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Last active March 5, 2024 22:17
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Save JakeStanger/2f6842ddcaa637210bc076bfe2580ffd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Base code for discord bot - put commands in json file, create command functions in `` of same name, everything else is done for you.
import discord
import asyncio
import json
import commands as bot_commands
client = discord.Client()
commands = {}
aliases = {}
def generate_help():
print(''.join(commands[command].get_help() for command in commands))
return ''.join(commands[command].get_help() for command in commands)
class Command:
def __init__(self, name: str, command_aliases: list, description: str):
self._name = name
self._aliases = command_aliases
self._description = description
if command != 'help':
self._function = getattr(bot_commands, self.get_name())
else: self._function = generate_help
def get_name(self):
return self._name
def get_aliases(self):
return self._aliases
def get_description(self):
return self._description
def get_help(self):
return "\n\n**%s** - %s\n__Aliases:__ *%s*" % (self.get_name(), self.get_description(),
'*, *'.join(alias for alias in self.get_aliases()))
def run(self):
return self._function()
def register_command(command: Command):
if command.get_name() in commands:
raise ValueError("A command with this name is already registered.")
commands[command.get_name()] = command
for alias in command.get_aliases():
aliases[alias] = command.get_name()
with open('settings.json', 'r') as f:
settings = json.loads(
TOKEN = settings['token']
PREFIX = settings['prefix']
for command in settings['commands']:
c = settings['commands'][command]
register_command(Command(command, c['aliases'], c['description']))
def get_command_by_name(name: str) -> Command:
if name in commands:
return commands[name]
elif name in aliases:
return commands[aliases[name]]
return None
async def on_ready():
print('Logged in as')
async def on_message(message):
if message.content.startswith(PREFIX):
command_name = message.content.split(PREFIX)[1]
command = get_command_by_name(command_name)
if command:
return_message =
await client.send_message(, return_message)
"token": "",
"prefix": "+",
"commands": {
"help": {
"aliases": ["assist"],
"description": "Lists commands and their function."
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