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Created August 24, 2023 16:17
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Using Pandoc to convert MD to PDF


The following illustrates how to convert MD to PDF


  1. Download and install pandoc

  2. Download and install wkhtmltopdf

Ensure both are added to the system PATH


The following PowerShell script demonstrates how to perform the conversion:

    $Style = ".\style.css",
    $Source = "..\",
    $Target = ".\target.pdf",
    $Title = "Documentation",
        "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4",
        "A5", "A6", "A7", "A8", "A9",
        "B0", "B1", "B2", "B3", "B4",
        "B5", "B6", "B7", "B8", "B9",
        "C5E", "Comm10E", "DLE",
        "Executive", "Folio", "Ledger",
        "Legal", "Letter", "Tabloid"
    $PageSize = "Letter",
    $Margin = 12

if ((Get-Command "pandoc.exe") -and (Get-Command "wkhtmltopdf.exe"))
    Write-Host "Converting $Source to $Target..."

    pandoc -s `
        -f gfm `
        -t html5 `
        -o $Target `
        -c $Style `
        -M title=$Title `
        -V page-size=$PageSize `
        -V margin-top=$Margin `
        -V margin-right=$Margin `
        -V margin-bottom=$Margin `
        -V margin-left=$Margin `

    Write-Host "$Target successfully created"
    Write-Error "Cannot find pandoc or wkhtmltopdf on the system PATH"
Parameter Default Description
Style .\style.css The CSS file that describes how the PDF should be rendered
Source ..\ The markdown file to convert to PDF
Target .\target.pdf Where to save the converted PDF file
Title Documentation The title for the PDF document
PageSize Letter The PDF page size
Margin 12 The margin from the edge of the page in the PDF


Specify a styles.css file that defines how the document should be laid out. The following is used to theme the PDF in GitHub-style markdown format:

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