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Game Title [TBD]

[This] is a rules light tabletop rpg that combines various elements of Old School RPG's with some new concepts to create a simple system that's fast paced and fun.

© Copyright by Jacob Rex


Special Thanks to the creators of RuneQuest, Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel of Dungeon World, David Black the creator of The Black Hack, and Professor Dungeon Master of DungeonCraft for their contributions to the gaming community and the inspiration for this game.

Table of Contents


[This game] is a tabletop roleplaying game with a character facing Dice Mechanic that makes for a rules light experience. No classes, no levels, no skills, no feats, no spells - simply say what you want to do and roll!

Core Mechanic

When your Character attempts something in the game world with a consequence of failure, your Game Master (GM) will ask you to make a Check to determine what happens. Checks are made by rolling 2d20. Each die that rolled below the relevant Stat is counted as a Success.

0 Failure: you do not succeed
1 Trouble: you succeed with consequences
2 Success: you succeed

Non Player Character's (NPC's) never make Checks. Instead, the GM will tell you what the NPC's are doing and you will respond to their actions with a Check. The GM will roll Damage for NPC's, however.

Advantage & Disadvantage

Situations may give you an Advantage or Disadvantage to a Check. When this happens, add a d20 to your Check take the 2 best results for Advantage or the 2 poorest results for Disadvantage.

Check Difficulty

When your GM determines a Check would be difficult, you will make your Check at a fraction of it's value. For example if attempting a Hard task with 14 in the Stat, your GM may tell you to make the Check as if you only had a 9 to 13 in that Stat.

Standard None
Hard 1-5
Formidable 6-10
Daunting 11-17
Hopeless No attempt can be made

Roll Stats

Stats are generated by rolling 3d6 nine times and assigning each result as desired to Strength (STR), Agility (AGI), Dexterity (DEX), Vitality (VIT), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), and Charisma (CHA).

Strength Weild heavy weapons & armor, climb, lift, push, pull, etc
Agility Combat Checks, athletics, acrobatics, avoiding damage that can be dodged, being sneaky
Dexterity Weild ranged weapons, perform complex hand skills like lock picking, disabling taps, crafting etc
Vitality Sets your Hit Points (HP) and Total Hit Points (THP)
Endurance Recovery, resisting toxins, disease, the elements, pain, etc
Intelligence Memorize & recall knowledge, investigate, reason, conceptualize
Wisdom Perception, observation, intuition, willpower, common sense
Charisma Personality, confidence, influencing NPCs, Magic
Faith Resisting fear & evil, prayer & miracles, Magic resistance

Derived Stats

Hit Points (HP)

Head 1/2 VIT 5 9
Right Arm 1/2 VIT 5 9
Left Arm 1/2 VIT 5 9
Chest VIT 10 18
Abdomen 2/3 VIT 7 12
Right Leg 2/3 VIT 7 12
Left Leg 2/3 VIT 7 12

Total Hit Points (THP)

While body parts have Hit Points, a creature can only sustain so much damage before it is killed. That number is called your THP. Your THP is Vit+10. When your THP reaches zero you die.

Choose a Profession

Professions determine your Character's starting Equipment and Expertise. Whenever you make a Check that you have Expertise in you have Advantage. If you would have Disadvantage on a Check you have Expertise in, you instead make the check normally. Work with your GM to determine if an unlisted Check falls into your Character's Expertise.

Unless otherwise noted, you begin the game with 3d6x10 Gold.

