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Created June 30, 2014 13:04
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  • Save JacobCZ/a2b1fad6944b87c04bad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JacobCZ/a2b1fad6944b87c04bad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; AVerMedia_A827_USB_Hybrid_DVB-T.inf
; Copyright (c) 2010 libusb (GNU LGPL)
DeviceName = "AVerMedia A827 USB Hybrid DVB-T"
VendorName = "AVerMedia Technologies, Inc."
SourceName = "AVerMedia A827 USB Hybrid DVB-T Install Disk"
DeviceID = "VID_07CA&PID_A827"
DeviceGUID = "{21702673-7EC9-43CD-9F98-036531F35F38}"
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Class = "Universal Serial Bus devices"
ClassGuid = {88bae032-5a81-49f0-bc3d-a4ff138216d6}
Provider = ""
CatalogFile =
DriverVer = 07/14/2009, 6.1.7600.16385
Addreg = WinUSBDeviceClassReg
HKR,,,0,"Universal Serial Bus devices"
%VendorName% = libusbDevice_WinUSB,NTx86,NTamd64,NTia64
%DeviceName% = USB_Install, USB\%DeviceID%
%DeviceName% = USB_Install, USB\%DeviceID%
%DeviceName% = USB_Install, USB\%DeviceID%
Include = winusb.inf
Include = winusb.inf
AddService = WinUSB,0x00000002,WinUSB_ServiceInstall
DisplayName = "WinUSB - Kernel Driver 07/14/2009 6.1.7600.16385"
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\WinUSB.sys
KmdfService = WINUSB, WinUsb_Install
KmdfLibraryVersion = 1.9
AddReg = AddDeviceInterfaceGUID
; Avoids adding a DeviceInterfaceGUID for generic driver
AddReg = CoInstallers_AddReg
CopyFiles = CoInstallers_CopyFiles
CoInstallers_CopyFiles = 11
1 = %SourceName%
WinUSBCoInstaller2.dll = 1,x86
WdfCoInstaller01009.dll = 1,x86
WinUSBCoInstaller2.dll = 1,amd64
WdfCoInstaller01009.dll = 1,amd64
WinUSBCoInstaller2.dll = 1,ia64
WdfCoInstaller01009.dll = 1,ia64
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