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6350ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 1963): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 1963): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 1963): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 1963): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 1963): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 1963): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 1963): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5303040 ready to run
D/r_submix( 1963): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 1963): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 1963): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
I/dex2oat ( 2047): dex2oat took 58.351ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32240B) native alloc=1051KB (1076272B) free=1508KB (1545168B)
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 1963): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 1963): RadioService
I/RadioService( 1963): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 1963): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 1963): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1963): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2062): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2062): dex2oat took 485.430ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=504KB (516664B) free=2MB (2104776B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/Trebuchet/Trebuchet.apk pkg=com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2071): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2071): dex2oat took 202.144ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=501KB (513360B) free=2MB (2108080B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/CallLogBackup/CallLogBackup.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2080): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2080): dex2oat took 44.800ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=871KB (892912B) free=1176KB (1204240B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/PicoTts/PicoTts.apk pkg=com.svox.pico isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2089): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2089): dex2oat took 44.837ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=876KB (897328B) free=1171KB (1199824B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/AntHalService/AntHalService.apk pkg=com.dsi.ant.server isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2098): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 1963): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 1963): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
I/dex2oat ( 2098): dex2oat took 58.220ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=885KB (906480B) free=1162KB (1190672B)
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 1963): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 1963): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1963): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1963): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1963): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1963): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1963): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 1963): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 1963): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 1963): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 1963): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 1963): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 1963): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 1963): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 1963): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 1963): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 1963 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=1963 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=1963
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/CMFileManager/CMFileManager.apk pkg=com.cyanogenmod.filemanager isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
E/ ( 2107): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
I/dex2oat ( 2108): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
F/DEBUG ( 2107): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 2107): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 2107): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 2107): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 2107): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 2107): pid: 1963, tid: 1963, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 2107): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 2107): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 7ae8f254 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 2107): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f6eede88 r7 f6eebac0
F/DEBUG ( 2107): r8 f6eeb990 r9 f577f0b0 sl f6ef0470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 2107): ip ff7f24f4 sp ff7f29c0 lr f6ee6b1b pc f6ee6b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 2107):
F/DEBUG ( 2107): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 2107): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 2107): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 2107): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 2107): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 2107): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 2107): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2107): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2107): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 2107): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 1963
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 2108): dex2oat took 268.183ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=471KB (483176B) free=2MB (2138264B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/ManagedProvisioning.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2121): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2121): dex2oat took 67.566ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32208B) native alloc=1023KB (1048400B) free=1536KB (1573040B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/PhotoTable/PhotoTable.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2130): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2130): dex2oat took 48.501ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1046KB (1071408B) free=1513KB (1550032B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/WAPPushManager/WAPPushManager.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2139): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2139): dex2oat took 46.532ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1023KB (1048560B) free=1536KB (1572880B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/LiveWallpapersPicker/LiveWallpapersPicker.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2148): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2148): dex2oat took 45.881ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32208B) native alloc=855KB (875824B) free=1192KB (1221328B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/BookmarkProvider/BookmarkProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2157): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2157): dex2oat took 43.439ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=871KB (892912B) free=1176KB (1204240B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Eleven/Eleven.apk pkg=com.cyanogenmod.eleven isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2166): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2166): dex2oat took 640.785ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=809KB (829080B) free=1878KB (1923432B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/ExactCalculator/ExactCalculator.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2175): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2175): dex2oat took 183.931ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1052KB (1077648B) free=1507KB (1543792B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/VpnDialogs/VpnDialogs.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2184): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2184): dex2oat took 155.906ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=852KB (872752B) free=1195KB (1224400B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Email/Email.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2193): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/ ( 2195): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 2195): ServiceManager: 0xf6719580
