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Last active October 23, 2023 21:12
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data Mu : (pattern : Type -> Type) -> Type where
In : {f: Type -> Type} -> f (Mu f) -> Mu f
data TwoOps x a = Val x | Addunit | Mulunit | Add a a | Mul a a
Functor (TwoOps x) where
map f (Val y) = Val y
map f (Addunit) = Addunit
map f (Mulunit) = Mulunit
map f (Add a1 a2) = Add (f a1) (f a2)
map f (Mul a1 a2) = Mul (f a1) (f a2)
Freesemiring : Type -> Type
Freesemiring x = Mu (TwoOps x)
Algebra : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
Algebra f a = f a -> a
--universal property of the initial algebra
cata : Functor f => Algebra f a -> Mu f -> a
cata alg (In op) = alg (map (cata alg) op)
nats : Algebra (TwoOps Nat) Nat
nats (Val x) = x
nats (Addunit) = 0
nats (Mulunit) = 1
nats ((Add x y)) = x + y
nats ((Mul x y)) = x * y
cata' : Algebra (TwoOps a) a -> Algebra Freesemiring a
cata' = cata
-- use the universal property to freely extend nats
freenats = cata' nats
--min plus semiring
trop : Algebra (TwoOps (Maybe Double)) (Maybe Double)
trop (Val x) = x
trop Addunit = Nothing
trop Mulunit = Just 0
trop (Add Nothing y) = y
trop (Add x Nothing) = x
trop (Add (Just x) (Just y)) = Just (min x y)
trop (Mul Nothing y) = Nothing
trop (Mul x Nothing) = Nothing
trop (Mul (Just x) (Just y)) = Just (x + y)
-- the free extension
freetrop = cata' trop
data Fin : Nat -> Type where
Zero : Fin (S n)
Suc : (i : Fin n) -> Fin (S n)
-- the 2-rig of types
Tworig : Algebra (TwoOps Type) Type
Tworig (Val a) = a
Tworig Addunit = Void
Tworig Mulunit = Fin 1
Tworig (Add a b) = Either a b
Tworig (Mul a b) = (a,b)
--and its free extension
freetypes= cata' Tworig
term : Freesemiring Type
term = In $ Mul (In (Val (Fin 4))) (In Addunit)
bigtype = freetypes term
-- did i just write a types compiler?
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