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Last active April 2, 2024 21:56
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export default class BufferReader {
#buffer: Buffer
#offset: number
#length = 0
/// Yields BufferReaders, splitting when it hits newline
static *getPackets(data: Buffer) {
let reader = new BufferReader(data)
yield reader
// while(reader.nextBuffer != null) {
// reader = new BufferReader(reader.nextBuffer)
// yield reader
// }
return null
static new(size: number) {
return new BufferReader(Buffer.alloc(size))
constructor(data: Buffer) {
if(!data) throw new Error("buffer is null or undefined")
// console.log(data.byteLength, data.length, data.toString('hex'))
this.#buffer = data
this.#offset = 0
this.#length = data.byteLength
get buffer() {
return this.#buffer.subarray()
get offset() {
return this.#offset
get length() {
return this.#length
get isEOF() {
return this.#offset >= this.#length || this.#curChar == 0xa // new line
get IsRecordSeparator() {
return this.#curChar === BufferReader.RecordSeparator
get #curChar() {
static get RecordSeparator() {
return 0x1e
peekByte(): number {
return this.#buffer.readInt8(this.#offset)
readByte(): number {
const value = this.#buffer.readInt8(this.#offset)
this.#offset += 1
return value
readShort(): number {
const value = this.#buffer.readInt16LE(this.#offset)
this.#offset += 2
return value
readInt(): number {
const value = this.#buffer.readInt32LE(this.#offset)
this.#offset += 4
return value
readFloat(): number {
const value = this.#buffer.readFloatLE(this.#offset)
this.#offset += 4
return value
readString(): string {
let start = this.#offset
// Read until null term
while(this.#offset < this.#length) {
if(this.#curChar === 0x0) {
return this.#buffer.subarray(start, this.#offset++).toString()
throw new Error("No null term found")
/// Yields a BufferReader for every record in a packet
*readRecords() {
while(!this.isEOF) {
const length = this.readByte()
const endRecord = this.#offset + length
yield new BufferReader(this.#buffer.subarray(this.#offset, endRecord))
this.#offset = endRecord + 1
return null
#expand(newSize?: number) {
if(!newSize) newSize = 2 * this.buffer.length
if(newSize < this.#buffer.length) throw new Error("new size must be greater than the current size")
const newBuffer = Buffer.alloc(newSize)
this.buffer.copy(newBuffer, 0, 0, this.buffer.length)
this.#buffer = newBuffer
this.#length = newSize
writeByte(value: number) {
if(this.#offset + 1 >= this.#length) this.#expand()
this.#buffer.writeInt8(value, this.#offset)
return this
writeShort(value: number) {
if(this.#offset + 2 >= this.#length) this.#expand()
this.#buffer.writeInt16LE(value, this.#offset)
this.#offset += 2
return this
writeInt(value: number) {
if(this.#offset + 4 >= this.#length) this.#expand()
this.#buffer.writeInt32LE(value, this.#offset)
this.#offset += 4
return this
writeFloat(value: number) {
if(this.#offset + 4 >= this.#length) this.#expand()
this.#buffer.writeFloatLE(value, this.#offset)
this.#offset += 4
return this
writeString(value: string) {
if(this.#offset + value.length + 1 >= this.#length) this.#expand(this.#length + value.length + 1)
if(value == undefined) value = ""
this.#buffer.write(value + "\0", this.#offset, "ascii")
this.#offset += value.length + 1
return this
// get nextBuffer() {
// if(this.#curChar == 0xa && this.#offset + 1 < this.#buffer.length) {
// return this.#buffer.subarray(this.#offset + 1)
// } else {
// return null
// }
// }
at(i: number): number {
next(): number | null {
if(this.#offset == this.#length) return null
return this.readByte()
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