Acrobat Gambeson, Dagger Acrobatics, Climbing, Jumping, Performance, Social Interactions May belong to a guild, group or other theatre connections
Bandit Leather Armor, Sword, Round Shield, Crossbow, Bolts Intimidation, Thievery, Wilderness Survival May belong to a guild, gang. Could be wanted in certain towns
Clergy Robe, Bible, Crucifix, Rosary Church doctrine, Demonology, Disease, Healing, Theology, Piety Begins with 3d6 Gold. Connected to a Monastery and people in the Church
Crusader Chainmail, Chaimail Hood, Longsword, Shield Church doctrine, Riding, War, Weaponry Belongs to an order with identifying colors and rules they must abide by
Hunter Gambeson, Crossbow, Axe, Dagger, Meat Archery, Animals, Hunting, Plants, Wilderness Survival -
Knight Plate Armor, Closed Helm, Sword or Mace & Shield or Claymore Armor, Nobility, Riding, Weaponry Works for a Lord to protect his land
Marksman Gambeson, Longbow, Arrows, Dagger Archery, War, Weaponry -
Merchant Gambeson, Dagger Based on specific profession: blacksmith, brewer, butcher, mason, etc -
Minstrel Gambeson, Dagger Comedy, Liteature, Local Lore, Music, Theater May belong to a guild, group or other theatre connections
Peasant Common clothes, Dagger Animal Husbandry, Farming, Local Lore Begins with 3d6 Gold
Sailor Gambeson, Sword Climbing, Geography, Intimidation, Sailing, Rope May have worked for a specific captain, troupe or company
Scholar Common clothes, Dagger Based on an area of study -
Soldier Helmet, Leather Armor, Sword, Shield Armor, Intimidation, Riding, War, Weaponry May be a veteran of a specific war, or have served some local township or lord
Thief Leather Armor, Dagger, Bow, Arrows Local Lore, Social Interations, Thievery May belong to a guild or gang. May be wanted in certain areas.
Wanderer Leather, Axe, Shield Up to player Begins with 3d6x3 Gold. May be familiar with multiple cities or areas.

Experience & Advancement

The GM determines when you gain Experience (XP). When resting, you may spend XP. For each XP you spend, choose a Stat to test and roll d20. The Stat increases by 1 if you roll higher than it.

Damage and Healing

Hit Location

Whenever you or a Creature takes Damage, a d20 will be rolled. This indicates where on the body the Damage is dealt. For humans, that table is a follows:

d20 BODY PART HP 10 18
19-20 Head 1/2 VIT 5 9
16-18 Right Arm 1/2 VIT 5 9
13-15 Left Arm 1/2 VIT 5 9
10-12 Chest VIT 10 18
7-9 Abdomen 2/3 VIT 7 12
4-6 Right Leg 2/3 VIT 7 12
1-3 Left Leg 2/3 VIT 7 12

Injury & Death

Whenever a body part is reduced to 0 HP, immediately make an Endurance check.

2 Unconsciousness if target is Head. If target is a Limb, the Limb cannot be used until it has 1 HP
1 Unconsciousness if target is Head, Abdomen or Chest. Pain if target is Arms or Legs.
0 Instant death if target is Head, Abdomen or Chest. Pain if target is Arms or Legs.

The body part is now considered Injured. Your Checks have Disadvantage for every Injured body.


HP is recovered by taking Short Rests and Long Rests.

Resting overnight is considered a Long Rest. A Long Rest allows you to make an Endurance Check. You gain HP equal to the number shown on each Succesful die. This HP can only be applied to body parts that haven't been Wounded.

Healing Injured body parts requires bed rest. After each full day of bed rest, make an END Check. You gain 1 HP for each Success. Once a body part has regained all of it's HP, it is no longer Wounded.


Condition Description Save to Recover
Unconscious VIT
Fear You cannot do anything but take defensive action. CHA
Pain You cannot do anything but take defensive action. END
Prone You must
Wounded Disadvantage on all Checks.


When Combat breaks out, gameplay is broken down into Rounds. At the start of each Round the GM describes what the NPC's are doing and gives each Player an opportunity to respond. Once each Player has said what they plan to do that Round, all Players rolls their Checks (that the GM determines) at the same time. Initiative goes in order of the highest shown d20 to the lowest. If there is a tie, the Actions happen at the same time!


Check Agility to make a Melee attack. The target must be Close, unless the weapon has Reach. If you are facing multiple opponents, make the Check at -1 for each enemy beyond the first and treat the roll as a Check to defend yourself from all of them.

When taking Damage from multiple enemies, you will suffer Damage from the strongest attacker as normal and 1 damage for each additional combatant. Each of these attacks rolls a separate hit location.

