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Created June 27, 2020 23:55
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util for seeing if dictionary has path
def dict_has_path(d, path):
if not isinstance(d, dict):
return None, 'dict_has_path expected type dict for d parameter. called with %s' % d.__class__.__name__
if not isinstance(path, str):
return None, 'dict_has_path expected type str for path parameter. called with %s' % path.__class__.__name__
if path in d:
return True, None
if '.' not in path:
return False, None
sub_paths = path.split('.')
first, rest = sub_paths[0], sub_paths[1:]
if first not in path:
return False, None
next_val = d.get(first)
if not isinstance(next_val, dict):
return False, None
return dict_has_path(next_val, '.'.join(rest))
class DictHasPathTestsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_called_with_non_dict_error(self):
has_path, err = dict_has_path(None, 'adsf')
self.assertEqual(None, has_path)
self.assertRegexpMatches(err, r'expected type dict')
def test_called_with_non_string_path(self):
has_path, err = dict_has_path({}, None)
self.assertEqual(None, has_path)
self.assertRegexpMatches(err, r'expected type str')
def test_shallow_true(self):
has_path, err = dict_has_path({'age': 1}, 'age')
self.assertEqual(has_path, True)
self.assertEqual(err, None)
def test_shallow_false(self):
has_path, err = dict_has_path({'age': 1}, 'name')
self.assertEqual(has_path, False)
self.assertEqual(err, None)
def test_nested_true(self):
has_path, err = dict_has_path({'name': {'first': 'bo'}}, 'name.first')
self.assertEqual(has_path, True)
self.assertEqual(err, None)
def test_nested_false(self):
has_path, err = dict_has_path({'name': {'first': 'bo'}}, 'name.last')
self.assertEqual(has_path, False)
self.assertEqual(err, None)
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