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Last active September 26, 2019 16:47
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Environment README

Environment Setup


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This guide provides instructions for how to setup a local development environment on a disconnected network using the resources available in this directory.

Directory Contents

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Directory Purpose
apps The primary and supplemental applications necessray for development in the app stack
code-extensions A set of optimal Visual Studio Code extensions
examples Projects that contain code that will be helpful in future projects
fonts Additional fonts to aid development setup
platform Infrastructure that is required to build / work with the app stack
stack The app stack template along with all of the latest Patterns and Practices documentation / examples


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This section will provide an install order and set of instructions for installing the various applications contained in the apps directory.

  1. Install 7-Zip
  2. Install Chrome
  3. Install Firefox
  4. Install the .NET Core SDK (latest version*
  5. Install Node.js (latest version)
  6. Install PowerShell Core
  7. Install Python
  • Install launcher for all users, Add Python 3.7 to PATH, then click Customize installation
  • Click Next
  • Install for all users, Precompile standard library, then click Install
  • When install is complete, be sure to click the Disable Max Path Length option
  1. Install SqlLocalDb
  • Database server is (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB
  • The first time you setup access to this database in SQL Server Management Studio, the database will be created. Be patient if it seems to be taking a moment.
  1. Install SQL Server Management Studio
  • Open and setup a connection to (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB before attempting to interact with the database via Entity Framework
  1. Install Visual Studio Code
  2. Install Yarn
  3. Install Git
  • Select to Use TTF in each console
  • Use Visual Studio Code as the default editor
  1. In apps\vs-build-tools\certificates, select each certificate, right-click, and click Install. For each certificate:
  • Select Local Machine and click Next
  • Click Next
  • Click Finish
  1. Once each certificate is installed, restart your computer
  2. Install apps\vs-build-tools\vs_buildtools.exe


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This directory contains sub-directories of fonts broken down by font-type (Monospace, Sans Serif, Serif).

To install fonts, use the TTF version for each font that has more than one file type. Select all of the TTF files, right-click, and click Install.

Code Extensions

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All of the core Visual Studio Code extensions are contained in the root of the code-extensions directory. Theme and icon extensions are contained in the theming sub-directory.

To install extensions, open Visual Studio Code, click the Extensions icon in the Application Bar. Click the menu in the top-right of the Extensions Side Bar, and click Install from VSIX...

You do not need to wait for an extension to install before selecting another extension to install. They will install concurrently.


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The following sub-directories exist in the platform directory:

Directory Purpose
iis Contains the necessary executables for hosting an ASP.NET Core application in IIS
node-sass Contains all of the compiled binary versions for the node-sass client dependency
user-profile Contains cached resources necessary for configuring the environment on a user's machine profile
yarn Contains a template for the .yarnrc configuration file

The rest of this section will be focused on configuring the dev environment with the resources available in the user-profile sub-directory.

  1. Copy the .node-gyp directory to the %USERPROFILE% directory.
  2. Copy the .nuget directory to %USERPROFILE%, then extract the file. The files contained in should be inside of a packages folder where is located. When extracted, can be deleted.
  3. Extract the contents of .vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.csharp-{version}. Copy the extracted contents and paste them into %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.csharp-{version}.

Nothing needs to be done with the .node-sass directory. I've placed it in the Share drive at Dev\Resources and configured the sass-binary-path variable in .yarnrc to point to the compiled binaries stored at this location.


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  1. Copy the contents of the stack directory to %USERPROFILE%\Documents.
  2. Open a command prompt and execute the following:
dotnet new -i %USERPROFILE%\Documents\stack\template

This will point the app stack template to the dotnet CLI tool.

Test Environment Configuration

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To ensure that the environment was successfully setup:

  1. Navigate to any directory that you want to create a test project in
  2. Execute dotnet new stack -o {ProjectName} where {ProjectName} is what you want the test project to be named.
  3. When the project has been created, change directory into the project directory.
  4. Execute dotnet build at the project root.
  5. If the project builds successfully, change directory into the {ProjectName}.Web directory.
  6. Execute dotnet run and test the application at http://localhost:5000


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The settings.json file contained in the root of this directory contains a set of useful default settings in VS Code.

