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Created June 20, 2018 20:28
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rho calculus equivalences and reductions
import collection.immutable.Map
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Rho {
// Inputs is the type that defines all of our "listeners" in a process.
// They are uniquely identified by the Name being listened on, and a following process.
// There is no need to store the bound name here, as the bound name will be replaced by an identifier
// based on its position in a process. (Similar to a De Bruijn Index). Two inputs will be regarded as equivalent
// if they only differ in the bound names (are alpha equivalent).
private final type Inputs = FreqMap[(Name, Process)]
// Lifts is the type that defines all of our "outputs" in a process.
private final type Lifts = FreqMap[(Name, Process)]
// Drops defines all of the names that we "request to run" in a top level par context.
private final type Drops = FreqMap[Name]
// FreqMap[X] can be thought of as an unordered collection of X's, where a particular X (or something == to X) may
// occur multiple times.
private final type FreqMap[X] = Map[X, Int]
// Process is the type that represents a rho calculus process
sealed class Process( val inputs: Inputs,
val lifts: Lifts,
val drops: Drops,
// height is used for De Bruijn-like indexing of bound names. Could be calculated on the fly,
// but is stored here for ease of use.
val height: Int ) {
// Process equality is defined by structural equivalence.
// (Final here means we should be safe without the canEqual method, even with extensions of this class)
final override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = {
other match {
case that: Process => (inputs == that.inputs) &&
(lifts == that.lifts) &&
(drops == that.drops)
case _ => false
// hashCode needs to be overridden with equals. Done as described in:
// Programming in Scala Second Edition by Odersky, Spoon, and Venners
final override val hashCode: Int = {
41 * (
41 * (
41 + (if( inputs == null ) 0 else inputs.hashCode)
) + (if( lifts == null ) 0 else lifts.hashCode)
) + (if( drops == null ) 0 else drops.hashCode)
// Get some sort of string representation of our process.
override def toString: String = {
// TODO: this could look much nicer
(if (inputs.nonEmpty) "in " + inputs.toString + "\n" else "") +
(if (lifts.nonEmpty) "out " + lifts.toString + "\n" else "") +
(if (drops.nonEmpty) "drop " + drops.toString + "\n" else "")
// Type that represents rho calculus names
sealed trait Name
// A Name can be a quoted process
final class Quote(x: Process) extends Name {
// Quote(Drop(x)) is name equivalent to x
// This means the the drops embedded in x cannot ever be bound via input prefix
val p: Process = runDrops(x)
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = {
other match {
case that: Quote => p == that.p
case _ => false
// hashCode needs to be overridden with equals. Done as described in:
// Programming in Scala Second Edition by Odersky, Spoon, and Venners
override val hashCode: Int = {
41 + p.hashCode
// A Name can also be bound, or "new", in a process, in which case it can be substituted by alpha equivalence
// while the process remains structurally equivalent. The type BoundName is used within a process to abstract
// away the specific process behind a name (to something similar to a De Bruijn Index). These should never appear
// at the top level definition of a process, but only under prefix of an Input.
private final case class BoundName(int: Int) extends Name
// the rho calculus null process
final object Zero extends Process( inputs = FreqMap.empty[(Name, Process)],
lifts = FreqMap.empty[(Name, Process)],
drops = FreqMap.empty[Name],
height = 0) {
final class Drop( x: Name ) extends Process( inputs = FreqMap.empty[(Name, Process)],
