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Last active November 28, 2017 19:43
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import validator from 'validator';
const required = (value) => {
  if (!value.toString().trim().length) {
    // We can return string or jsx as the 'error' prop for the validated Component
    return 'require';

const email = (value) => {
  if (!validator.isEmail(value)) {
    return `${value} is not a valid email.`

const lt = (value, props) => {
  // get the maxLength from component's props
  if (value.toString().trim().length > props.maxLength) {
    // Return jsx
    return <span className="error">The value exceeded {props.maxLength} symbols.</span>

const password = (value, props, components) => {
  // NOTE: Tricky place. The 'value' argument is always current component's value.
  // So in case we're 'changing' let's say 'password' component - we'll compare it's value with 'confirm' value.
  // But if we're changing 'confirm' component - the condition will always be true
  // If we need to always compare own values - replace 'value' with components.password[0].value and make some magic with error rendering.
  if (value !== components['confirm'][0].value) { // components['password'][0].value !== components['confirm'][0].value
    // 'confirm' - name of input
    // components['confirm'] - array of same-name components because of checkboxes and radios
    return <span className="error">Passwords are not equal.</span>

Implemenation of Validation

import Form from 'react-validation/build/form';
import Input from 'react-validation/build/input';
import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class Login extends Component {
    handleSubmit = (event) => {

        // Emulate async API call
        setTimeout(() => {
            this.form.showError(this.userInput, <span>API error</span>);
        }, 1000);

    removeApiError = () => {

    render() {
        return <Form  onSubmit={this.handleSubmit.bind(this)}>
                    ref={c => { this.userInput = c }}
                    <Input value='' name='email' validations={[required, email]}/>
                    <Input type='password' name='password' validations={[required]}/>

HOC Implementation for integration with Terra components

import { form, control, button } from 'react-validation';

// Define own Form component
const Form = ({ getValues, validate, showError, hideError, children, ...props }) => ( // destruct non-valid props
  <form {...props}>{children}</form>

// Define own Input component
const Input = ({ error, isChanged, isUsed, ...props }) => (
    help="Example Help"
    isInvalid={error !== null && error !== undefined}
    <Input onChange={props.handleFieldChanged} isInvalid={error !== null && error !== undefined} {...props} />

// Define own Button component
const Button = ({ hasErrors, ...props }) => {
  return (
    <button {...props} disabled={hasErrors} />

// Now call HOCs on components
const ValidatableForm = form(Form);
const ValidatableInput = control(Input);
const ValidatableButton = button(Button);

  <ValidatableInput value={this.state.input} onChange={this.changeInput} validations={[required]}/>
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