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Last active August 28, 2018 13:27
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Powershell Script Create Lab VM based on Master VHDx
Function New-LabVM quickly creates VM on Hyper-V for Lab Environments
This Script creates a Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows 10 Generation 2 VM
with differencing disk based on existing Master-VHDx you have to create before executing this one.
Be sure to adjust paths in the "Parameter Section Region" according to your environment.
It connects to an existing external vSwitch to activate the License.
The VM starts automatically.
Choice between Server2012R2, Server 2016, Server 2016_core or Windows10. All depending on existing Master-VHDx.
Sets the Name of the VM to create.
Execute New-LabVM.ps1 directly from Shell with dot sourcing
. .\New-LabVM.ps1
New-LabVM -VMName Value -OSType Value
You might consider putting the function in your PS-Profile.
Author: Oliver Jäkel | | @JaekelEDV
#region Parameter Section
Function New-LabVM {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $VMName)
[string] $VMPath = "d:\$VMName"
[string] $VHDXPath = "d:\$VMName\$VMName.vhdx"
[long] $VHDXSize = 136365211648
[string] $MasterVHDXServer2012R2 = 'd:\MASTER\master_2012R2.vhdx'
[string] $MasterVHDXClient = 'd:\MASTER\master_win10.vhdx'
[string] $MasterVHDXServer2016 = 'd:\MASTER\master_2016.vhdx'
[string] $MasterVHDXServer2016Core = 'd:\MASTER\master_2016_core.vhdx'
#region Import Hyper-V Module
$LoadedModules = (Get-Module).Name
if ($LoadedModules -notcontains 'Hyper-V') {Import-Module Hyper-V}
else {write-host 'Hyper-V Module already loaded' -ForegroundColor Yellow}
#region Create VM
New-VM -Name $VMName -MemoryStartupBytes 1024MB -Generation 2 -NoVHD -Path $VMPath
#region Set VM
Set-VM -Name $VMName -DynamicMemory -ProcessorCount 4 -MemoryMaximumBytes 4GB
# following is not supported for gen2
# Set-VMBios -VMName $VMName -EnableNumLock
#region Create differencing Disks according to OSType-Selection
'Server2012R2' {New-VHD -Differencing -ParentPath $MasterVHDXServer2012R2 -Path $VHDXPath -SizeBytes $VHDXSize}
'Server2016' {New-VHD -Differencing -ParentPath $MasterVHDXServer2016 -Path $VHDXPath -SizeBytes $VHDXSize}
'Windows10' {New-VHD -Differencing -ParentPath $MasterVHDXClient -Path $VHDXPath -SizeBytes $VHDXSize}
'Server2016_core'{New-VHD -Differencing -ParentPath $MasterVHDXServer2016Core -Path $VHDXPath -SizeBytes $VHDXSize}
#region Attach Disk to VM
Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName -ControllerType SCSI -ControllerNumber 0 -Path $VHDXPath
#region Set Bootorder
Set-VMFirmware -VMname $VMName -FirstBootDevice (Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $vmName)[0]
#region Determine external vSwitch and connect vNIC to it
$VMSwitch = (Get-VMSwitch -SwitchType External).Name
Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VMName | Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -SwitchName $VMSwitch
#region Disable automatic Checkpoint
Set-VM -Name $VMName -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $false
#region Start-VM
Start-VM -Name $VMName
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