lifts = FreqMap.empty[(Name, Process)],
drops = Map(x -> 1),
height = 0 ) {
final class Parallel( p: Process, q: Process ) extends Process( inputs = mergeMaps(Seq(p.inputs, q.inputs)),
lifts = mergeMaps(Seq(p.lifts, q.lifts)),
drops = mergeMaps(Seq(p.drops, q.drops)),
height = math.max(p.height, q.height) ) {
// The rho calculus output process
final class Lift( x: Name, p: Process ) extends Process( inputs = FreqMap.empty[(Name, Process)],
lifts = Map((x, p) -> 1),
drops = FreqMap.empty[Name],
height = p.height ) {
final class Input( y: Name, x: Name, p: Process )
extends Process( inputs = Map((x, substitute(y, BoundName(p.height), p)) -> 1),
lifts = FreqMap.empty[(Name, Process)],
drops = FreqMap.empty[Name],
height = p.height + 1 ) {
// Substitute x for y in process p
private def substitute( x: Name, y: Name, p: Process ): Process = {
// TODO: Common pattern here, could be refactored to look much nicer
val subInputs: Inputs = p.inputs.foldLeft(FreqMap.empty[(Name, Process)])({
case (acc, ((n, q), i)) if n == x => mergeMaps( Seq(acc, Map((y, substitute(x, y, q)) -> i)) )
case (acc, ((n, q), i)) => mergeMaps( Seq(acc, Map((n, substitute(x, y, q)) -> i)) )
val subLifts: Lifts = p.lifts.foldLeft(FreqMap.empty[(Name, Process)])({
case (acc, ((n, q), i)) if n == x => mergeMaps( Seq(acc, Map((y, substitute(x, y, q)) -> i)) )
case (acc, ((n, q), i)) => mergeMaps( Seq(acc, Map((n, substitute(x, y, q)) -> i)) )
val subDrops: Drops = p.drops.foldLeft(FreqMap.empty[Name])({
case (acc, (n, i)) if n == x => mergeMaps( Seq(acc, Map(y -> i)) )
case (acc, (n, i)) => mergeMaps( Seq(acc, Map(n -> i)) )
new Process(subInputs, subLifts, subDrops, p.height)
// One-step reductions for a process p.
// Note, all the processes returned in this set have their drops "run",
// so you will not be able to bind them with a prefixed input.
def reductions( p: Process ): Set[Process] = {
val running: Process = runDrops(p)
val ret: Iterable[Process] = for(
input <- running.inputs;
lift <- running.lifts
// TODO: uhg, using tuples and type aliases is coming back to bite me.
// If the names are equivalent
if input._1._1 == lift._1._1
) yield runDrops(substitute(BoundName(input._1._2.height), new Quote(lift._1._2), new Process(
inputs = mergeMaps(Seq(
if( input._2 == 1 ) {
running.inputs - input._1
} else {
running.inputs.updated(input._1, input._2 - 1)
lifts = mergeMaps(Seq(
if( lift._2 == 1 ) {
running.lifts - lift._1
} else {
running.inputs.updated(lift._1, lift._2 - 1)
drops = running.drops,
height = math.max(running.height, input._1._2.height)
def runDrops( p: Process ): Process = {
if (p.drops.isEmpty) {
} else {
val (inputs, lifts, drops, height) = p.drops.foldLeft( (p.inputs, p.lifts, FreqMap.empty[Name], p.height) )({
case ((i, l, d, h), (n: Quote, f)) => (mergeMaps(Seq( (i, 1), (n.p.inputs, f) )),
mergeMaps(Seq( (l, 1), (n.p.lifts, f) )),
mergeMaps(Seq( (d, 1), (n.p.drops, f) )),
math.max(h, n.p.height))
runDrops(new Process(inputs, lifts, drops, height))
private final object FreqMap {
def empty[X] = Map.empty[X, Int]
private def mergeMaps[X](maps: Seq[(FreqMap[X], Int)]): FreqMap[X] = {
maps.foldLeft(Map.empty[X, Int])({
case (acc, (map, i)) =>
case (l, (k, v)) => l.+((k, (i * v) + acc.getOrElse(k, 0)))
private final def mergeMaps[X](maps: Seq[FreqMap[X]]): FreqMap[X] = {
mergeMaps(maps.foldLeft(Seq.empty[(FreqMap[X], Int)])({
case (acc, map) => acc.+:((map, 1))
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dckc commented Jun 22, 2018


      input <- running.inputs;
      lift <- running.lifts
      // TODO: uhg, using tuples and type aliases is coming back to bite me.
      // If the names are equivalent
      if input._1._1 == lift._1._1


      ((inName, inProc), inQty) <- running.inputs;
      ((liftName, liftProc), liftQty) <- running.lifts
      if inName == liftName

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