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Last active February 12, 2016 13:37
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Swift Callback Function Transformation
* Takes in a function that transform T to U and
* a callback that takes arguments of type T and U
* and returns a function that performs f but calls
* the callback before returning
func callback<T,U>(f: T -> U, c: (T, U) -> ()) -> T -> U{
return { x in
let r = f(x)
return r
* Example usage of our callback function
* that will create a new function that performs
* f but also prints the input and output of f
func print<T,U>(f: T -> U) -> T -> U {
return callback(f, { x, r in println("\(x) -> \(r)") })
* Similiar to the print function, but also takes in a
* tag as input
func print<T,U>(f: T -> U, tag: String) -> T -> U {
return callback(f, { x, r in println("\(tag): \(x) -> \(r)") })
* Pretty intutive, e.g. identity(x) -> x
func identity<T>(x: T) -> T {
return x
// Example A
var x = 0
for i in 1...4 {
x = print(+, "add")(0,i) // -> "add: (0,1) -> 1"
} // "add: (1,2) -> 3"
// "add: (3,3) -> 6"
// "add: (6,4) -> 10"
println("the result is \(x)") // -> "the result is 10"
// Example B
var s = ""
for i in "Hey" {
s.append(print(identity)(i)) // -> "H -> H"
// "e -> e"
// "y -> y"
print(s.append)(i) // -> "H -> ()"
} // -> "e -> ()"
// -> "y -> ()"
println("the result is \(s)") // "the result is HHeeyy"
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