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Last active March 26, 2022 03:24
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Interpolated Attributed String Builder
// Example
var brown: AttributedStringSegment = "brown"
brown.foregroundColor = UIColor.brownColor()
brown.expansion = 1.1
var lazy: AttributedStringSegment = "lazy"
lazy.strikethroughStyle = NSUnderlineStyle.StyleDouble
lazy.strikethroughColor = UIColor.redColor()
let fox = UIImage(named: "fox.jpg")!
let text = attributedString("The quick \(brown) \(fox) jumped over the \(lazy) dog.")
func attributedString(builder: AttributedStringBuilder) -> NSAttributedString {
return builder.attributedString
struct AttributedStringBuilder : StringInterpolationConvertible, StringLiteralConvertible {
private let attributedString: NSAttributedString
init(stringInterpolation strings: AttributedStringBuilder...) {
let builder = NSMutableAttributedString()
for string in strings {
self.attributedString = NSAttributedString(attributedString: builder)
init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T) {
attributedString = "\(expr)".attributedStringRepresentation
init<T : AttributedStringConvertible>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T) {
attributedString = expr.attributedStringRepresentation
init(string: String) {
attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: string)
init(stringLiteral value: String) {
attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: value)
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) {
attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: value)
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String) {
attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: value)
protocol AttributedStringConvertible {
var attributedStringRepresentation: NSAttributedString { get }
extension NSAttributedString {
var attributedStringRepresentation: NSAttributedString {
get {
return self
struct AttributedStringSegment : AttributedStringConvertible, StringLiteralConvertible {
let text: String
init(_ text: String) {
self.text = text
init(stringLiteral value: String) {
text = value
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) {
text = value
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String) {
text = value
var font: UIFont!
var paragraphStyle: NSParagraphStyle!
var foregroundColor: UIColor!
var backgroundColor: UIColor!
var kern: Float!
var strikethroughStyle: NSUnderlineStyle!
var underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle!
var strokeColor: UIColor!
var strokeWidth: Float!
var shadow: NSShadow!
var link: NSURL!
var baselineOffset: Float!
var underlineColor: UIColor!
var strikethroughColor: UIColor!
var obliqueness: Float!
var expansion: Float!
var writingDirection: [NSWritingDirection]!
var vertical: Bool!
var attributedStringRepresentation: NSAttributedString {
get {
var attributes = [String : NSObject]()
if let font = font {
attributes[NSFontAttributeName] = font
if let paragraphStyle = paragraphStyle {
attributes[NSParagraphStyleAttributeName] = paragraphStyle
if let foregroundColor = foregroundColor {
attributes[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = foregroundColor
if let backgroundColor = backgroundColor {
attributes[NSBackgroundColorAttributeName] = backgroundColor
if let kern = kern {
attributes[NSKernAttributeName] = kern
if let strikethroughStyle = strikethroughStyle {
attributes[NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName] = strikethroughStyle.rawValue
if let underlineStyle = underlineStyle {
attributes[NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName] = underlineStyle.rawValue
if let strokeColor = strokeColor {
attributes[NSStrokeColorAttributeName] = strokeColor
if let strokeWidth = strokeWidth {
attributes[NSStrokeWidthAttributeName] = strokeWidth
if let shadow = shadow {
attributes[NSShadowAttributeName] = shadow
if let link = link {
attributes[NSLinkAttributeName] = link
if let baselineOffset = baselineOffset {
attributes[NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName] = baselineOffset
if let underlineColor = underlineColor {
attributes[NSUnderlineColorAttributeName] = underlineColor
if let strikethroughColor = strikethroughColor {
attributes[NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName] = strikethroughColor
if let obliqueness = obliqueness {
attributes[NSObliquenessAttributeName] = obliqueness
if let expansion = expansion {
attributes[NSExpansionAttributeName] = expansion
if let writingDirection = writingDirection {
attributes[NSWritingDirectionAttributeName] = { $0.rawValue }
if let vertical = vertical {
attributes[NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName] = vertical ? 1 : 0
return NSAttributedString(string: text, attributes: attributes)
extension NSURL : AttributedStringConvertible {
var attributedStringRepresentation: NSAttributedString {
get {
var segment = AttributedStringSegment(absoluteString) = self
return segment.attributedStringRepresentation
extension String : AttributedStringConvertible {
var attributedStringRepresentation: NSAttributedString {
get {
return NSAttributedString(string: self)
extension NSTextAttachment {
var attributedStringRepresentation: NSAttributedString {
get {
return NSAttributedString(attachment: self)
extension UIImage : AttributedStringConvertible {
var attributedStringRepresentation: NSAttributedString {
get {
let attachment = NSTextAttachment()
attachment.image = self
return attachment.attributedStringRepresentation
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