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 2195): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/dex2oat ( 2193): dex2oat took 680.648ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=700KB (717432B) free=1859KB (1904008B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/WallpaperBackup/WallpaperBackup.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2206): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2206): dex2oat took 171.982ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=854KB (875504B) free=1193KB (1221648B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/BlockedNumberProvider/BlockedNumberProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2216): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2216): dex2oat took 218.281ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=1039KB (1064656B) free=1520KB (1556784B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/UserDictionaryProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2226): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2226): dex2oat took 165.001ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=880KB (901168B) free=1167KB (1195984B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/EmergencyInfo/EmergencyInfo.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
I/dex2oat ( 2235): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 2195): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2195): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 2195): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2195): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2195): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 2195): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 2195): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-147887092
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-147887092
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 2195): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 2195): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 2195): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 2195): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2195): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2195): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2195): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2195): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 2195): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2195): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2195): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2195): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2195): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2195): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2195): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2195): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2195): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2195): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2195): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf673b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2195): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf673b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 2195): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5d83800 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf673b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 2195): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf673b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2195): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf673b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83b00 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf673b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 2195): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6750ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 2195): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf58835c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6750ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2195): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6750ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 2195): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 2195): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 2195): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 2195): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 2195): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 2195): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 2195): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5883780 ready to run
D/r_submix( 2195): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 2195): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 2195): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 2195): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 2195): RadioService
I/RadioService( 2195): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 2195): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 2195): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2195): platform_stdev_init: Enter
I/dex2oat ( 2235): dex2oat took 268.483ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=663KB (679120B) free=2MB (2466608B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/DeskClock/DeskClock.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2251): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2251): dex2oat took 351.623ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=448KB (459768B) free=2MB (2161672B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Exchange2/Exchange2.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2260): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2260): dex2oat took 448.628ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=558KB (571736B) free=2001KB (2049704B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/BluetoothMidiService/BluetoothMidiService.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2269): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2195): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2195): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2195): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2195): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2195): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2195): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2195): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2195): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2195): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 2195): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 2195): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 2195): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2195): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 2195): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2195): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2195): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2195): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 2195): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 2195 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=2195 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=2195
E/ ( 2271): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 2271): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 2271): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 2271): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 2271): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 2271): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 2271): pid: 2195, tid: 2195, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 2271): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 2271): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 8d965021 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 2271): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f72d0e88 r7 f72ceac0
F/DEBUG ( 2271): r8 f72ce990 r9 f67410f0 sl f72d3470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 2271): ip ffaf3504 sp ffaf39d0 lr f72c9b1b pc f72c9b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 2271):
F/DEBUG ( 2271): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 2271): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 2271): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 2271): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 2271): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 2271): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 2271): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2271): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2271): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 2271): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
I/dex2oat ( 2269): dex2oat took 153.619ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32208B) native alloc=851KB (872432B) free=1196KB (1224720B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Bluetooth/Bluetooth.apk isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=/system/framework/javax.obex.jar
I/dex2oat ( 2279): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 2195
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/dex2oat ( 2279): dex2oat took 892.810ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32240B) native alloc=624KB (638976B) free=2MB (2506752B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/TimeService/TimeService.apk pkg=com.qualcomm.timeservice isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2292): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2292): dex2oat took 150.890ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=27KB (28240B) native alloc=912KB (934192B) free=1135KB (1162960B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Development/Development.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar
