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Last active February 11, 2023 12:55
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  • Save JadedBlueEyes/de337def75cc7c965facdba6cce791ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JadedBlueEyes/de337def75cc7c965facdba6cce791ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quizlet match timer pauser


Way One: Quick way

  1. Open the match page.
  2. Copy the code below, paste this into the URL bar.

Way Two: Bookmarklet

  1. Make a new bookmark in your browser (right-click on the bookmarks bar and click Add Page...)
  2. For the "Name" put "Quizlet Timer Pauser".
  3. Copy the code below, paste this into the "Location" of a new bookmark.
  4. Open the match page.
  5. Open the bookmark on the same page. Quizlet Hack


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W H Y D O E S N ' T I T W O R K .

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Hey - this was last updated in 2019. The Quizlet website's changed since then. If you want to make a working version yourself, you can probably do it in under an hour using the browser developer tools - especially with this as a jumping off point.

(function() {
     * document.getElementsByClassName alias
     * @param {string} id
    function getClass(id) {
        return document.getElementsByClassName(id);
    let startButton = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0];
    startButton &&;
    setTimeout(function() {
        var matchLoop = setInterval(waitForMatch, 0);

        function waitForMatch() {
            if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile") || getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")) {
                setTimeout(() => {
                    for (var F = setTimeout(";"), i = 0; i < F; i++) {
                }, 10)
    }, 500)

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