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Last active December 22, 2017 02:08
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Research Plan for Dynamic Data Visualizations

Dynamic Data Vis Research Plan


  • Fill the gaps in d3.js knowledge
  • Get comfortable generating maps in d3.js
  • Get comfortable associating data with world map points in d3.js
  • Get comfortable generating map overlay visualizations based on data
  • Get comfortable generating events based on map interactions
  • Build an HTTP server for hosting shape files
  • Build an API for pulling geo-associated data
  • Establish a system for dynamically generating makefiles based on app state
  • Establish a means for remotely executing makefiles and returning the generated visualization


BlockBuilder Search

Research References

Study - The Hitchhiker's Guide to d3.js
Study - How Do You Learn d3.js?
Study - SVG Beyond Mere Shapes
Explore - Data Sketches
Explore - Nicky Case
Explore - Polygraph
Explore - Animating SVG Paths on Scroll
Study - SVG Primer
Tinker - Block Builder
Study - Working with d3.js and Canvas: When and How

Study - Needles, Haystacks, and the Canvas API
Study - Starting with Canvas for a d3.js Addict
Study - D3 and Canvas in 3 Steps

Study - The SVG path Syntax: An Illustrated Guide
Study - Introducing d3-scale
Study - Introducing d3-shape
Study - d3-selection
Study - d3-collection
Explore - d3.js Nest Examples
Explore - Mister Nester
Study - d3-hierarchy
Study - d3-zoom
Explore - Zoom Examples
Study - d3-drag
Study - d3-brush
Study - d3-tile
Study - d3-force
Study - d3.geo
Study - The Toolmaker's Guide
Study - Visualizing Algorithms
Study - Let's Make a Map (Process outdated, but good knowledge)
Study - How to Infer Topology
Study - Bubble Map (Process outdated, but good knowledge)
Study - An Ode to d3.js Projections
Study - Creating TopoJSON using D3 v4
Study - Extending D3 with Higher-order Components

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