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Last active January 30, 2018 20:36
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Powershell Script to get Vendor of given MAC-Address via WebAPI
Function Get-MACVendor returns the vendor for a given MAC-Address.
This script uses the API of With Invoke-WebRequest (hence Version 3.0 is needed) it generates an output as xml.
This is the only but mandatory parameter. Please enter a valid MAC-Address.
It works both with colons or hyphens - you decide.
Execute Get-MACVendor.ps1 directly from shell with dot sourcing
. .\Get-MACVendor.ps1
Get-MACVendor -MAC Value
Author: Oliver Jäkel | | @JaekelEDV
with special support of @St_Meissner - thanks!
#requires -Version 3.0
Function Get-MACVendor {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Helpmessage='Enter a valid MAC-Address')]
[string] $MAC
Try {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($MAC))
[string]$url = '' #The site provides an api...
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url/$MAC/xml" #...and an output as xml - great!!!
[xml]$vendor = $request.content #Converts data to xml; "vendor" (company) is in the 'content'-section
if ($vendor.InnerXml.Contains('no result') -ne $True)
Write-Output -InputObject "No vendor found for $mac"
Write-Output -InputObject $_.Exception.Message
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