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Created March 27, 2022 02:52
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  • Save JacobThaDev/01bf7404ced1f45365b36eedf2230e4a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A quick code snippet of how the discord bot draws a random address to receive the lottery.
* Transparency Notice:
* This snippet was stripped and modified from the actual bot in a way
* so it's easier to explain. The bot functions the same. -OGKingFox
// this will sync all of the people that have ever touched glow to a database.
// once stored, we can then select a random one. BscScan limits to 10,000 entries so
// if you're an old token, you're gonna need to run this first a few times...
await TxnUpdater.syncAddresses();
// grab all holders from the database.
let wallets = await db.holders.findAll();
let winner = await drawWinner(wallets);
export const drawWinner(holders){
// -1 cause it starts at 0. if it draws "wallet.length" it will throw an overflow error
let number = Functions.randomInt(0, wallets.length - 1);
let wallet = wallets[number];
// get contract address and the pool you wish to use for price
let contract = process.env.contract;
let pool_addr = process.env.primary_pool;
// need bnb price to calculate token price because it depends on it.
let bnb = await Binance.getBnbPrice();
let price = await Token.getPrice2(contract, pool_addr, bnb);
// get the address's balance for the contract
let balance = await Functions.getBalance(wallet.account, contract);
// calculate total value of their bag
let total = parseFloat((price * balance).toFixed(2));
// if the bag value is less than $20, call this function again to redraw.
if (total < 20) {
await this.drawWinner(wallets);
// send message to discord or whatever here
// ....
// return the data above
return {
wallet: wallet.account,
balance: balance,
price: price,
total: parseFloat((price * balance).toFixed(2))
// - sepearate class
class TxnUpdater {
async syncAddresses() {
Logger.log("Syncing holders...");
// load the cache file that stores the last block
let cpath = "./cache/data.json";
let cache = Functions.readCache(cpath, true, true);
let bsc = new Binance();
bsc.setContract(process.env.contract); // set the contract we need to look up
bsc.setStartBlock(cache.last_block); // set the block we start at
// grab a list of all transactions starting at the specified block number
let txn_list = await bsc.getTokenTx();
let entries = [];
// loop through the transactions to store then in the array above,
// ensuring that they're unique by checking if they're in the array already
for await (let txn of txn_list) {
let from = txn.from ? txn.from.toLowerCase() : null;
let to = ? : null;
let map = => entry.account);
if (from && !map.includes(from)) // push to the array if the "from" field is not already there
entries.push({ account: from });
if (to && !map.includes(to)) // push to the array if the "to" field is not already there
entries.push({ account: to });
// if we have some entries, we need to add them to the database.
if (entries.length != 0) {
// stores all addresses to the database in a single call.
await db.holders.bulkCreate(entries, { ignoreDuplicates: true });
Logger.log("Database updated with new entries, if any.");
// now grab the last transaction in the list and store it, so when we run it again,
// it starts off there instead of starting over. This ensures the list is always updated.
cache.last_block = txn_list[txn_list.length - 1].blockNumber;
// then just write the data to the cache file.
Functions.writeCache(cpath, JSON.stringify(cache, null, 4));
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