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Created August 30, 2016 18:09
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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
"""Genetic algorithm base classes."""
import random
from collections import deque
from itertools import izip
import attr
class Population(object):
"""This class is the controller for the population of Orgamisms."""
gene_base = attr.ib(
validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list), cmp=False, repr=False)
population_count = attr.ib(default=20)
population = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), cmp=False)
top_scores = attr.ib(default=deque(maxlen=200), repr=False)
def gen_population(self):
"""Generate a population of organisms."""
self.population = []
for _ in range(self.population_count):
org = Organism(genes=self.gene_base[:])
def breed_population(self, pool_percentage=50):
""""Cross breed the population with only the top percentage.
:param pool_percentage: Percentage defines primary breeder cutoff.
# Create the breeding order. Those on top get more iterations.
breeders = self.population[
:int(self.population_count * (float(pool_percentage) / 100))
i = 0
while self.population_count > len(breeders):
[breeders[i]] * ((self.population_count - len(breeders)) / 2 + 1)
i += 1
# Create a shuffled duplicate of the list to breed against
shuffled = breeders[:]
next_generation = [Organism(genes=breeders[0].genes[:])] # boldly go!
for org1, org2 in izip(breeders, shuffled):
next_generation.append(self._breed_pair(org1, org2))
self.population = next_generation[:self.population_count - 1]
def _breed_pair(self, organism1, organism2):
"""Breed two organisms together.
The first has a greater chance of passing their genes on.
Random mutation is then given a chance to change the child.
new_gene_list = []
gene_list1, gene_list2 = (organism1.genes, organism2.genes)
for i in range(len(self.gene_base)):
if random.random() <= 0.75:
if gene_list1[i] not in new_gene_list: # avoid duplicates
elif gene_list2[i] not in new_gene_list:
if gene_list2[i] not in new_gene_list:
elif gene_list1[i] not in new_gene_list:
# Add in any original genes that were removed in the process
for gene in self.gene_base:
if gene not in new_gene_list:
org = Organism(genes=new_gene_list)
# Randomly mutate the organism
if random.random() <= 0.01:
# If we have reached a local maximum, force some diversity
if len(self.top_scores) == 200 and self.top_scores[0] == self.top_scores[-1]:
if random.random() <= 0.9:
return org
def sort_population(self):
"""Sort the population by the number of points they have."""
self.population = sorted(
self.population, key=lambda org: org.points, reverse=True)
class Organism(object):
"""The is the actor class that is the target of evolution."""
genes = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list), cmp=False)
points = attr.ib(default=0)
def generate_genes(self):
"""Randomly sort the genes to provide different combinations."""
def mutate(self):
"""Randomly mutate the list by swapping two genes around."""
gene1 = random.randint(0, len(self.genes) - 1)
gene2 = random.randint(0, len(self.genes) - 1)
self.genes[gene1], self.genes[gene2] = (
self.genes[gene2], self.genes[gene1])
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