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Last active February 22, 2018 21:23
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Powershell Script to create LabUsers based on csv-file
Name SamAccountName UPN GivenName Surname DisplayName EmailAddress Group Department
Jasper Beardley Jasper jasper@test.local Jasper Beardley Jasper Beardley jasper@test.local Retired Retired
Patty Bouvier Patty patty@test.local Patty Bouvier Patty Bouvier patty@test.local Bouvier Bouvier
Selma Bouvier Selma selma@test.local Selma Bouvier Selma Bouvier selma@test.local Bouvier Bouvier
Kent Brockman Kent kent@test.local Kent Brockman Kent Brockman kent@test.local
Charles Montgomery Burns Charles Montgomery monty@test.local Charles Montgomery Burns Charles Montgomery Burns monty@test.local Powerplant Powerplant
Carl Carlson Carl carl@test.local Carl Carlson Carl Carlson carl@test.local Powerplant Powerplant
Maude Flanders Maude maude@test.local Maude Flanders Maude Flanders maude@test.local Flanders Flanders
Ned Flanders Ned ned@test.local Ned Flanders Ned Flanders ned@test.local Flanders Flanders
Rod Flanders Rod rod@test.local Rod Flanders Rod Flanders rod@test.local Flanders Flanders
Todd Flanders Todd todd@test.local Todd Flanders Todd Flanders todd@test.local Flanders Flanders
Matt Groening Matt matt@test.local Matt Groening Matt Groening matt@test.local
Barney Gumble Barney barney@test.local Barney Gumble Barney Gumble barney@test.local
Julius Hibbert Julius julius@test.local Julius Hibbert Julius Hibbert julius@test.local
Bernice Hibbert Bernice bernice@test.local Bernice Hibbert Bernice Hibbert bernice@test.local
Jimbo Jones Jimbo jimbo@test.local Jimbo Jones Jimbo Jones jimbo@test.local
Edna Krabappel Edna edna@test.local Edna Krabappel Edna Krabappel edna@test.local
Lenny Leonard Lenny lenny@test.local Lenny Leonard Lenny Leonard lenny@test.local Powerplant Powerplant
Helen Lovejoy Helen helen@test.local Helen Lovejoy Helen Lovejoy helen@test.local
Timothy Lovejoy Timothy timothy@test.local Timothy Lovejoy Timothy Lovejoy timothy@test.local
Otto Mann Otto otto@test.local Otto Mann Otto Mann otto@test.local
Nelson Muntz Nelson nelson@test.local Nelson Muntz Nelson Muntz nelson@test.local
Abraham Simpson Abraham abe@test.local Abraham Simpson Abraham Simpson abe@test.local Retired Retired
Bart Simpson Bart bart@test.local Bart Simpson Bart Simpson bart@test.local Simpsons Simpsons
Homer Simpson Homer homer@test.local Homer Simpson Homer Simpson homer@test.local Simpsons Simpsons
Lisa Simpson Lisa lisa@test.local Lisa Simpson Lisa Simpson lisa@test.local Simpsons Simpsons
Maggie Simpson Maggie maggie@test.local Maggie Simpson Maggie Simpson maggie@test.local Simpsons Simpsons
Marge Simpson Marge marge@test.local Marge Simpson Marge Simpson marge@test.local Simpsons Simpsons
Agnes Skinner Agnes agnes@test.local Agnes Skinner Agnes Skinner agnes@test.local
Seymour Skinner Seymour seymour@test.local Seymour Skinner Seymour Skinner seymour@test.local
Waylon Smithers Waylon waylon@test.local Waylon Smithers Waylon Smithers waylon@test.local Powerplant Powerplant
Moe Szyslak Moe moe@test.local Moe Szyslak Moe Szyslak moe@test.local
Kirk van Houten Kirk kirk@test.local Kirk van Houten Kirk van Houten kirk@test.local van Houten van Houten
Luann van Houten Luann luann@test.local Luann van Houten Luann van Houten luann@test.local van Houten van Houten
Milhouse van Houten Milhouse milhouse@test.local Milhouse van Houten Milhouse van Houten milhouse@test.local van Houten van Houten
Clancy Wiggum Clancy clancy@test.local Clancy Wiggum Clancy Wiggum clancy@test.local Wiggum Wiggum
Ralph Wiggum Ralph ralph@test.local Ralph Wiggum Ralph Wiggum ralph@test.local Wiggum Wiggum
Sarah Wiggum Sarah sarah@test.local Sarah Wiggum Sarah Wiggum sarah@test.local Wiggum Wiggum
Function New-LabUsers creates User-Accounts and Groups for Lab Environments based on a csv-file.
