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<div itemprop="name" class="name">Jake Labate</div>
<div itemprop="jobTitle" class="text">SEO Consultant</div><a rel="external" title="Jake Labate, SEO Consultant on Google" href="" target="_blank" class="columns google-link w-inline-block">
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<div class="review-link-text">34+ reviews on </div><img src="" loading="eager" width="22" alt="" class="google-icon" />
<h1>Hi, I’m Jake.<br />Marketing firms call me for SEO.</h1>
<div class="text h1-subheading">I deploy high-level abstract, yet detailed &amp; refined SEO frameworks.</div>
<div class="text h1-subheading">I&#x27;m available as a consultant for mid-market businesses, and as a fulfillment partner for marketing firms and agencies.</div><a href="#skills" title="See Skills" class="w-inline-block">
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<section id="skills" class="section">
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<h2 class="sticky">Skills</h2>
<p class="text subheading">Over the years, I&#x27;ve developed a range of SEO skills. Strategy, analysis, on-page, off-page, technical, content etc.</p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">Analysis</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Like any effective marketing campaign, auditing analytics regularly allows SEO budgets to be spent most effectively. Understanding what is happing in search, whats ranking, what converting etc is a large part of SEO.</p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">Backlinks</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Backlinks are very simply, links to your website from other websites across the web. Search engines can detect these links, and view them as evidence of credibility of your site. The quantity, but more important quality of your backlinks plays a large role in SEO. </p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">CRO</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Conversion rate optimization typically refers to the practice of increasing clicks, inquiries, submissions, calls etc on a webpage. This is technically not SEO, as it&#x27;s referring on-page engagement.</p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">Content</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Search engines need to like your website, but so do users. Content that attracts impressions and converts readers is the core of every website. Copywriting frameworks, A/B testing and other implementation practices can allow you to get the most from your website&#x27;s content. </p>
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<header id="crawling-and-indexing" class="columns sticky-subheading">
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<h3 itemprop="name">Crawling &amp; Indexing</h3>
<p itemprop="description">The first bottleneck of any SEO campaign is ensuring search engines locate and understand your website on the internet (crawling), and deem its valuable enough to show on the web (indexing).</p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">Dynamic SEO</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Dynamic or programmatic SEO is the practice of utilizing website frameworks to deploy SEO at a large scale. Metadata, schema markup, heading and other website elements can be templates, alleviating manual SEO tasks and ensuring quality.</p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">EEAT</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Short for experience, expertise, authority and trust, EEAT is a public Google guideline discussing what makes great, rank-able content.</p>
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<header id="image-seo" class="columns sticky-subheading">
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<h3 itemprop="name">Image SEO</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Images and other media are a large part of web. Using certain file types, marking up image metadata, loading images at the right time etc all contribute a high preforming, accessible website.</p>
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<header id="keyword-research" class="columns sticky-subheading">
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<h3 itemprop="name">Keyword Research</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Keyword research is the practice of locating high-ROI areas of website focus (for SEO, PPC etc). What makes a great keyword is high traffic, low competition, transactional intent, and business relivance.</p>
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<header id="page-speed" class="columns sticky-subheading">
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<h3 itemprop="name">Page Speed</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Both users and search engines like fast loading webpages. Page speed metrics such as TTI (time to interact) measure how fast content, media, interact-able elements load on a webpage.</p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">SERP</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Short for search engine results page, the SERP is where SEOs compete for the top spots. It&#x27;s the page the user sees directly after entering a query into Google or other search engines.</p>
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<header id="schema-markup" class="columns sticky-subheading">
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<h3 itemprop="name">Schema Markup</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Aka structure data, schema markup is code that allows webpage to be eligible for &quot;rich results&quot; in the search engine results pages. There are dynamic, visual &amp; informative details shown about websites. On most occasions, schema markup has a tendency to increase click though rates by double digit percentages.</p>
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<header id="semantic-html" class="columns sticky-subheading">
