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Last active August 5, 2016 14:56
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Wrap ramda to work nice with the bind operator
import ramda from 'ramda'
import Immutable from 'immutable'
const applyWildcard = (array, val) => {
const wildIndex = ramda.findIndex(x => x === __, array);
return wildIndex > -1 ? ramda.update(wildIndex, val, array) : array.concat([val]);
const toThisFunction = (func) => {
return _.isFunction(func) ? function(...args) {
const newArgs = this === undefined ? args : applyWildcard(args, this);
return toThisFunction(func(...newArgs));
} : func
const R = ramda.mapObjIndexed((val, key, obj) => toThisFunction(val), ramda);
const { __, merge, map, filter, gt, add, any, tap, assoc, compose, take } = R;
const log = tap(console.log.bind(console));
::filter(gt(__, 2))
::log(); // [3, 4]
({ name: "Jake", score: 84 })
::merge(__, { score: 100 })
::log() // { name: "Jake", score: 100 }
const doSomeStuff = compose(
new Immutable.List([1,2,3])
::log(); // List(11, 12)
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