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Last active May 11, 2022 02:18
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  • Save Jackzmc/98c37fb88c318efe9894876fedaac275 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Jackzmc/98c37fb88c318efe9894876fedaac275 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
converts from vue2 options syntax to vue3 composition format
const header = [
`import SectionNode from '@/components/sections/SectionNode.vue'`
const exported = {
name: "SectionNode",
props: {
node: Object
methods: {
gotoHeader() {
const element = document.getElementById(this.node.key)
if(element) element.scrollIntoView()
else console.warn(`Element not found: ${this.node.key}`)
// end
function cleanCode(input) {
return input
.replace(/this\.([a-zA-Z$_]+)\(/g, '$1(')
.replace(/this\.([a-zA-Z$_]+)/g, '$1.value')
.replace(/\$emit/g, 'emit')
.replace(/\$(route|router)\.value/g, '$1')
function objToStr(input) {
return JSON.stringify(input, (key, val) => {
if(typeof(val) === "function") {
val = `-${}-`
return val
}, 2)
.replace(/"([^"]+)":/g, '$1:')
.replace(/"-([a-zA-Z]+)-"/g, '$1')
function getProps() {
let output = ""
if(exported.props) {
output = `const props = defineProps(${objToStr(exported.props)})`
return output
function getData() {
let output = ""
if( {
let data =
for(var key in data) {
let v = data[key]
if(v && typeof v === "object") {
v = objToStr(data[key])
output += `let ${key} = ref(${v})\n`
return output
function getWatch() {
let output = ""
if( {
for(const key in {
let func =[key].handler.toString()
.replace(/handler\((.*)\)\s*{(.*)}/s, (match, p1, p2) => {
return `(${p1}) => { ${cleanCode(p2)} }`
output += `watch(${key}, ${func})\n`
return output
function getComputed() {
let output = ""
if(exported.computed) {
for(const key in exported.computed) {
let func = exported.computed[key].toString()
.replace(new RegExp(`${key}\\s*\\((.*)\\)\\s*{(.*)}`,'s'), (match, p1, p2) => {
return `(${p1}) => { ${cleanCode(p2)} }`
output += `const ${key} = computed(${func})\n`
return output
function getMethods() {
let output = ""
if(exported.methods) {
for(const key in exported.methods) {
let func = exported.methods[key].toString()
.replace(/([a-zA-Z\s]+\s)?([a-zA-Z_]+)\s*\(([a-zA-Z,\s]*)\)\s*{(.*)}/s, (match, p1, p2, p3, p4) => {
return `${p1||''}function ${p2}(${p3}) {\n${cleanCode(p4)}\n}\n`
output += func
return output
function getHooks() {
let output = ""
if(exported.created) {
const rawfunc = exported.created.toString()
const func = rawfunc.slice(rawfunc.indexOf("{") + 1, rawfunc.lastIndexOf("}"));
output += `onBeforeMount(() => {\n${cleanCode(func)}\n})`
if(exported.mounted) {
const rawfunc = exported.mounted.toString()
const func = rawfunc.slice(rawfunc.indexOf("{") + 1, rawfunc.lastIndexOf("}"));
output += `onMounted(() => {\n${cleanCode(func)}\n})`
return output
let output = header.join("\n") + `\nimport { ref, watch, computed, onBeforeMount, onMounted, defineEmits } from 'vue'\n`
output += `import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router'\n\n`
output += `const emit = defineEmits([])\n`
output += `const route = useRoute()\nconst router = useRouter()\n`
output += getProps() + "\n"
output += getData() + "\n"
output += getWatch() + "\n"
output += getComputed() + "\n"
output += getMethods() + "\n"
output += getHooks() + "\n"
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