I/dex2oat ( 2301): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2301): dex2oat took 207.239ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32192B) native alloc=1018KB (1042672B) free=1541KB (1578768B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/ContactsProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2310): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2310): dex2oat took 320.217ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1038KB (1063120B) free=2033KB (2082608B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/CaptivePortalLogin/CaptivePortalLogin.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2320): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2320): dex2oat took 175.090ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32208B) native alloc=851KB (872432B) free=1196KB (1224720B)
I/PackageManager.DexOptimizer( 882): Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/priv-app/WeatherProvider/WeatherProvider.apk isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false target-filter=verify-at-runtime oatDir = null sharedLibraries=null
I/dex2oat ( 2330): /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime
I/dex2oat ( 2330): dex2oat took 173.046ms (threads: 8) arena alloc=0B (0B) java alloc=31KB (32216B) native alloc=1015KB (1040368B) free=1544KB (1581072B)
W/PackageManager( 882): No disk maintenance in 1475984533204; running immediately
I/MountService( 882): Running fstrim idle maintenance
I/SystemServer( 882): StartLockSettingsService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
D/VoldConnector( 882): SND -> {3 fstrim dotrim}
D/VoldConnector( 882): RCV <- {200 3 Command succeeded}
D/vold ( 255): Starting trim of /data
I/ ( 2331): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 2331): ServiceManager: 0xf6599580
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 2331): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): adev_open: enter
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
I/SystemServer( 882): StartStatusBarManagerService
I/SystemServer( 882): StartClipboardService
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/SystemServer( 882): StartNetworkManagementService
I/NetworkManagement( 882): onDaemonConnected()
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
I/SystemServer( 882): StartNetworkScoreService
I/SystemServer( 882): StartNetworkStatsService
I/SystemServer( 882): StartNetworkPolicyManagerService
I/SystemServer( 882): No Wi-Fi NAN Service (NAN support Not Present)
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/WifiP2pService( 882): Registering wifip2p
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
D/WifiStateMachine( 882): fst disabled
D/HS20 ( 882): Passpoint is enabled
E/IpManager.wlan0( 882): Failed to clear addresses or disable IPv6java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '1 interface ipv6 wlan0 disable' failed with '400 1 Failed to change IPv6 state (No such file or directory)'
W/art ( 882): Long monitor contention with owner WifiStateMachine (2350) at boolean waiters=0 in java.lang.String for 198ms
D/WifiApConfigStore( 882): 2G band allowed channels are:1,6,11
E/WifiLogger( 882): no ring buffers found
E/WifiLogger( 882): Failed to start packet fate monitoring
E/WifiApConfigStore( 882): Error reading hotspot configuration /data/misc/wifi/softap.conf (No such file or directory)
D/WifiApConfigStore( 882): Fallback to use default AP configuration
D/WifiController( 882): isAirplaneModeOn = false, isWifiEnabled = false, isScanningAvailable = false
E/WifiService( 882): ensureConcurrencyFile template file doesnt /etc/wifi/wifi_concurrency_cfg.txt (No such file or directory)
I/WifiService( 882): Registering wifi
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/WifiScanningService( 882): Creating wifiscanner
I/WifiScanningService( 882): Publishing wifiscanner
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/RttService( 882): Creating rttmanager
I/RttService( 882): Starting rttmanager
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/EthernetServiceImpl( 882): Creating EthernetConfigStore
E/IpConfigStore( 882): Error parsing configuration: /data/misc/ethernet/ipconfig.txt (No such file or directory)
W/EthernetConfigStore( 882): No Ethernet configuration found. Using default.
I/EthernetServiceImpl( 882): Read stored IP configuration: IP assignment: DHCP
I/EthernetServiceImpl( 882): Proxy settings: NONE
I/EthernetService( 882): Registering service ethernet
I/SystemServer( 882): StartConnectivityService
D/ConnectivityService( 882): ConnectivityService starting up
D/ConnectivityService( 882): wifiOnly=false
E/ConnectivityService( 882): Ignoring protectedNetwork 15
I/SystemServer( 882): StartNsdService
I/SystemServer( 882): StartUpdateLockService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
D/ConditionProviders.SCP( 882): new ScheduleConditionProvider()
D/ZenLog ( 882): set_zen_mode: off,init
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 2331): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2331): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 2331): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2331): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2331): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 2331): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 2331): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-148800500
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-148800500
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 2331): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 2331): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 2331): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 2331): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2331): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2331): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2331): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2331): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 2331): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2331): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2331): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2331): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2331): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2331): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2331): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2331): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2331): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2331): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/SystemServer( 882): StartLocationManagerService
I/soundtrigger( 2331): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf65bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2331): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf65bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/SystemServer( 882): StartCountryDetectorService
I/SystemServer( 882): StartSearchManagerService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
I/BufferProvider( 2331): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5c03080 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf65bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting
W/AudioFlinger( 2331): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf65bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2331): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf65bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5a03540 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf65bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 2331): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf65d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 2331): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5703b80 ready to run
I/SystemServer( 882): StartWallpaperManagerService
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf65d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2331): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf65d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 2331): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 2331): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 2331): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 2331): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 2331): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 2331): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 2331): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf57032c0 ready to run
D/r_submix( 2331): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 2331): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 2331): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 2331): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 2331): RadioService
I/RadioService( 2331): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 2331): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 2331): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2331): platform_stdev_init: Enter
E/BitmapFactory( 882): Unable to decode stream: /data/system/users/0/wallpaper_orig (No such file or directory)
E/WallpaperManagerService( 882): Invalid wallpaper data
E/WallpaperManagerService( 882): Unable to apply new wallpaper
W/WallpaperManagerService( 882): no current wallpaper -- first boot?