This Script creates User-Accounts for a Lab based on a csv-file.
Be sure to save the csv as UTF.8. I prefer working with CSVed by Sam Francke, see here:
Right now the script will look for the headers Name,SamAccountName,UPN,GivenName,Surname,DisplayName,EmailAddress,Group,Department.
Of course you might add others as well. Adjust the csv and the hashtable for New-ADUser accordingly.
The users will get a Password which you might set in the parameter section below.
The Script has two mandatory Parameters (see the parameters help section): You must point to your csv-file and you must
specify a OU in which the users will be created. If this OU doesn't exist, the script will create it for you.
If users will be found in the csv that already exist in the AD, you'll get an info but the script will continue.
If there is a group-header in your csv, this group will also be created and the user will join this group.
You'll find a corresponding csv for a Lab-Domain named test.local and the most up-to-date version of this script at
Rock it!
Please enter the Path where your csv-file lives.
Please enter the Name of the OU where your new users shall live. There is no need of using the DistinguishedName - just write a name.
New-LabUser -CSVPath .\testusers.csv -OU Foo
Author: Oliver Jäkel | | @JaekelEDV
Function New-LabUser
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $CSVPath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $OU
#region (=BEGIN) Starting Transcript, setting Variables checking if AD-Module is present and creating desired OU.
#Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 - Do not uncomment this. Just for further testing and developing.
Start-Transcript -Path $env:userprofile\Desktop\LOG-NewLabUser.txt -IncludeInvocationHeader
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #Just to suppress the ugly ErrorMessages if an object already exists.
$LoadedModules = (Get-Module).Name
$CSVUser = Import-Csv -LiteralPath $CSVPath
$Password = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'Pa$$w0rd' -AsPlainText -Force) #Change the Password here if you like.
if ($LoadedModules -notcontains 'ActiveDirectory')
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory
Write-Verbose -Message 'ActiveDirectory Module already loaded'
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue' #No need to type -verbose when running the function.
$Domain = (Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $OU -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false -Verbose
Write-Verbose -Message "OU $OU already exists!"
$DestOU = (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity "ou=$OU,$Domain")#We need the DN in the next steps!
#endregion (=END BEGIN)
#region (=PROCESS) Importing csv-file, creating ADUsers and ADGroups and adding Users to Groups (when defined in csv)
foreach ($user in $CSVUser)
if (Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties SamAccountName| Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $User.SamAccountName})
{Write-Verbose -Message "User $($User.SamAccountName) already exists!"
$hash = @{
Name = $user.Name
Displayname = "$($user.GivenName) $($user.Surname)"
Path = $DestOU
Samaccountname = $user.SamAccountName
UserPrincipalName = $user.UPN
Surname = $user.Surname
GivenName = $user.GivenName
EmailAddress = $user.EmailAddress
Department = $user.Department
AccountPassword = $Password
Enabled = $True
New-ADUser @hash -PassThru
if (Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties SamAccountName| Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $User.Group})
{Write-Verbose -Message "Group $($User.Group) already exists!"
$groups = ($user).Department
$members = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $DestOU -Properties department | Where-Object {$_.department -eq $groups}
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $groups -Members $members
New-ADGroup -Name $user.Group -SamAccountName $user.Group -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName $user.Group -Path $DestOU -Verbose
$groups = ($user).Department
$members = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $DestOU -Properties department | Where-Object {$_.department -eq $groups}
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $groups -Members $members
#endregion (=END PROCESS)
#region (=END) Create log with User, Groups SID Info, stopping Transcript, cleaning.
Write-Verbose -Message 'Ready! All Users and Groups successfully created!'
Write-Verbose -Message 'Writing another log-file: User, SID and GroupMembership'
$log = "$env:userprofile\Desktop\UsersSIDGroups.txt"
(Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $DestOU | Select-Object Name, SID) | Out-File -FilePath $log
(Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $DestOU | Select-Object Name, SID) | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
(Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $DestOU -Properties * | Select-Object Name, MemberOf) | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
#endregion (=END END)
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