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Last active February 11, 2018 09:32
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Clojure: Sign up / Sign in with Google

Set up

  1. Build project at Developer Console
  2. Get client-id and client-secret from project you build and set up redirect-url (see project.clj)
  3. Implement OAuth flow (see following work flow and google.clj

Work flow

  1. Goto on your browser (use your host and port).
  2. Your application redirects the user to Google.
  3. User grants permissions.
  4. Automatially call back to your application
  5. Exchange authorization code for id_token
  6. You can get user's information from the token.
	"issuer" : "",
	"issued_to" : "CLIENT-ID",
	"audience" : "CLIENT-ID",
	"user_id" : "xxx",
	"expires_in" : 3599,
	"issued_at" : yyy,
	"email" : "",
	"email_verified" : true

Now you can identify an user by user_id

[ :as json]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET]]
[config.core :refer [env]]
[ring.util.response :refer [redirect]]
[clj-http.client :as client]))
(defn rand-url-str [len]
(let [chars (concat (range 48 58) (range 97 123))]
(apply str (repeatedly len #(char (rand-nth chars))))))
(def google-base-uri "")
(defn build-scopes
(->> scopes
(interpose "%20")
(apply str)))
(def scopes
["email" "profile"])
(defn google-request-code
(let [{:keys [client-id client-secret callback]} (env :google)
state (rand-url-str 32)]
{:uri (str google-base-uri "/o/oauth2/auth?"
"client_id=" client-id "&"
"scope=" (build-scopes scopes) "&"
"redirect_uri=" callback "&"
"state=" state)
:state state}))
(defn exchange-token
(let [{:keys [client-id client-secret callback]} (env :google)]
(-> (client/post (str google-base-uri "/o/oauth2/token")
{:form-params {"code" code
"client_id" client-id
"client_secret" client-secret
"redirect_uri" callback
"grant_type" "authorization_code"}})
(defn token-info
(-> (client/get ""
{:query-params {"id_token" id-token}})
(defroutes auth-google-routes
(GET "/google" req
(let [{:keys [session]} req
{:keys [uri state]} (google-request-code)]
(-> (redirect uri)
(assoc :session (assoc session :state state)))))
(GET "/google-callback" {params :params session :session}
(let [{:keys [code state]} params
session-state (:state session)]
(when (and state (= session-state state)); check CSRF
(let [{:strs [expires_in id_token]} (exchange-token code)]
(when (and id_token (> expires_in 0))
(let [api-result (token-info id_token)
{:strs [issuer issued_to audience user_id]} api-result]
(when (and (= issuer "")
(= issued_to audience (:client-id (env :google))))
(if "registered?"
{:dev {:env {:google {:client-id "XXX"
:client-secret "YYY"
:callback ""}}}}
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