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Created October 12, 2010 10:14
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for i in `seq 0 50 550`; do wget "$i" -Ocomercios.`expr $i / 50 + 1`.txt; done
for i in comercios*txt; do grep "<table id=\"cbUserTable\"" $i -A1000 | grep "</table" -B 1000 | grep span | sed 's/\t*<div class=\"cbUserListFieldLine\"><span class=\"cbListFieldCont cbUserListFC_//' | sed 's/<\/span><\/div>//' | cut -d ">" -f 2,3,4; done | grep -i "http://[^comercio]" | sort | uniq > urls.txt
for i in `cat urls.txt` ; do wget "$i/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=60&category_id=0&page=shop.browse&limitstart=0&limit=10000" -q -O`echo $i | sed 's/http:\/\///'`; done
for i in www*; do cat $i | grep "id=\"product_list\"" -A10000 | grep "r class=\"clr" -B10000 | grep -i h3 | cut -d "\"" -f 4 | grep -v "h3" | sort > productos.$i; done
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