Ranged Attacks

Check Agility to make a Ranged attack. Ranged attacks have a specified range based on the Weapon. Attacks made beyond that range or at Close range suffer Disadvantage. Attacks in difficult conditions, where there are allies in the same space, or where target has cover also have Disadvantage.

Blunders for Ranged attacks might include things like hitting a friendly target, rolling usage die, being forced to move to a Nearby location to make the shot, or whatever fits the narrative.

Movement & Distance

Distances are broken down into 4 loose categories: Close, Nearby, Far and Distant. Characters can move somewhere Nearby as part of their turn, performing an action anytime during that move. Moving somewhere Far-Away takes a whole turn. Anything beyond Far-Away** can be classified as Distant and would take 3 moves to get to.

Close Nearby Far Distant
0 - 10ft 10ft - 30ft 30ft - 100ft 100ft +


Equipment is gear that can be held and Equipped. You have Disadvantage for each Requirement you do not meet for your Equipped Gear.

Optional Rule: Carrying Capacity

You can carry a number of armor, weapons, and gear equal to your Strength. Carrying more than your string gives you a Disadvantage to all physical Checks. Your maxmimum load is 2x your Strength.


Whenever a Creature takes Damage, they roll 1dX where X is their total Defense.

Gambeson 50 1 8 10 6
Leather 250 2 10 10 8
Chain Mail 750 3 13 10 10 Loud.
Plate Mail 1500 4 16 10 12 Loud. Slow.
Helmet 50 +1 10 10 1
Chain Hood 250 +1 12 10 1 Loud.
Closed Helm 350 +1 13 10 1 Loud. Impedes vision.
Buckler 50 +1 10 13 10 1
Round Shield 100 +2 12 10 10 2
Shield 100 +3 14 10 10 3
Buckler 50 +1 10 13 10 1
Round Shield 100 +2 12 10 10 2
Shield 100 +3 14 10 10 3


Loud: Disadvantage on stealth based Checks.

Impedes Vision: Disadvantage on vision based Checks.

Slow: To move somewhere Far on your turn, you must make an Agility Check.


Weapon damage is highest of Xd6, where X is the Damage listed for the Weapons.

  • damage is exploding dice
  • 4 daggers
  • 6 standard weapons
  • 8 long weapons
  • 10 grievous weapons
Axe 30 2 12 10 10 2 Chop.
Club 5 1 10 - 10 1 -
Claymore 400 4 14 12 10 4 2 Handed
Dagger 25 1 10 10 10 1 Throwable
Estoc 200 3 12 14 10 3 1 or 2 Handed
Flail 200 3 13 13 10 2 Ignores Shield AP
Greataxe 250 4 16 11 10 4 2 Handed
Long Sword 200 3 13 12 10 3 1 or 2 Handed
Mace 150 3 13 - 10 2 -
Morning Star 150 3 13 - 10 2 -
Rapier 125 2 10 13 10 2 -
Spear 25 1 10 12 10 2 Throwable
Sword 100 2 12 12 10 2 -
Quarterstaff 5 1 10 10 10 1 -
Zweihander 600 5 16 14 10 5 2 Handed
Short Bow 300 Nearby 10 1 -
Bow 400 Far 12 1 -
Long Bow 600 Far 13 1 +1 Damage
Cross Bow 350 Nearby 10 2 Reload: 1 turn
Heavy Bow 600 Far 12 3 +1 Damage, Reload: 1 turn

Crush Crushing weapons cause blunt force trauma.

Chop: Chopping weapons cause deep cuts.

Slash: Slashing weapons cause long cuts.

Thrust: Slashing weapons cause narrow & deep wounds.


Any item that has a Usage Die is considered Consumable. Whenever you use that item, you roll its Usage die. If you roll a 1 or 2 then the Usage Die is downgraded to the next lower die as so: d20 > d12 > d10 > d8 > d6 > d4. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a d4 the item is expended.

