This test rule is now in the 'test-rules' support repository. Use that one!
This test rule is now in the 'test-rules' support repository. Use that one!
Does anybody know how to get Instrumentation from android/support/test/rule/ActivityTestRule ?
I'm need it for Robotium instance.
Still use Jake's @rule for now...
Hi Jake,
Is there any means by which i can get the reference of Activity before its onCreate is called?
I want this because i want to inject mocks from tests into Activity.
Android testing support library already includes their ActivityTestRule. Why do we need this ActivityRule?
@IgorGanapolsky Mine came first.
hi all, need your expertise here. I m not sure why my JUnit4.class is in red color. I already sync gradle
/* JUnit4 & Espresso */
androidTestCompile ''
// Set this dependency to use JUnit 4 rules
androidTestCompile ''
but not working?any 1 know why?
Now first-party in a test support library