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Last active April 12, 2020 23:02
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lil' python obj plucking util
import unittest
from typing import List
def from_obj_path(obj, path, fallback = None):
""" from_obj_path({'name': {'first': 'bo'}}, 'name.first') -> 'bo'"""
d = dict(obj)
if '.' not in path:
val = d.get(path, FALLBACK_FLAG)
if val == FALLBACK_FLAG:
return fallback, Exception(path + ' does not exist in {}'.format(d))
return val, None
paths = path.split('.')
first, rest = paths[0], paths[1:]
val = d.get(first, FALLBACK_FLAG)
if val == FALLBACK_FLAG:
return fallback, Exception(first + ' does not exist in {}'.format(d))
if not isinstance(val, dict):
return val, Exception('should be dict')
return from_obj_path(val, '.'.join(rest), fallback)
class TestPluck(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple(self):
arg = {'a': 1}
result, _err = from_obj_path(arg, 'a')
expectation = 1
self.assertEqual(result, expectation)
def test_not_found(self):
arg = {'a': 1}
_result, err = from_obj_path(arg, 'b')
self.assertRegex(str(err) ,r'does not exist')
def test_nested(self):
arg = {'a': {'a1': 1}}
result, _err = from_obj_path(arg, 'a.a1')
self.assertEqual(result, 1)
arg = {'a': {'a1': {'a2': 2}}}
result, _err = from_obj_path(arg, 'a.a1.a2')
self.assertEqual(result, 2)
def test_fallback(self):
arg = {'a': {'a1': 1}}
fallback = 'FALLBACK'
result, _err = from_obj_path(arg, 'a.a2', fallback)
self.assertEqual(result, fallback)
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