Arrows 100 1 1 d10 -
Bolts 100 1 1 d10 -
Backpack 10 - - Carry +2 extra
Bedroll 10 1 - +1d4 Life on Rest
Bible 50 - - -
Crucifix 10 - - -
Flask (Empty) 1 - d4 -
Flint & Steel 3 - -
Handheld Mirror 8 - - -
Holy Water 5 - - -
Lantern 8 1 - -
Lantern Oil 2 - d6 -
Rosary 10 - - -
Tankard - - - -
Torches (5) 1 1/T d6/T T = Torch
Wineskin 1 1 d6 -
10ft Pole 1 - - -
50ft Rope 1 1 - -
Beer 1 - - -
Bread 1 - d6 -
Cheese 1 - d4 -
Fine Meal 5 - - -
Fruit 1 1 d4 -
Hot Meal 2 - - -
Meat 2 1 d4 -
Rations 10 1 d8 -
Spirits 1 - - -
Water 1 - - -
Wine 1 - - -
Poor Inn 1 -
Common Inn 3 -
Good Inn 10 -


NPCs have Ability Scores, Life, a Profession, Gold, and Equipment - just the same as the PCs. Their CR is equivalent to their Level. NPC's typically dont have Gifts, though they can when it makes sense to the GM.

Damage is based on their Equipment or notes.

NPC's have 3d6xCR^2 Gold.

Below are some sample NPCs.

Bandit 3 10 10 10 10 10 -
Clergy 1 10 10 10 15 10 -
Clergy Leader 6 10 12 13 16 10 -
Cleric 4 12 13 13 15 10 Random Gift
Commoner 1 10 10 10 10 5 -
Crusader 5 14 15 14 13 8 -
Hunter 1 10 10 10 10 10 -
Knight 5 15 14 14 10 8 -
Peasant 1 8 8 8 10 5 -
Soldier 3 13 14 12 10 8 -
Sorcerer 3 10 12 10 8 13 -
Thief 1 10 13 10 8 10 -
Town Guard 4 10 10 10 10 10 -
Wanderer 2 10 10 10 10 10 -
Wizard 5d10 10 13 10 8 16 -


Creatures in the Bestiary have Life equal to Xd8 where X is their Challenge Rating.

Creatures have base AP equal to their CR.

Creature Damage is based on their Equipment or notes in the bestiary.

Animals CR STR AGI END Notes
Badger 2 - - - -
Bat 1 1 Life - - -
Black Bear 4 - - - -
Boar 1 - - - -
Brown Bear 5 - - - -
Deer 1 10 16 10 -
Dire Boar 3 - - - -
Dire Rat 1 - - - -
Dire Wolf 4 17 15 15 -
Elk 3 - - - -
Giant Spider 2 - - - -
Horse (Riding) 1 - - - -
Horse (War) 2 - - - -
Lion 4 - - - -
Reindeer 2 - - - -
Wolf 2 - - - -
Monsters CR STR AGI END Notes
Basilisk - - - - -
Bugbear - - - - -
Carrion Creeper - - - - -
Dragon - - - - -
Drake - - - - -
Frost Giant - - - - -
Gelatinous Cube - - - - -
Gaint - - - - -
Gnoll - - - - -
Goblin - - - - -
Stone Golem - - - - -
Gorgon - - - - -
Hag - - - - -
Hobgoblin - - - - -
Lizard Man - - - - -
Kobold - - - - -
Ogre - - - - -
Orc - - - - -
Owl Bear - - - - -
Pixie - - - - -
Skeleton - - - - -
Troll - - - - -
Wyvern - - - - -
Zombie - - - - -
Supernatural Creature CR STR AGI END Notes
Angel - - - - -
Archangel - - - - -
Cambion - - - - -
Cherubim - - - - -
Devil - - - - -
Fallen Angel - - - - -
Ghoul - - - - -
Goatman - - - - -
Imp - - - - -
Seraphim - - - - -
Succubus/Incubus - - - - -
Demons CR STR AGI END Notes
Abadon - - - - -
Asmodeus - - - - -
Astaroth - - - - -
Beelzebub - - - - -
Behemoth - - - - -
Belial - - - - -
Belphegor - - - - -
Leviathan - - - - -
Mammon - - - - -
Mephistopholes - - - - -
Moloch - - - - -

Example of Play

GM: "Hello there folks" says the man at the reception desk. "Welcome to the Chatty Boar. Would you like a room?"