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<h3 itemprop="name">Semantic HTML</h3>
<p itemprop="description">HTML is a markup coding language, and is the structure of a webpage. Semantic HTML refers to the practice of implementing high-quality standard for this code. This results in greater accessibility by users, and easier crawling by search engines.</p>
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<header id="site-architecture" class="columns sticky-subheading">
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<h3 itemprop="name">Site Architecture</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Site architecture is to the hierarchical structure of a website. It includes folder names and page pathing, such as &quot;/events/best-event-ever&quot;.</p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">Strategy</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Like the rest of marketing and life in general, having a dedicated team-aligned objective and direction optimizing input, maximizes output and consequently yields a higher campaign ROI.</p>
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<header id="video-seo" class="columns sticky-subheading">
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<h3 itemprop="name">Video SEO</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Video SEO consists of topical research, keyword implementation, script writing, thumbnail design, metadata, structured data, distribution etc. YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world. Deploying and optimizing a video distribution campaign increases brand awareness, conveys trust and converts.</p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">Voice Search</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Voice search refers to implementing SEO for, well, vocal searches. Tools like Amazon Alexa and Siri are growing in popularly. Over 50% of adults already claim to conduct at least 1 voice search every day.</p>
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<h3 itemprop="name">eCommerce SEO</h3>
<p itemprop="description">Traffic to an eCommerce website can be paid for or earned. Structured data, CRO, CTR and other SEO efforts can build an asset, a long-lasting digital infrastructure.</p>
<section id="software" class="section">
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<div class="text subheading">Extensive familiarity with SEO softwares, analytics tools, automation programs, CMSs and HTML, CSS &amp; JS</div>
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<h2 class="sticky">Clients</h2>
<div class="text subheading">Media, print publications, construction, finance, medical, real estate, agency and more.</div>
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<section id="case-studies" class="section">
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<h2 class="sticky">Case Studies</h2>
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<div itemscope="true" itemtype="" itemprop="subjectOf" role="listitem" class="casestudyitem w-dyn-item">
<header class="sticky-subheading columns"><img itemprop="image" loading="lazy" height="" src="" alt="Total Mortgage" class="case-study-favicon" />
<h3 itemprop="name">Total Mortgage</h3>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">Total Mortgage a privately held mid-market mortgage company headquartered in Milford, CT with over 300 employees and 30 branches across the country. They have been rated several times as one of the fastest growing companies in the US.</p>
<div itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph additional-info columns">
<div class="case-study-industry">Financial</div>
<h4 class="project-h4">Situation</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">Total Mortage has a great content talent. What they were lacking is someone with experience converting traffic from that content. I knew a top performer at the company, who referred me to upper management.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4">Task</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">I was hired by Total Mortgage to audit an on-page lead conversion (CRO or conversion rate optimization).</p>
<h4 class="project-h4">Action</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">I conducted an audit of Total Mortgage&#x27;s primary lead collection source, their main landing page,</p>
<div itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph additional-info">
<div>Skills Used:</div>
<div class="collection-list-wrapper w-dyn-list">
<div role="list" class="case-study-skills-list w-dyn-items">
<div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item">
<div itemprop="keywords" class="skill-chip">Analysis</div>
<div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item">
<div itemprop="keywords" class="skill-chip">CRO</div>
<div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item">
<div itemprop="keywords" class="skill-chip">Semantic HTML</div>
<div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item">
<div itemprop="keywords" class="skill-chip">Schema Markup</div>
<div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item">
<div itemprop="keywords" class="skill-chip">Strategy</div>
<h4 class="project-h4">Result</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">I was able to increase the amount of monthly submissions on their pre approval page by 10-15%. With 500 applications per months, this equates to an improvement of 50-75 pre-approvals monthly. Big thanks to Kaushik for working closely with me on this project.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4">Testimonial</h4>
<div itemtype="" itemprop="contributor" itemscope="true" class="testimonial">
<blockquote cite="">&quot;I had the pleasure of working with Jake Labate in his capacity as an CRO consultant for Total Mortgage. On a personal level, Jake is passionate about staying on top of the latest in SEO.&quot;</blockquote>
<div class="contact-point">
