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Created December 14, 2010 20:33
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script results
nrows: TOTAL: (WHERE fk=1)1000020
set count=4 WHERE fk = 1
elapsed time: 4375.12(ms)
nrows: (WHERE fk=1) count = 4: 10000196
nrows: (WHERE fk=1) count = 99: 0
BATCH UPDATE: set count=99 WHERE fk = 1
elapsed time: 5210.04(ms)
nrows: (WHERE fk=1) count = 4: 9000176
nrows: (WHERE fk=1) count = 99: 1000020
package.path = package.path .. ";redis-lua/src/?.lua;src/?.lua"
require "socket"
require "redis"
function print_diff_time(x)
print(string.format("elapsed time: %.2f(ms)\n", socket.gettime()*1000 - x))
local redis = Redis.connect('', 6379);
update_where_clause = "fk = 1 ORDER BY fk";
nrows = redis:select("COUNT(*)", tbl, update_where_clause);
print ('nrows: TOTAL: (WHERE fk=1): ' .. nrows .. "\n");
local x = socket.gettime()*1000;
print ('set count=4 WHERE fk = 1');
updated_rows = redis:update(tbl, "count = 4", update_where_clause);
nrows = redis:scanselect("COUNT(*)", tbl, "count = 4");
print ('nrows: (WHERE fk=1) count = 4: ' .. nrows);
nrows = redis:scanselect("COUNT(*)", tbl, "count = 99");
print ('nrows: (WHERE fk=1) count = 99: ' .. nrows);
lim = 1000;
updated_rows = lim;
unique_cursor_name = "update_cursor_for_ten_mill_modTEN_fk";
print ('\nBATCH UPDATE: set count=99 WHERE fk = 1');
local x = socket.gettime()*1000;
while updated_rows == lim do
updated_rows = redis:update(tbl, "count = 99",
update_where_clause ..
' LIMIT ' .. lim ..
' OFFSET '.. unique_cursor_name);
-- print ('updated_rows: ' .. updated_rows);
nrows = redis:scanselect("COUNT(*)", tbl, "count = 4");
print ('nrows: (WHERE fk=1) count = 4: ' .. nrows);
nrows = redis:scanselect("COUNT(*)", tbl, "count = 99");
print ('nrows: (WHERE fk=1) count = 99: ' .. nrows);
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