Soldier: "Indeed, we are weary from battle. How about a room for each of us?"

GM: "Very good" he says "That'll be 10 Gold for all of ye, and I shall need your names."

Thief: I lean on the desk and say "Hows about 30 Gold, and we forget the names?"

GM: Make a Charisma check.

Thief: No problem, I've got 15 Charisma! I rolled a 10 and 16. That's only one Success, what happens?

GM: The man at the counter squints a bit. "50."

Thief: "35."

GM: "40."

Thief: "Done!"

GM: "Right this way gentlemen!"

Example Of Combat

GM: You hear a door creak open behind you. "Where do you think you're going?" You turn and see tree Bandits draw their swords while one raises a Crossbow. What do you do?

Knight: I'll move ahead to block them from the others and attack!

Marksman: I take aim at the Bandit in the back!

Thief: I'll try to sneak around the crates beside them!

Sorcerer: I'll use magic to close the door!

GM: Very well. Knight, you check Agility for the Attack. Since you're out numbered, roll with Disadvantage. Marksman, check Agility to take your shot. Thief, check Agility to Sneak to the crates. You'll have Advantage because of your profession. Sorcerer, check Magic to close the door.

Knight: Alright, I rolled 14, 5 & 6. Even with Disadvantage thats 2 Successes!

Marksman: Darn, I rolled 8 & 20. That's a Success and a Blunder!

Thief: I rolled a 8, 15 & 18 with 1 Success.

Sorcerer: I rolled a 3 & 6, thats two Successes!

GM: Alright, Marksman since you had the highest roll your Action resolves first. Since you rolled a Success and a Blunder you'll hit but you had to take a few shots. Roll Damage and but drop your Usage Dice from d10 to d8 instead of rolling it.

Marksman: Ok, not too bad. Damage for Arrows is 1d10 and I got a...4.

GM: Your Arrow flies over the Knight and strikes the bandit in the shoulder before he takes his shot! "Argh!" he howls! Ok Thief, you rolled a 18 so you're next. You manage to get to the area behind the boxes, but you accidentally brush one of them with your shoulder and one of the Bandits heard you. "You sneaky bastard!" he says as he turns his attention to you now.

Knight: I'm up next right?

GM: Right, but now you've only got to worry about 2 Bandits since the third went for the Thief. Roll Damage.

Knight: Ok my Longsword has 3 for Damage so I get to roll 3d10 right?

GM: Right, but you'll use the highest roll as your Damage.

Knight: Ok, gotcha. I rolled, 6, 10, and 3! Alright, that's 10 damage!

GM: You race to meet the bandits. You deflect a blow from one of them with your shield and swing your sword at the other. It goes over his shield and plunges through his leather amor. He's severly wounded!

Sorcerer: What about me?

GM: I haven't forgotten! You wave your hands in the air and the door slams shut with a loud THUD! It'll take that Bandit with the Crossbow a turn to open it. Alright, next round. The Crossbowman will try to open the door and re-engage, one of the Bandits will go for you Thief, and the other two are trying to flank the Knight. What do you do?

Knight: I'll try and finish off the Bandit I attacked!

Marksman: I'll try and help the Knight, I take aim at the injured Bandit!

Thief: I'll try to block the door with something before he opens it!

Sorcerer: I'll use Magic to hurl the boxes onto the Bandit near the Thief!

GM: Very well. Knight, test Agility with Disadvantage, since you're still outnumbered. Marksman, take your shot with Agility. Thief, check Agility with Disadvantage, since you'll have to get around the Bandit near you to reach the door. Sorcerer, test Magic.

Knight: I rolled a 18 and 16. Uh oh, I didn't get any Successes!

Marksman: I rolled a 17 and a 2. I only got 1 Success.

Theif: I rolled a 9, 3 and 16. Darn, that's only 1 Success!

Sorcerer: I rolled a 20, and a 18. Uh oh, I didn't roll a Success and I Blundered!

GM: Sorcerer you had the highest roll so you go first. Since it was a blunder, something bad happens. Lets see... Instead of hurling the boxes, your magic sends you flying backwards into the wall behind you. You take 1d6 Damage that can't be prevented.