I/SystemServer( 882): StartAudioService
I/SystemServiceManager( 882): Starting$Lifecycle
W/TelecomManager( 882): Telecom Service not found.
I/vold ( 255): Trimmed 9184477184 bytes on /data in 2017ms
D/vold ( 255): Starting trim of /cache
D/VoldConnector( 882): RCV <- {662 /data 9184477184 2017205566}
I/vold ( 255): Trimmed 371912704 bytes on /cache in 20ms
D/vold ( 255): Starting trim of /persist
D/VoldConnector( 882): RCV <- {662 /cache 371912704 20879429}
I/vold ( 255): Trimmed 28626944 bytes on /persist in 39ms
D/vold ( 255): Starting trim of none
W/vold ( 255): Failed to open none: No such file or directory
D/VoldConnector( 882): RCV <- {662 /persist 28626944 39624639}
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2331): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2331): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2331): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2331): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2331): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2331): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2331): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2331): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2331): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 2331): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 2331): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 2331): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2331): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 2331): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2331): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2331): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2331): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 2331): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 2331 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=2331 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=2331
E/ ( 2369): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 2369): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 2369): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 2369): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 2369): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 2369): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 2369): pid: 2331, tid: 2331, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 2369): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 2369): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 64eaabad r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 2369): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f718ae88 r7 f7188ac0
F/DEBUG ( 2369): r8 f7188990 r9 f59ff0a0 sl f718d470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 2369): ip fffaed04 sp fffaf1d0 lr f7183b1b pc f7183b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 2369):
F/DEBUG ( 2369): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 2369): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 2369): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 2369): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 2369): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 2369): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 2369): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2369): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2369): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 2369): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 2331
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
W/AudioSystem( 882): AudioPolicyService server died!
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ ( 2380): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 2380): ServiceManager: 0xf6a19580
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 2380): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 2380): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2380): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 2380): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2380): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2380): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 2380): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 2380): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-144737268
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-144737268
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 2380): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 2380): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 2380): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 2380): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2380): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2380): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2380): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2380): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 2380): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2380): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2380): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2380): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2380): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2380): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2380): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2380): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2380): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2380): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2380): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf6a3b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2380): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf6a3b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 2380): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf6083740 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf6a3b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 2380): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf6a3b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2380): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf6a3b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5e836c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf6a3b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 2380): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6a50ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 2380): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83a80 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6a50ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2380): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6a50ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 2380): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 2380): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 2380): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 2380): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 2380): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 2380): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 2380): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b83140 ready to run
D/r_submix( 2380): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 2380): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 2380): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 2380): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 2380): RadioService
I/RadioService( 2380): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 2380): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 2380): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2380): platform_stdev_init: Enter
W/AudioSystem( 882): AudioPolicyService not published, waiting...
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2380): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2380): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2380): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2380): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2380): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2380): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2380): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2380): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2380): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 2380): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 2380): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 2380): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2380): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 2380): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2380): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2380): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2380): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 2380): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 2380 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=2380 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=2380
E/ ( 2394): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 2394): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 2394): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 2394): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 2394): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 2394): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 2394): pid: 2380, tid: 2380, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 2394): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 2394): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 2716d8e1 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 2394): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f7583e88 r7 f7581ac0
F/DEBUG ( 2394): r8 f7581990 r9 f6a410e0 sl f7586470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 2394): ip ff9866f4 sp ff986bc0 lr f757cb1b pc f757cb1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 2394):
F/DEBUG ( 2394): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 2394): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 2394): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 2394): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 2394): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 2394): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 2394): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2394): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2394): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 2394): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 2380
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
W/AudioSystem( 882): AudioPolicyService server died!
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/AudioSystem( 882): AudioFlinger server died!
