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Last active January 4, 2024 03:14
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Efficiently split a sorted sequence with a list of sorted bounds
extension RandomAccessCollection {
/// A sequence that partitions a sorted collection into non-overlapping segments based on a sorted sequence of boundaries.
/// If N bounds are provided, the resulting sequence contains N + 1 segments, since the segment before the first boundary
/// and the segment after the last boundary are both included.
/// - Parameter bounds: A sequence of bounds used to partition the collection.
/// - Parameter areInIncreasingOrder: A predicate that determines whether an element should be included
/// in the segment before the boundary.
/// - Returns: A sequence of collection subseqences partitioned by the given bounds.
/// - Warning: The base collection must be sorted according to the partitioning logic, or the behavior is undefined!
func segmented<Bound, Bounds: Sequence>(
by bounds: Bounds,
using areInIncreasingOrder: @escaping (Element, Bound) -> Bool
) -> BoundsSegmentedSequence<Self, Bound, Bounds> where Bounds.Element == Bound {
return BoundsSegmentedSequence(base: self, bounds: bounds, areInIncreasingOrder: areInIncreasingOrder)
/// A sequence that partitions a sorted collection into non-overlapping segments based on a sorted sequence of boundaries.
/// If N bounds are provided, the resulting sequence contains N - 1 segments, since all elements must be contained between the first and last bound.
/// - Parameter bounds: A sequence of bounds used to partition the collection.
/// - Parameter areInIncreasingOrder: A predicate that determines whether an element should be included
/// in the segment before the boundary.
/// - Returns: A sequence of collection subseqences partitioned by the given bounds.
/// - Warning: The base collection must be sorted according to the partitioning logic, or the behavior is undefined.
func segmented<Bound, Bounds: RandomAccessCollection>(
between bounds: Bounds,
using areInIncreasingOrder: @escaping (Element, Bound) -> Bool
) -> BoundsSegmentedSequence<Self, Bound, Bounds.SubSequence> where Bounds.Element == Bound {
precondition(bounds.count >= 2, "Elements cannot exist between fewer than 2 bounds.")
if let first {
precondition(!areInIncreasingOrder(first, bounds.first!), "Element exists before the first bound.")
if let last {
precondition(areInIncreasingOrder(last, bounds.last!), "Element exists after the last bound.")
return segmented(by: bounds.dropFirst().dropLast(), using: areInIncreasingOrder)
struct BoundsSegmentedSequence<Base: RandomAccessCollection, Bound, Bounds: Sequence>: Sequence
where Bounds.Element == Bound {
var base: Base
var bounds: Bounds
var areInIncreasingOrder: (Base.Element, Bound) -> Bool
struct Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
var base: Base.SubSequence
var boundsIterator: Bounds.Iterator
var areInIncreasingOrder: (Base.Element, Bound) -> Bool
var isDone: Bool = false
mutating func next() -> Base.SubSequence? {
guard !isDone else { return nil }
let index: Base.Index
if let bound = {
index = base.firstIndex(where: { !areInIncreasingOrder($0, bound) }) ?? base.endIndex
} else {
isDone = true
index = base.endIndex
defer { base = base[index...] }
return base[..<index]
func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
.init(base: base[...], boundsIterator: bounds.makeIterator(), areInIncreasingOrder: areInIncreasingOrder)
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