Sorcer: How embarassing! Thats... 3 damage.

GM: Knight, you're up next. Since you failed your check, the bandits will hit you. I'll roll damage for one of them and add +1 since there's an extra combatant. Thats...7+1...8 damage! The Bandits close in. You do your best to fend off their attacks but they land a few heavy blows that clang painfully into your Chain Mail. I think your Armor is expended now right?

Knight: Just about, unfortunately.

GM: Marksman, you make your shot, but you only got one Success. Hmm... roll Damage and then roll your Usage Dice twice.

Marksman: Not bad. I do...7 Damage and for Usage I roll a 4 & 5. So it stays a d8 right?

GM: Right. Your usage dice only drops if you roll a 1 or a 2. Ok, you take Aim and see the Knight taking a beating but wait for the perfect moment. THWACK your arrow sinks into the Bandit right between the eyes and he slumps over.

Marksman: That's what I'm talking about!

GM: Alright Thief - you only got 1 Success. If you make it to the door, you'll take a hit from the Bandit. Do you want to lock the door before the other Bandit opens it or defend yourself from being hit?

Thief: Argh, tough call! I'll take the hit...

GM: Very well. You take 6 Damage as the Bandit takes a swing at your back as your race to the door. You turn the lock and hear banging on the other side. "You won't get away with this" the Bandit on the other side shouts!

And so on...


Everything below was nixed from the game, but has been saved in case it becomes relevant again.


Anytime you roll the highest success possible for your Stat (1 less than the Stat), you've made a Critical and something good happens at the GM's discretion. This could be additional damage in Combat, getting Advantage on your next Action, or whatever fits the narrative.


Anytime you roll a 20, you've made a Blunder and something bad happens at the GM's discretion. This could be something like being knocked prone, taking additional Damage, dropping an Item or whatever fits the narrative.

Everytime you make a blunder, you gain 1 Experience (XP).


You can suffer 3 Wounds before dying. Your Defense is some form of Endurance+Armor. If you're dealt damage equal to your toughness you're shaken. More than that or shaken when shaken means a wound.

Wounds heal by making a Endurance checks. You heal as many wounds as successes. This is probably a long period of time though.


Gloves Cost AP Weight
Leather 50 1 -
Heavy Leather 100 2 -
Chain Gloves 200 3 1
Gauntlets 400 4 2
Leggings Cost AP Weight
Heavy Boots 100 2 1
Chain Leggings 200 3 1
Greaves 400 5 2

Mounts & Vehicles


Building a Stronghold

Before work can begin, the character must acquire a plot of land.

Abbey 20,000 400 -
Guildhall 2,500 60 -
Hovel 1000 30 -
House 2,000 60 -
Keep or Small Castle 25,000 400 -
Noble Estate 10,000 150 -
Large Castle 100,000 1,200 -
Outpost or Fort 7,500 100 -
Tower 5,000 100 -
Trading Post 2,000 60 -

Additional Dice Mechanics

Cooperative Checks

To Assist another player, first make your Check to Assist. They gain Advantage for each Success.

Opposed Checks

When directly opposing a Creature with a higher Stat, treat the difference as a Challenge Rating for the Check. For example, when making Check with Strength 12 vs an opponent with 16 Strength, you would incur a +4 Penalty.

Player vs Player

When two Players make an opposed check, they both roll as normal. Victory goes to the most Successes rolled. In the case of a tie, the highest Success rolled wins. If its still, a tie, consider it a draw.

Complex Tasks

The GM may determine that a task requires a certain number of Successes to be completed instead of a single roll. In that case, Characters make Checks each Round until the number of Successes have been completed.

The GM can also add penalties for Failures or consider the task failed if a certain number of failures have been rolled. For example, the GM could decide that disabling a Trap requires 5 Successes on Agility Checks, that Failures incur cumulative +1 Penalties, and that the trap will go off after 3 Failures.