<div class="columns"><img loading="lazy" width="108" title="Kaushik Prakash" alt="Kaushik Prakash" src="" itemprop="image" class="headshot" /><a title="Total Mortgage" rel="external" href="" target="_blank" class="w-inline-block"><img title="Total Mortgage" loading="lazy" width="130" src="" alt="Total Mortgage" class="case-study-logo" /></a></div>
<div itemprop="name" class="name">Kaushik Prakash</div>
<div itemprop="jobTitle" class="text">Head of Software Development</div>
<div itemprop="worksFor" class="text">Total Mortgage</div>
<div itemprop="address" class="text">Milford, CT</div><a href="" itemprop="knowsAbout" title="Total Mortgage" rel="external" target="_blank"></a>
<div itemscope="true" itemtype="" itemprop="subjectOf" role="listitem" class="casestudyitem w-dyn-item">
<header class="sticky-subheading columns"><img itemprop="image" loading="lazy" height="" src="" alt="BitX Funding" class="case-study-favicon" />
<h3 itemprop="name">BitX Funding</h3>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">BitX Funding is a small business loan marketplace out of Fairfield, Connecticut.</p>
<div itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph additional-info columns">
<div class="case-study-industry">Financial</div>
<h4 class="project-h4">Situation</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">I met the owner Todd, through the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce LEADS group, a local networking group.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4">Task</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">Todd had someone creating content on a regular basis for the site, but he was looking for someone to create consistent, higher quality content that resonated better with his audience.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4">Action</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">The work I performed for BitX consisted of conducting keyword/topical &amp; competitive research, creating new blog content for the website, and contralto re-strategizing as a result of reviewing analytics and KPIs.</p>
<div itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph additional-info">
<div>Skills Used:</div>
<div class="collection-list-wrapper w-dyn-list">
<div role="list" class="case-study-skills-list w-dyn-items">
<div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item">
<div itemprop="keywords" class="skill-chip">Content</div>
<div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item">
<div itemprop="keywords" class="skill-chip">Strategy</div>
<h4 class="project-h4">Result</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="purple-paragraph">I was able to triple (300% increase) BitX&#x27;s organic search traffic from 800 visits per month to 2,400 visits per month though a series of carefully researched and crafted original blog content. As a result, their number of loan applications tripled as well (300% increase). This all happened in a course of only 12 months. Big thanks to Todd and team at BitX Funding for being one of my first clients.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4">Testimonial</h4>
<div itemtype="" itemprop="contributor" itemscope="true" class="testimonial">
<blockquote cite="">&quot;I hired Jake to do some work on our website. He ended up turning the site into a lead generating machine. Full of great ideas, he 3X-ed our organic traffic in 12 months.&quot;</blockquote>
<div class="contact-point">
<div class="columns"><img loading="lazy" width="108" title="Todd Rowe" alt="Todd Rowe" src="" itemprop="image" class="headshot" /><a title="BitX Funding" rel="external" href="" target="_blank" class="w-inline-block"><img title="BitX Funding" loading="lazy" width="130" src="" alt="BitX Funding" class="case-study-logo" /></a></div>
<div itemprop="name" class="name">Todd Rowe</div>
<div itemprop="jobTitle" class="text">President</div>
<div itemprop="worksFor" class="text">BitX Funding</div>
<div itemprop="address" class="text">Fairfield, CT</div><a href="" itemprop="knowsAbout" title="BitX Funding" rel="external" target="_blank"></a>
<section id="projects" class="section">
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<h2 class="sticky">Projects</h2>
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<h3 id="branded-reporting" itemprop="name" class="sticky-subheading projects-h3">Branded Reporting</h3>
<h4 class="project-h4 green">Problem</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="green-paragraph">SEMrush and other SEO reporting softwares charge hundreds of dollars per months for branded client reporting.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4 green">Solution</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="green-paragraph"> I built a custom program that does it for free using the no-code automation software Make (formerly known as Integromat).</p>
<h4 class="project-h4 green">Benefit</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="green-paragraph">Deliver branded reporting. Save hundreds per months. Customizable templates. Auto-run &amp; auto-email.</p>
<div class="project-link-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="icon" /><a href="" itemprop="sameAs" title="Branded Reporting" target="_blank" class="project-link">View Project File</a></div>
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<h3 id="brandwield-saas" itemprop="name" class="sticky-subheading projects-h3">BrandWield SaaS</h3>