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ ( 2399): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 2399): ServiceManager: 0xf6699580
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 2399): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 2399): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2399): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 2399): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2399): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2399): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 2399): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 2399): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-148403188
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-148403188
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 2399): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 2399): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 2399): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 2399): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2399): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2399): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2399): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2399): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 2399): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2399): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2399): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2399): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2399): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2399): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2399): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2399): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2399): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2399): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2399): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf66bb300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2399): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf66bb300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 2399): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5d03b00 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66bb300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 2399): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf66bb440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2399): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf66bb440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5b033c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf66bb440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 2399): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf66d0ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 2399): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf58037c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf66d0ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2399): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf66d0ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 2399): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 2399): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 2399): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 2399): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 2399): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 2399): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 2399): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf58030c0 ready to run
D/r_submix( 2399): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 2399): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 2399): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 2399): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 2399): RadioService
I/RadioService( 2399): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 2399): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 2399): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2399): platform_stdev_init: Enter
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2399): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2399): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2399): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2399): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2399): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2399): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2399): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2399): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2399): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 2399): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 2399): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 2399): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2399): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 2399): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2399): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2399): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2399): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 2399): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 2399 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=2399 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=2399
E/ ( 2410): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 2410): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 2410): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 2410): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 2410): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 2410): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 2410): pid: 2399, tid: 2399, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 2410): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 2410): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 ee479bbf r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 2410): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f72a1e88 r7 f729fac0
F/DEBUG ( 2410): r8 f729f990 r9 f66c20e0 sl f72a4470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 2410): ip fffad2b4 sp fffad780 lr f729ab1b pc f729ab1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 2410):
F/DEBUG ( 2410): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 2410): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 2410): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 2410): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 2410): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 2410): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 2410): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2410): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2410): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 2410): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 2399
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
W/AudioSystem( 882): AudioPolicyService server died!
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/AudioSystem( 882): AudioFlinger server died!
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ ( 2415): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 2415): ServiceManager: 0xf6619580
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 2415): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/msm8916_platform( 2415): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2415): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 2415): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2415): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2415): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 2415): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 2415): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-148624372
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-148624372
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 2415): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 2415): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 2415): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 2415): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2415): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2415): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2415): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2415): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 2415): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2415): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2415): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2415): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2415): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2415): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2415): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2415): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2415): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2415): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2415): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf663b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2415): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf663b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 2415): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5c83dc0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf663b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 2415): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf663b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2415): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf663b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5a83c80 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf663b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
W/AudioFlinger( 2415): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6650ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 2415): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5783980 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6650ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2415): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6650ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 2415): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 2415): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 2415): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 2415): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 2415): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 2415): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 2415): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf57839c0 ready to run
D/r_submix( 2415): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 2415): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 2415): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 2415): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 2415): RadioService
I/RadioService( 2415): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 2415): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 2415): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2415): platform_stdev_init: Enter
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2415): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2415): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2415): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2415): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2415): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2415): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2415): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2415): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2415): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 2415): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 2415): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 2415): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2415): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 2415): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2415): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2415): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2415): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 2415): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 2415 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=2415 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=2415
E/ ( 2425): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 2425): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 2425): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 2425): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 2425): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 2425): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 2425): pid: 2415, tid: 2415, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 2425): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 2425): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 015e3720 r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 2425): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f721ce88 r7 f721aac0
F/DEBUG ( 2425): r8 f721a990 r9 f66410e0 sl f721f470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 2425): ip ffaf5774 sp ffaf5c40 lr f7215b1b pc f7215b1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 2425):
F/DEBUG ( 2425): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 2425): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 2425): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 2425): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 2425): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 2425): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 2425): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2425): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2425): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 2425): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 2415
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
W/AudioSystem( 882): AudioPolicyService server died!
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ThermalEngine( 313): TM Id 'XO_CHARGING_MONITOR' Sensor 'xo_therm_buf' - alarm cleared 2 at 46.0 degC
I/ThermalEngine( 313): Mitigation:Battery:0
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/ ( 2430): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 2430): ServiceManager: 0xf6319580
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 2430): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 2430): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->Online service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->ACPH init success
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->DSP RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->MCS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->FTS RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->ADIE RTC service registered with ACPH
D/ ( 2430): Invalid AV file. It doesnt contain LUT for tblid 00000017
D/ ( 2430): Failed to fetch the Table in ACDB files Table-ID 00000017
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2430): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2430): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_ALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> allocate_cal_block failed!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Error: Sending AUDIO_DEALLOCATE_CALIBRATION, result = -1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Cannot allocate memory!
