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Created January 29, 2019 18:47
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F# State
(* State *)
type IState<'data> =
abstract member Data: 'data
abstract member Update: 'data -> unit
abstract member Updated: IEvent<'data>
(* Tracked State *)
type ITrackedState<'data> =
inherit IState<'data>
abstract member Undo: unit -> unit
abstract member Redo: unit -> unit
(* State *)
type State<'data> (init: 'data) =
let mutable data = init
let updated = new Event<'data> ()
interface IState<'data> with
member __.Data = data
member __.Update state =
data <- state
updated.Trigger data
[<CLIEvent>] member __.Updated = updated.Publish
(* Tracked State *)
type TrackedState<'data> (init: 'data) =
let mutable history = [init]
let mutable index = 0
let updated = new Event<'data> ()
interface ITrackedState<'data> with
member __.Data = history.Item index
member __.Update state =
history <- state :: history
index <- 0
history.Item index |> updated.Trigger
member __.Redo () =
if (index - 1) >= 0 then
index <- index - 1
history.Item index |> updated.Trigger
member __.Undo () =
if (index + 1) <= history.Length - 1 then
index <- index + 1
history.Item index |> updated.Trigger
[<CLIEvent>] member __.Updated = updated.Publish
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