To apply the settings, copy the contents of the file, press F1, type Preferences: Open Settings (JSON), click the associated option, and paste the contents of the file over the contents of your local settings.

There is also a searchable GUI for managing settings by pressing F1 and selecting Preferences: Open User Settings

The provided defaults are explained here:

Settings Value Description
editor.fontLigatures true Enable font ligatures for fonts that support them. Font ligatures turn multiple characters into a single character to enhance readability. For instance, =>, >=, ===. These characters will appear as one character with this setting as true and a font that supports ligatures.
editor.minimap.enabled false The minimap shows a condensed version of the current code file in the top-right of the editor tab. To me, it is a distraction and not worth the real estate that it takes up.
editor.smoothScrolling true Controls whether the editor will scroll using an animation.
git.confirmSync false This prevents a Git-enabled project from asking you to sync every time it is opened. I prefer to just sync whenever I know that I need to.
material-icon-theme.folders.theme classic The default folder theme for the Material Icon Theme extension. Possible values are specific, classic, and none. Note that you can also modify the color of folders by setting the material-icon-theme.folders.color setting with a hexadecimal value, i.e. #ff1e1f will make the folders a bright red color.
typescript.preferences.quoteStyle single This setting actually reflects the specified setting the app stack's tslint.json. When specifying a string value in TypeScript, you should use singular quotes, 'string', as opposed to quotation marks, "string".
typescript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled always Specifies that if a TypeScript file's physical location changes, any import statements affected by the location change will automatically be updated to reflect the new location.
explorer.confirmDragAndDrop false Prevents Visual Studio Code from asking you to confirm file directory changes when using drag and drop in the File Explorer.
markdown.preview.fontSize 16 Sets the base font size of text in Markdown preview tabs
extensions.showRecommendationsOnlyOnDemand true Recommendations are not fetched or shown unless specificaly requested by the user
extensions.ignoreRecommendations true Notifications for extension recommendations are not shown
workbench.settings.editor ui Opens user settings in the GUI by default as opposed to the JSON file
markdown.preview.fontFamily Source Sans Pro The base font to use in Markdown preview tabs
material-icon-theme.activeIconPack angular Sets the default icon schema to Angular
html.format.wrapAttributes force-aligned When formatting an HTML document (CTRL + ALT + F), the opening tag and first attribute share the same line, and each subsequent attribute is aligned underneath the previous attribute. This drastically improves the readability of HTML templates in Angular.
editor.fontFamily Cascadia Code The default font for the editor. Cascadia Code is a new Monospace font by Microsoft for programmers built with font ligatures.
terminal.integrated.fontFamily Cascadia Code The default font for the integrated terminal.
breadcrumbs.enabled true Enables navigational breadcrumbs directly underneath editor tabs for each opened document.
window.zoomLevel 0 No zoom applied to the application. C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe Specifies the default shell for the integrated terminal.
workbench.colorTheme Default Light+ The current active color theme. Note that color themes can be selected by clicking the Settings gear at the bottom left of Visual studio Code, then clicking Color Theme.
powershell.powerShellDefaultVersion PowerShell Core 6 (x64) Specifies PowerShell Core as the default version.
powershell.powerShellExePath C:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\6\\pwsh.exe Specifies the executable path for PowerShell.
editor.acceptSuggestionOncommitCharacter false Prevents highlighted intellisense items from being selected when anything other than Tab is pressed. Often, you will press Enter after typing an attribute or property / argument name, and when this setting is set to true, the highlighted intellisense item overwites what you intentionally typed.
editor.fontSize 15 The fint size for the code editor.
debug.console.fontFamily Cascadia Code The default font to use for the Debug console.

The following settings are also included to prevent Visual Studio Code from trying to reach the internet:

Setting Value
workbench.enableExperiments false
workbench.settings.enableNaturalLanguageSearch false
update.mode none
update.showReleaseNotes false
extensions.autoCheckUpdates false
extensions.autoUpdate false
telemetry.enableCrashReporter false
telemetry.enableTelemetry false
npm.fetchOnlinePackageInfo false

You can verify these settings by pressing F1, opening Preferences: Open User Settings, and search @tag:usesOnlineServices.

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