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): ACDB initialization failed
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): hw_util_open Opening device /dev/snd/hwC0D1000
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): hw_util_open success
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send_wcd9xxx_anc_cal: Error: Could not get cal block!
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): send_codec_cal cal sent for anc_cal calib.size=16
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> send_codec_cal
D/ ( 2430): Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000064
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): Error: ACDB CODEC CAL returned = -19
E/msm8916_platform( 2430): Failed to call ioctl for mad_cal err=14 calib.size=-151749620
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): send_codec_cal cal sent for mad_cal calib.size=-151749620
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): send mbhc data
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): send_codec_cal cal sent for mbhc_cal calib.size=154
E/msm8916_platform( 2430): Failed to call ioctl for err=14 calib.size=154
D/msm8916_platform( 2430): send_codec_cal cal sent for calib.size=154
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: Enter
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_init: DLOPEN successful for /system/vendor/lib/hw/
E/audio_hw_primary( 2430): Amplifier initialization failed
E/audio_hw_utils( 2430): audio_extn_utils_update_streams_output_cfg_list: could not load output policy config file
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2430): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2430): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2430): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2430): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1
D/hardware_info( 2430): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
W/msm8916_platform( 2430): Codec backend bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000
D/hardware_info( 2430): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
W/audio_hw_utils( 2430): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
I/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
D/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
E/audio_hw_utils( 2430): Device not ready, skip app type update
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2430): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2430): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
D/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 7 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2430): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(34: handset-mic)
D/hardware_info( 2430): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): enable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
D/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 3, with Raise=0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized!
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-record
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): select_devices: done
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-record
D/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_id 9 of type 1 for Event 2, with Raise=0
D/hardware_info( 2430): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = handset-mic
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): disable_snd_device: snd_device(34: handset-mic)
I/soundtrigger( 2430): audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x22 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=1
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from QCOM Audio HAL (audio) handle 10
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x2) stream_handle(0xf633b300)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2430): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf633b300) picks up usecase (deep-buffer-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): HAL output buffer size 960 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/BufferProvider( 2430): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): Using module 10 has the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5983e80 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf633b300) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 2430): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): openOutput(), module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 4
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): adev_open_output_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0x3) devices(0x2) flags(0x4) stream_handle(0xf633b440)
W/audio_hw_utils( 2430): audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): adev_open_output_stream: Stream (0xf633b440) picks up usecase (low-latency-playback)
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): HAL output buffer size 240 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf57830c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): out_standby: enter: stream (0xf633b440) usecase(1: low-latency-playback)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
W/AudioFlinger( 2430): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(48000) channel_mask(0xc) devices(0x80000004) stream_handle(0xf6350ec0) io_handle(14)
E/audio_hw_extn( 2430): audio_extn_perf_lock_init: Failed to open perf handle
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf54834c0 ready to run
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xf6350ec0)
D/audio_hw_primary( 2430): in_standby: enter: stream (0xf6350ec0) usecase(7: audio-record)
I/bt_a2dp_hw( 2430): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 18
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface from USB audio HW HAL (audio) handle 26
I/r_submix( 2430): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix( 2430): adev_init_check()
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface from Wifi Display audio HAL (audio) handle 34
D/r_submix( 2430): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix( 2430): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix( 2430): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger( 2430): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf5483040 ready to run
D/r_submix( 2430): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix( 2430): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix( 2430): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
D/AudioPolicyManagerCustom( 2430): USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF is TRUE
I/RadioService( 2430): RadioService
I/RadioService( 2430): onFirstRef
E/RadioService( 2430): couldn't load radio module radio.primary (No such file or directory)
D/sound_trigger_hw( 2430): stdev_open: Enter
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2430): platform_stdev_init: Enter
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2430): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/sound_trigger_platform( 2430): platform_stdev_init: acdb_init: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2430): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB File Minor = 2, ACDB File Revision = 0
D/ ( 2430): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2430): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2430): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2430): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2430): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2430): ACDBFILE_MGR: Duplicate Acdb file set request, so skipping the set request
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 2
E/ ( 2430): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 5
E/ACDB-MCS( 2430): ACDB MSC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 4
E/ACDB-FTS( 2430): acdb_fts_init: acph register failed error = -1
D/ ( 2430): [ACPH]->Requested service already registered - 3
E/ ( 2430): ACDB RTAC -> acph register failed error = -1
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> send_meta_info, lic 0
D/ ( 2430): Couldnt find the key 00000000
D/ ( 2430): Output from GetMetaInfoSize command : 0
E/ACDB-LOADER( 2430): ACDB -> create_cal_node: New Node!
