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Last active August 10, 2023 10:03
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Matrices in Swift
// Numerical matrix examples
let x: Matrix = [[10, 9, 8], [3, 2, 1]]
let y: Matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
let z: Matrix = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
x + y // [[11, 11, 11], [7, 7, 7]]
x * y // [[10, 18, 24], [12, 10, 6]]
2 * x // [[20, 18, 16], [6, 4, 2]]
y ** z // [[22, 28], [49, 64]]
z - x.transpose // [[-9, -1], [-6, 2], [-3, 5]]{ $0 * $0 }) // [[1, 4, 9], [16, 25, 36]]
println(y ** identityMatrix(y.columnCount)) // -> [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
let d: Matrix = [[-2, 2, -3], [-1, 1, 3], [2, 0, -1]]
println(determinant(d)) // -> 18
let e: Matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [0, 4, 5], [1, 0, 6]]
println(cofactor(e)) // -> [[24, 5, -4], [-12, -3, 2], [2, -5, -4]]
let f: Matrix<Double> = [[4, 3], [3, 2]]
println(inverse(f)) // -> [[-2.0, 3.0], [3.0, 4.0]]
var a: Matrix = [[1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5]]
a.append(column: [1.6])
a.append(row: [2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6])
println(a) // -> [[1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6], [2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6]]
// We can also work with matricies of any other objects
var b: Matrix = [["hi", "hello"], ["bye", "goodbye"]]
println(b[0, 0]) // -> hi
println(b.rows[0]) // -> [hi, hello]
for (x, row, column) in b {
println("\(x) is at (\(row),\(column))") // -> hi is at (0,0)
} // hello is at (0,1)
// bye is at (1,0)
// goodbye is at (1,1)
b.removeColumn(atIndex: 0)
println(b) // -> [[hello], [goodbye]]
println(b.transpose) // -> [[hello, goodbye]]
println(b.flattened) // -> [hello, goodbye]
// Newer version here:
struct Matrix<T> : CustomStringConvertible, SequenceType, ArrayLiteralConvertible {
var backing: [[T]]
init(rows: Int, columns: Int, repeatedValue: T){
self.init(backing: [[T]](count: rows, repeatedValue: [T](count: columns, repeatedValue: repeatedValue)))
private init(backing: [[T]]){
self.backing = backing
init(arrayLiteral elements: [T]...) {
if let count = elements.first?.count {
for row in elements {
if row.count != count {
fatalError("Matrix must have same number of rows and columns")
self.init(backing: elements)
subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> T {
get {
return backing[row][column]
set {
backing[row][column] = newValue
var dimensions: (rows: Int, columns: Int) {
get {
return (backing.count, backing.first?.count ?? 0)
var rowCount: Int {
get {
return backing.count
var columnCount: Int {
get {
return backing.first?.count ?? 0
var count: Int {
get {
return rowCount * columnCount
var rows: [[T]] {
get {
return backing
var columns: [[T]] {
get {
return backing.reduce([[T]](count: columnCount, repeatedValue: [T]()), combine: {
(var arr, row) in
for (i,x) in row.enumerate() {
return arr
var transpose: Matrix {
get {
return Matrix(backing: columns)
var flattened: [T] {
return backing.reduce([T](), combine: { arr, row in arr + row })
func reduce<U>(initial: U, @noescape combine: (U, T) -> U) -> U {
return flattened.reduce(initial, combine: combine)
var isEmpty: Bool {
return count == 0
var isSquare: Bool {
return rowCount == columnCount
var isColumnVector: Bool {
return rowCount == 1
var isRowVector: Bool {
return columnCount == 1
var description: String {
return backing.description
mutating func append(row row: [T]){
insert(row: row, atIndex: self.rowCount)
mutating func append(column column: [T]){
insert(column: column, atIndex: self.columnCount)
mutating func insert(row row: [T], atIndex index: Int){
if !isEmpty {
assert(row.count == self.columnCount, "Row count does not match dimensions of matrix")
backing.insert(row, atIndex: index)
mutating func insert(column column: [T], atIndex index: Int){
if !isEmpty {
assert(column.count == self.rowCount, "Column count does not match dimensions of matrix")
backing = map2(backing, column, { (var row, x) in
row.insert(x, atIndex: index)
return row
else {
backing ={x in [x]})
mutating func removeRow(atIndex index: Int){
mutating func removeColumn(atIndex index: Int){
backing ={ (var row) in
return row
mutating func removeAll() {
func generate() -> MatrixGenerator<T> {
return MatrixGenerator(matrix: self)
func map<U>(transform: T -> U) -> Matrix<U> {
return Matrix<U>(backing:{ row in{ x in transform(x) }) }))
func map<U>(transform: (T, row: Int, column: Int) -> U) -> Matrix<U> {
return Matrix<U>(backing: backing.enumerate().map{ (r: Int, row: [T]) in
return row.enumerate().map{ (c: Int, x: T) in transform(x, row: r, column: c) }
func zipWith<U, V>(matrix: Matrix<U>, transform: (T, U) -> V) -> Matrix<V> {
return Matrix<V>(backing: Zip2(backing, matrix.backing).map{ (rowA, rowB) in
return map2(rowA, rowB, transform)
protocol NumericArithmeticType: IntegerLiteralConvertible {
func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
func +=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
func -=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
func *=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
func /=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
extension Int8 : SignedNumericArithmeticType { }
