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Created December 17, 2018 16:09
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table-izing the output from pdftools 2.0
pdf_file <- ""
df <- pdf_data(pdf_file)[[1]]
# Table-ize ----
headers <- df %>%
filter(y %in% 126) %>%
pull(text) %>%
c("y", .)
car_names <- df %>%
filter(x < 253) %>%
group_by(y) %>%
summarise(car = str_c(text, collapse = " "))
final <- df %>%
filter(x >= 253, y > 126) %>%
select(y, x, text) %>%
spread(x, text) %>%
filter(!`254`)) %>%
remove_empty("cols") %>%
mutate(`308` = coalesce(`308`, `313`),
`342` = coalesce(`342`, `347`)) %>%
select(-`313`, -`347`) %>%
set_names(headers) %>%
mutate_at(.vars = vars(mpg:carb), parse_number) %>%
left_join(x = car_names,
y = .,
by = "y") %>%
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JakeRuss commented Dec 17, 2018

purrr and the dev dplyr 0.8 get me closer to a generic solution which eliminates the coalesce(s) and could be wrapped into a function.

final <- df %>%
  filter(x >= 253, y > 126, y < 695) %>%
  select(y, x, text) %>%
  spread(x, text) %>%
  group_by(y) %>%
  group_split() %>%
  map_df(~ .x %>% remove_empty("cols") %>% set_names(., nm = headers)) %>%
  mutate_at(.vars = vars(mpg:carb), parse_number) %>%
  left_join(x  = car_names, 
            y  = ., 
            by = "y") %>%

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One problem is going to be missing cells in the table. I think complete() might help in this regard, but then how to ensure added NAs stay and drop the created-by-spread missing values?

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In case anyone reads this, inferring the column positions is my current struggle (ie. these N X positions belong to column 1). Once I can reliably get row numbers and columns, then I can group_by() + complete() and I'll have the whole rectangle.

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I have this working now via Jenk's Natural Breaks Optimization technique.

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