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Created November 9, 2023 02:15
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// generative id function
function id(type, identifier) {
// ensure identifier is a string
identifier = String(identifier);
// set placeholder
if (!identifier) {
// set identifier to 'PLACEHOLDER'
identifier = 'PLACEHOLDER';
// log warning
console.warn('identifier is empty, using PLACEHOLDER');
// convert string to camelCase function
function camel(identifier) {
// split the identifier into an array of words by spaces
identifier = identifier.split(' ');
// convert the array of words into camelCase format
return, index) => {
// ensure each word is in lowercase
const lowerCasedWord = word.toLowerCase();
// capitalize the first letter of all words (except the first word)
return index === 0 ? lowerCasedWord : lowerCasedWord.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lowerCasedWord.slice(1);
// join the array of words back into a string
// concatenate the type and identifier with camelCase
const identifierCamel = camel(identifier);
// set fallback type
type = type || 'Thing';
// construct & return id
return 'id#' + type + '-' + identifierCamel;
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