extension Int16 : SignedNumericArithmeticType { }
extension Int32 : SignedNumericArithmeticType { }
extension Int64 : SignedNumericArithmeticType { }
extension Int : SignedNumericArithmeticType { }
extension UInt8 : NumericArithmeticType { }
extension UInt16 : NumericArithmeticType { }
extension UInt32 : NumericArithmeticType { }
extension UInt64 : NumericArithmeticType { }
extension UInt : NumericArithmeticType { }
protocol FloatingPointArithmeticType : SignedNumericArithmeticType, FloatLiteralConvertible { }
protocol SignedNumericArithmeticType: NumericArithmeticType {
prefix func -(value: Self) -> Self
extension Float32 : FloatingPointArithmeticType { }
extension Float64 : FloatingPointArithmeticType { }
extension Float80 : FloatingPointArithmeticType { }
func ==(lhs: (rows:Int, columns:Int), rhs: (rows:Int, columns:Int)) -> Bool {
return lhs.rows == rhs.rows && lhs.columns == rhs.columns
prefix func -<T : SignedNumericArithmeticType>(value: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T> {
return{ x in 0 - x })
func +<T : NumericArithmeticType>(lhs: Matrix<T>, rhs: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T> {
assert(lhs.dimensions == rhs.dimensions, "Cannot add matrices of different dimensions")
return lhs.zipWith(rhs, transform: { lhs, rhs in lhs + rhs })
func -<T : NumericArithmeticType>(lhs: Matrix<T>, rhs: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T> {
assert(lhs.dimensions == rhs.dimensions, "Cannot subract matrices of different dimensions")
return lhs.zipWith(rhs, transform: { lhs, rhs in lhs - rhs })
// Scalar product
func *<T : NumericArithmeticType>(matrix: Matrix<T>, scalar: T) -> Matrix<T> {
return{ x in x * scalar })
func *<T : NumericArithmeticType>(scalar: T, matrix: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T> {
return matrix * scalar
// Dot product
func *<T : NumericArithmeticType>(lhs: Matrix<T>, rhs: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T> {
assert(lhs.dimensions == rhs.dimensions, "Cannot add matrices of different dimensions")
return lhs.zipWith(rhs, transform: { lhs, rhs in lhs * rhs })
func determinant<T : SignedNumericArithmeticType>(matrix: Matrix<T>) -> T {
assert(matrix.isSquare, "Cannot find the determinant of a non-square matrix")
assert(!matrix.isEmpty, "Cannot find the determinant of an empty matrix")
// Base case
if matrix.count == 1 { return matrix[0,0] }
else {
// Recursive case
var sum: T = 0
var multiplier: T = 1
let topRow = matrix.rows[0]
for (column, num) in topRow.enumerate() {
var subMatrix = matrix
subMatrix.removeRow(atIndex: 0)
subMatrix.removeColumn(atIndex: column)
sum += num * multiplier * determinant(subMatrix)
multiplier *= (0-1) // swift is buggy
return sum
func cofactor<T : SignedNumericArithmeticType>(matrix: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T> {
return{ x, r, c in
var subMatrix = matrix
subMatrix.removeRow(atIndex: r)
subMatrix.removeColumn(atIndex: c)
return determinant(subMatrix) * ((r + c % 2 == 0) ? 1 : (0-1)) // swift is buggy
func adjoint<T : SignedNumericArithmeticType>(matrix: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T> {
return cofactor(matrix).transpose
func inverse<T : SignedNumericArithmeticType>(matrix: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T> {
return cofactor(matrix).transpose * (1 / determinant(matrix))
// Matrix multiplication
infix operator ** { associativity left precedence 150 }
func **<T : SignedNumericArithmeticType>(lhs: Matrix<T>, rhs: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T> {
assert(lhs.columnCount == rhs.rowCount, "Incombatible dimensions for multiplying matrices")
let cols = rhs.transpose
func multiplyVector(matrix: Matrix<T>, vector: [T]) -> [T] {
return{ row in map2(row, vector, { $0 * $1 } ).reduce(0, combine: { $0 + $1 }) });
return Matrix(backing:{ row in multiplyVector(cols, vector: row) }))
func diagonalMatrix<T>(size size: Int, diagonalValue: T, defaultValue: T) -> Matrix<T> {
var matrix = Matrix<T>(rows: size, columns: size, repeatedValue: defaultValue)
for i in 0..<size {
matrix[i,i] = diagonalValue
return matrix
func identityMatrix<T : SignedNumericArithmeticType>(size: Int) -> Matrix<T> {
return diagonalMatrix(size: size, diagonalValue: 1, defaultValue: 0)
struct MatrixGenerator<T> : GeneratorType {
var rowGenerator: EnumerateGenerator<AnyGenerator<[T]>>
var indexGenerator = EnumerateGenerator(anyGenerator(EmptyGenerator<T>()))
var r: Int = 0
init(matrix: Matrix<T>) {
rowGenerator = EnumerateGenerator(anyGenerator(matrix.rows.generate()))
mutating func next() -> (T, row: Int, column: Int)? {
if let (c, x) = {
return (x, row: r, column: c)
else if let (r, nextRow) = {
self.r = r
self.indexGenerator = EnumerateGenerator(anyGenerator(nextRow.generate()))
return next()
else {
return nil
func map2<S : SequenceType, T : SequenceType, U>(lhs: S, _ rhs: T, _ transform: (S.Generator.Element, T.Generator.Element) -> U) -> [U] {
return Array(Zip2(lhs, rhs)).map(transform)
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damien-nd commented May 27, 2021

I can confirm that you need to use (r + c) but you should also fix the unit test if you use the commented print
println(cofactor(e)) // -> [[24, 5, -4], [-12, 3, 2], [-2, -5, 4]]

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