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Jafar Akhondali JafarAkhondali

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CVE-2023-39141 is reserved for this vulnerability
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Vulnerability type:
Path traversal
Root cause: This line accepts file name from URL input, without sanitizing it to be in the same directory.
JafarAkhondali /
Last active February 22, 2023 09:40
Finds all unicode characters that produce at least one character in ASCII range when converted to Uppercase or Lowercase.
Finds all unicode characters that produce at least one character in ASCII range when converted to Uppercase or Lowercase.
Char ß with code(223) to uppercase contains ASCII char(S). Full uppercase: SS
Char ß with code(223) to uppercase contains ASCII char(S). Full uppercase: SS
Char İ with code(304) to lowercase contains ASCII char(i). Full lowercase: i̇
Char ı with code(305) to uppercase contains ASCII char(I). Full uppercase: I
Char ʼn with code(329) to uppercase contains ASCII char(N). Full uppercase: ʼN
Char ſ with code(383) to uppercase contains ASCII char(S). Full uppercase: S
JafarAkhondali /
Created July 31, 2020 15:08
Super simple code to implement RSA encryption
Sample code snippet to work with RSA encryption ( Don't use it in production :| )
import libnum
def generate_keys(p, q, e):
n = p * q
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