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Last active July 23, 2019 19:45
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Apollo config 3.0
* Goal: rebuild apollo config to allow for easier configuration
* Ideas:
* - More top-level options with fewer nested keys
* - I don't think field nesting is strictly necessary, since a _lot_
* of things are duplicated between client/service projects (like includes)
* - No inference around project type
* - Multiple projects in a single config
* Gotcha's:
* - Should it be possible to run a cli command from the root?
* - apollo client:codegen --project=web
* - equivalent to `cd projects/web && apollo client:codegen`
* - apollo client:check --config=./myProj/my.config.js --project=web
* - equivalent to `cd myProj/projects/web && apollo client:codegen`
* - what to do if multiple projects overlap paths?
* - We should probably error for this
type ClientOptions = {
name?: string;
referenceID?: string;
version?: string;
// client schemas
clientOnlyDirectives?: string[];
clientSchemaDirectives?: string[];
addTypename?: boolean;
// stats window config
statsWindow?: { to: number; from: number };
type SchemaSource = {
registry?: boolean;
files?: string[];
url?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
skipSSLValidation?: boolean;
type BaseProjectConfig = {
includes?: string[];
excludes?: string[];
apolloGraphId?: string;
apolloGraphVariant?: string;
schema?: SchemaSource;
type ClientConfig = BaseProjectConfig & {
type: 'client';
clientOptions?: ClientOptions;
type ServiceConfig = BaseProjectConfig & {
type: 'service';
type ProjectConfig = ClientConfig | ServiceConfig;
type ApolloConfig =
| ProjectConfig
| {
projects: Record<string, ProjectConfig>;
module.exports = {
projects: {
// >>>>>>>>>> CLIENT EXAMPLES <<<<<<<<<<<<<
clientWithEngineService: {
type: 'client',
includes: ['src/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx,graphql}'],
apolloGraphId: 'github',
apolloGraphVariant: 'prod',
schema: {
// signifies the schema is coming from the apollo registry, not anywhere else.
// if `apolloGraphId` is present, this is the default option, and could be left off.
registry: true,
clientWithMultipleSchemaFiles: {
type: 'client',
includes: ['src/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx,graphql}'],
schema: {
files: ['./schema/a.graphql', './schema/b.graphql'],
clientWithSimpleIntrospectedSchema: {
type: 'client',
schema: {
url: '',
clientWithComplexIntrospectedSchema: {
type: 'client',
schema: {
url: '',
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ${env:YOUR_APP_TOKEN}',
skipSSLValidation: true,
// >>>>>>>>>> SERVICE EXAMPLES <<<<<<<<<<<<<
serviceWithSimpleIntrospectedSchema: {
type: 'service',
includes: ['src/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx,graphql}'],
apolloGraphId: 'my-service',
apolloGraphVariant: 'prod',
// this is the endpoint for a local scheme. All checks and pushes will still go to the registry.
schema: {
url: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql',
serviceWithSchemaFiles: {
type: 'service',
includes: ['src/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx,graphql}'],
apolloGraphId: 'my-service',
apolloGraphVariant: 'prod',
schema: {
files: ['./schema/a.graphql', './schema/b.graphql'],
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