10-11 Common Magic Creating light, moving small objects, create fire
12-13 Uncommon Magic Illusions, paralyze, sleep, talk to animals, darkvision
14-15 Rare magic Lightning bolt, shapeshift, raise dead, move large objects
16-17 Extremely dangerous Meteor storm, Teleport, summon demon, clone
18+ Believed to be impossible Stop time
3-5 1
6-8 2
9-11 3
12-14 4
15-17 5
18 6


Before a Check resolves, you may flip a coin. If you win the flip, you re-roll the Check. Whenever you fail flip, you cannot use Luck again for the rest of the day.


You begin the game with 3d6 x 1000 Gold.


Choose an Archetype during Character creation.


You are some kind of noteworthy figure in the Game's world, and people have heard of your deeds. This could have impacts on NPC attitudes depending on what you have in mind. Perhaps you're a famous swordsman, a wanted killer, an infamous pirate or a legendary knight. Work with your GM to determine what would make sense. Distribute 5 points as you wish to your Stats. No Ability Score may be raised above 18. Then consult the table below. This table only applies at Character creation, and you will not advance on this table upon leveling.

10-12 A few people have heard of you
12-14 People are favorable to you.
15-17 People would risk to aid you.
18 Those favorable to you would give their life to aid you


You have been chosen by God for some purpose unbeknownst to you and granted miraculous powers that persist as long as you act in accordance with Gods will, which means abiding by Christian doctrine and principles.

  • You belong to a church and know people
  • Christians will want to aid you
  • You cannot keep wealth for yourself and all purchases must be necessities or altruistic
  • You cannot sin which means no stealing, killing, assiting evil, murder, fornication, and other such christian principles


Once/Day/Piety you may make a Wisdom Check to heal a Creature you touch. They immediately regain Life equal to the highest Success rolled.

You have 1 additional Ability from the table below, which you can attempt by making a Wisdom Check. Sustaining Abilities like Astral Projection or Levitation requires a Wisdom check each Round.

1 Astral Projection 1 Round/Day/Piety You can see and hear known places as if you were there
2 Holy Might At will You have Advantage on Combat checks against Demonic or Undead targets
3 Incorruptibility - You are immune to all toxins & disease & your body stops aging after 25
4 Levitation 1 Round/Day/Piety You can raise into the air and travel to Nearby locations in any direction
5 Prophecy 1/Day/Piety You have visions of the future and can speak directly to angels and saints
6 Protection 1/Day/Piety You can use Wisdom in place of another Ability Score


You can use Magic at will, without the use of scrolls or magic items. Describe what you want to happen and make a Charisma Check. The GM determines the Challenge Rating of the Check, if any.

See the Magic section for more details on how Magic works.


Magic is a rare and powerful ability to bend reality to your will. When spells are discovered by Wizards, they are recorded into scrolls or imbued into Magic Items. As such, scrolls and tomes are incredibly rare, lost to time, or guarded by powerful Wizards.

Magic is not without limitation. Magic cannot bring someone back from the dead, it cannot directly interfere with a Human's free will, and it cannot supercede the will of God.

Magic is unpredictable, mysterious and dangerous. A Blunder on a Magic check means the effect of the spell in some way happens to you. The more powerful the spell, the more serious the consequences.


  • heavy armor adds penalties to combat checks but reduces lots of damage
  • armor reduces by 1 each time hit in a location, but this is regained at end of combat
  • armor reduces damage to a minimum of 1
  • shields passive block 1-4 locations in this order depending on size: left arm, chest, abdomen and left leg
  • shields will only block other locations if some kind of parry happens
  • if only 1 success rolled then you check the number. if its higher than your opponents threat, you're on the offensive, otherwise you're on the defensive
  • some way to increase crits from 1 to 3
  • weapons all do the same damage but have differing behaviors
  • some weapons can sever limbs, some can crack skulls or break bones, some can impale, some can fit in chinks of armor, some can parry

Combat Crits

  • Weapon based
  • Depends on how they attacked (str vs agi)
  • choose location
  • impale
  • close distance
  • open distance

Parry You both roll the parry dice you have

Stat Modifier
18 +4
16-17 +3
14-15 +2
12-13 +1
10-11 0
8-9 -1
6-7 -2
4-5 -3
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