<h4 class="project-h4 green">Problem</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="green-paragraph">Web design, development and SEO talent are expensive. Small &amp; mid-market businesses have no choice but to pay for these skills if they wish to compete in this new digital world. The professional talent must then collaborate and strategize effectively to make the most of these skills, as they are all interconnected, and can potentially be bottlenecked by each-other.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4 green">Solution</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="green-paragraph">Ideal SEO follows a very specific format. Examples include hierarchical page headings, semantic HTML, predictable structured data layouts, URL pathing names, image file type, metadata and more.Nearly all of this is dependent upon a company&#x27;s data, or content. The basics of which are company name, industry, products/services logos, brand colors, service area, etc.My working theory is that from an organized database of company information, the near-perfect SEO webpages can be deployed. The 2 parts to the puzzle are the SEO/generative-webpage framework, and the company data.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4 green">Benefit</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="green-paragraph">Semantic HTML framework. Hierarchical content deployment. Dynamic meta &amp; structured data. World class page speed.</p>
<div class="project-link-block w-condition-invisible"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="icon" /><a href="#" itemprop="sameAs" title="BrandWield SaaS" class="project-link">View Project File</a></div>
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<div itemprop="subjectOf" itemscope="true" itemtype="" role="listitem" class="projectitem w-dyn-item">
<h3 id="schema-framework" itemprop="name" class="sticky-subheading projects-h3">Schema Framework</h3>
<h4 class="project-h4 green">Problem</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="green-paragraph">Managing schema markup (aka structured data) at scale is a hassle for mid-market businesses. Dynamic schema can be used with template JSON structures, but this fails to allow the level of specificity needed to precisely markup the extent of the content.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4 green">Solution</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="green-paragraph">My colleague and I built a universal generative framework that solves this problem completely.</p>
<h4 class="project-h4 green">Benefit</h4>
<p itemprop="abstract" class="green-paragraph">Reduced schema managed keys. Unique &quot;@id&quot; generative function. Multi-item array pushing. Recursively generative.</p>
<div class="project-link-block w-condition-invisible"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="icon" /><a href="#" itemprop="sameAs" title="Schema Framework" class="project-link">View Project File</a></div>
<div class="project-link-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="icon" /><a href="" itemprop="sameAs" title="Schema Framework" target="_blank" class="project-link">View Project Link</a></div>
<section id="methodology" class="section">
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<h2 class="sticky">Methodology</h2>
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<h3 id="user-experience-first" class="sticky-subheading projects-h3">User Experience First</h3>
<p>Too many professionals approach SEO as a checklist; asking themselves and their team if this is &#x27;done&#x27; or if that is &#x27;done&#x27;. My take, is that SEO is never done. SEO, like in all of marketing and even in business more generally, is to simply give people what they want. Whether is Steve Jobs, Seth Godin or Mr. Bezos, the titans of industries agree. Business is about fulfillment. SEO is no different. Our &#x27;customers&#x27; are the users on the other end of search engines. If we SEOs and marketers can create pages that solve their problem, and fill their void, Google will catch on.</p>
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<h3 id="frame-worked-approach" class="sticky-subheading projects-h3">Frame-worked Approach</h3>
<p>There should be a GitHub for marketing. Whats the theory for this method? Why did we use these colors? Why did we post this at this time? Why are we using this site architecture? Developers solved this problem with GitHub in the software development world. What is missing is such a method of tracking strategy and frameworks for marketing. This would improve collaboration between teams, easier transitioning between internal position changes, etc. Build a framework. Have a framework. Update a framework. Have a documented strategy.</p>
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<h3 id="analytical-treasure" class="sticky-subheading projects-h3">Analytical Treasure</h3>
<p>There is more information in your web analytics tools than you know what to do with. Data tells stories. What do people like? What don&#x27;t they? When do they like it? Why do they like it? Analytics plays a large part in all marketing and SEO is no different. While we don&#x27;t need to be credentialed analysts, SEOs should have a good understand of the practice, and be able to derive stories from data, and continue to refine web experience to what search engine users are looking for.</p>
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<h3>Do I train?</h3>
<p>Yes! I have asked by a few clients to train their marketing teams and SEO teams on advanced implementation. I am happy to train.</p>
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<h3>Do I work weekends?</h3>
<p>Not typically. In certain circumstances where urgent attention is needed or something unexpected occurred, of course I can be made available for the resolution.</p>
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<h3>How do I charge?</h3>
<p>It depends. Mostly project or retainer based. I prefer not to charge hourly as I see it of a conflict of interest, as I am punished for being good at what I do. I find it best to charge for the value of the work preformed.</p>
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<h3>Do I have a team?</h3>
<p>Yes! I&#x27;m very lucky to have developed a great group of colleagues over the years. Depending on the scope of the project, some tasks are better left to my team as I am not an expert in everything. This also allows me to defer any savings to my clients.</p>
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<h3>Do I travel?</h3>
<p>Yes! I am happy to travel nationally or internationally.</p>
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