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Last active April 23, 2023 18:47
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Unity, Projectile Motion, Angle Required to Hit Coordinate (X, Y, Z)
public static class PhysicsCalculator
public static float CalculateAngleToHitXYZ(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, float v, float g)
g = Mathf.Abs(g); // According to the wikipedia article, g is acceleration due to gravity and is |g|
Vector3 s = (to - from); // Non-normalized so that we only get an angle if the velocity is enough to reach target.
float x = new Vector3(s.x, 0, s.z).magnitude;
float y = s.y;
float v2 = v * v;
float v4 = v2 * v2;
float fac = v4 - g*(g*x*x + 2*y*v2);
if (fac < 0) // Can't reach target with given velocity
return Mathf.Infinity;
There are two possible launch angles for reaching the target e.g. v2 +- sqrt(fac)
theta1 = High arc angle, for big lobs
theta2 = Low arc angle, for shallow lobs
//float theta1 = Mathf.Atan((v2 + Mathf.Sqrt(fac)) / (g * x)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
float theta2 = Mathf.Atan((v2 - Mathf.Sqrt(fac)) / (g * x)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
// Returning shallow arc
return theta2;
public static float CalculateMaxRangeFromVelocity(float v, float g) => (v*v)/Mathf.Abs(g);
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