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Forked from ZhangYiJiang/voting-ponies.user.js
Created March 21, 2013 13:55
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Voting Ponies
// @namespace yijiang
// @include*
// @version 1.1
// ==/UserScript==
function inject () {
var images = ['', '',
'', ''];
// Preload images
var img = new Image();
img.src = i;
var ele = this,
$t = $(this),
walk = images[0], // Discentia by default
magic = images[1];
// Only some posts are eligible for voting. For those that aren't, continue
if (this.onclick && this.onclick.toString().match(/vote\(\'(.*)\'/i)) {
// Parse out the vote ID for later use
var id = this.onclick.toString().match(/vote\(\'(.*)\'/i)[1];
} else {
return true;
if ($t.hasClass('up') || $t.hasClass('upmod')) { // Use Karma if this is an upvote
walk = images[2];
magic = images[3];
// Delay voting by 1.9 seconds until the middle of the magic cycle
$(ele).vote(id, null, evt);
}, 1900);
// Insert pony into document body, give it absolute position
var pony = $('<img>', {
src: walk,
alt: '',
css: {
position: 'absolute'
top: $t.parent().offset().top - 30,
left: $t.offset().left + 170
// Fade in anumation
.hide().fadeIn({ duration: 200, queue: false })
// 1.5x walk cycle, 200px distance in 1.0 second
.animate({ left: '-=200px' }, 1000, 'linear', function(){
// Change to magic cycle
pony.prop('src', magic);
// Magic cycle lasts 1.3 seconds
pony.prop('src', walk);
}, 1300);
// Fade out after walking away in 2.1 seconds (1.3s magic + 0.8s walk)
pony.fadeOut({ duration: 200, queue: false });
}, 2100);
// Walk out of frame in 1.0 seconds, covering 200px distance
}).delay(1300).animate({ left: '-=200px' }, 1000, 'linear', function(){
// Clean up
// Disable the default voting mechanism, since we're doing this ourselves
// THIS IS DANGEROUS - since if reddit suddenly change its voting code any
// user of this script could suddenly find themselves unable to vote on things
this.onclick = '';
// Script injection routine
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.innerHTML = '(' + inject.toString() + ')()';
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