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Last active October 13, 2021 21:32
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Package Python 3.10 support
aiohttp ❔ (deprecation warnings, might use removed loop param somewhere)
aiohttp-json-rpc ❔ (deprecation warnings)
aiosqlite ❔ (we don't actually use this, so...)
appdirs ❔ (probably works fine now but we should probably just move to platformlibs instead)
async-timeout ❔ (probably works fine now; no indication of that though)
attrs ✔️
Babel ✔️ (officially support will be added in 2.9.2)
cffi ✔️ (wheels will be added in 1.15.0)
chardet ❔ (probably works fine now; will be supported in 5.0.0)
click ✔️
colorama ❔ (probably works fine now; relevant issue)
commonmark ❔ (probably works fine now; no indication of that though)
contextlib2 ✔️ ❔ (deprecation warnings, might use removed loop param somewhere)
fuzzywuzzy ❔ (probably works fine now; fuzzywuzzy got renamed to thefuzz but we should probably just move to rapidfuzz instead)
idna ❔ (probably works fine now; no indication of that though)
Markdown ❔ (deprecation warnings)
multidict ✔️
psutil ❔ (probably works fine now; no indication of that though)
pycparser ❔ (probably works fine now; no indication of that though)
Pygments ❔ (probably works fine now; no indication of that though)
PyNaCl ❔ (probably works fine now)
python-dateutil ❔ (probably works fine now; no indication of that though)
pytz ❔ (probably works fine now; no indication of that though)
rich ✔️
schema ❔ (probably works fine now; no indication of that though)
six ✔️
typing-extensions ✔️
yarl ❔ (probably works fine now; will be supporteed in 1.7.0)
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