F/libc ( 2430): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x2d657279 in tid 2430 (audioserver)
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: handling request: pid=2430 uid=1041 gid=1005 tid=2430
E/ ( 2441): debuggerd: Unable to connect to activity manager (connect failed: No such file or directory)
F/DEBUG ( 2441): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG ( 2441): CM Version: '14.0-20161008-UNOFFICIAL-ferrari'
F/DEBUG ( 2441): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_ferrari/ferrari:7.0/NBD90Z/8f2fc9b664:eng/test-keys'
F/DEBUG ( 2441): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG ( 2441): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG ( 2441): pid: 2430, tid: 2430, name: audioserver >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG ( 2441): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x2d657279
F/DEBUG ( 2441): r0 00000030 r1 00000000 r2 c43e88fe r3 00000003
F/DEBUG ( 2441): r4 2d657275 r5 00000000 r6 f6f21e88 r7 f6f1fac0
F/DEBUG ( 2441): r8 f6f1f990 r9 f577f0a0 sl f6f24470 fp 00000000
F/DEBUG ( 2441): ip ffdc5ed4 sp ffdc63a0 lr f6f1ab1b pc f6f1ab1a cpsr 600f0030
F/DEBUG ( 2441):
F/DEBUG ( 2441): backtrace:
F/DEBUG ( 2441): #00 pc 00001b1a /system/vendor/lib/
F/DEBUG ( 2441): #01 pc 000035af /system/vendor/lib/ (acdb_loader_init_v2+586)
F/DEBUG ( 2441): #02 pc 00004749 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (platform_stdev_init+488)
F/DEBUG ( 2441): #03 pc 00002b77 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
F/DEBUG ( 2441): #04 pc 000082d3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android21SoundTriggerHwService10onFirstRefEv+70)
F/DEBUG ( 2441): #05 pc 00001edf /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2441): #06 pc 00001837 /system/bin/audioserver
F/DEBUG ( 2441): #07 pc 00016d2d /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
F/DEBUG ( 2441): #08 pc 0000156c /system/bin/audioserver
W/ ( 253): debuggerd: resuming target 2430
I/ServiceManager( 285): service '' died
W/AudioSystem( 882): AudioPolicyService server died!
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 285): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ ( 2446): sMaxFastTracks = 8
I/audioserver( 2446): ServiceManager: 0xf6799580
I/AudioFlinger( 2446): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
I/AudioPolicyService( 2446): AudioPolicyService CSTOR in new mode
D/audio_hw_primary( 2446): adev_open: enter
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): platform_init: mixer path file is /system/etc/mixer_paths_wcd9306.xml
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
I/ServiceManager( 882): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
E/AudioService( 882): Audioserver died.
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'SLIMBUS_0_RX Port Mixer INT_BT_SCO_TX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX Audio Mixer Multimedia6' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'SLIM_0_RX AANC MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM1 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM2 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM3 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM4 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM5 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM6 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM7 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route( 2446): Control 'LSM8 MUX' doesn't exist - skipping
I/msm8916_platform( 2446): update_codec_type: snd_card_name: msm8939-tapan-snd-card
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): platform_init: Opened sound card:0
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone4/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone5/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone6/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone7/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone9/type
D/msm8916_platform( 2446): Opening /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/type
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_General_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Global_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Handset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Hdmi_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Headset_cal.acdb
D/ACDB-LOADER( 2446): ACDB -> Load file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Speaker_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2446): [ACDB Command]->SW Minor/Major/Revision version info for /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_WCD9306_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
D/ ( 2446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB Sw Major = 5, ACDB Sw Minor = 0, ACDB Sw Revision = 4
D/ ( 2446): [ACDB Command]->ACDB File Major = 4, ACDB
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