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Created July 14, 2010 12:56
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
# Flac to Mp3 Perl Converter - Terminal Edition
# Created by: Somnorific
# Based on: Scripts by Falkano and Nick Sklaventitis
# Date: June 26, 2008
# Edited by: mlapaglia
# Format Selection & m3u Output by: Gravey
# Date: June 1, 2009
# Requires: perl, zenity, flac, lame, and rsync
# Tested on: Ubuntu (Hardy x86 and Intrepid x64)
# Configuration
# 1 = true, 0 = false
# Do you always want to move additional files (.jpg, .log, etc)? (disables the prompt)
my $move_other = 1;
# If you want a different default folder, enter it in quotes. ("/home/mlapaglia/Desktop/")
my $defaultOutput_folder = "";
# Do you want to use FLAC tags for naming the output files? (will fail is tags aren't present)
my $fileName_choice = 1;
# Do you want to create an m3u file? (requires FLAC tags)
my $make_m3u = 1;
# Do you want track numbers (in the filenames and tags) to be 01, 02, 03, 04 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4?
my $numberName_choice = 1;
# Do you want to generate a .torrent file? (requires mktorrent 0.9.9)
# Place passkey in quotes, and the output directory for the .torrent file in quotes ("/home/mlapaglia/Desktop/")
my $torrent_passkey = "";
my $torrent_output_directory = "";
# List of default encoding options, add to this list if you want more
my %lameOptions = (
"320" => ["-b 320 --ignore-tag-errors", ''],
"V0" => ["-V 0 --vbr-new --ignore-tag-errors", ''],
"V2" => ["-V 2 --vbr-new --ignore-tag-errors", '']
#End of configuration
my $use_320 = 0;
my $use_v0 = 0;
my $use_v2 = 0;
# Retrieve command line arguments
GetOptions('320' => \$use_320, 'v0' => \$use_v0, 'v2' => \$use_v2);
# Check if specific formats were selected
if ($use_320 || $use_v0 || $use_v2) {
# clear default encoder settings
%lameOptions = ();
# add specified settings to array
if ($use_320) {
$lameOptions{320} = ["-b 320 --ignore-tag-errors", ''];
if ($use_v0) {
$lameOptions{V0} = ["-V 0 --vbr-new --ignore-tag-errors", ''];
if ($use_v2) {
$lameOptions{V2} = ["-V 2 --vbr-new --ignore-tag-errors", ''];
my $numArgs = $#ARGV;
my $flac_dir = '';
if ($numArgs == -1) {
print "Need FLAC file parameter\n";
exit 0;
foreach $numArgs ($#ARGV) {
$flac_dir = $ARGV[$numArgs];
# get rid of trailing slash if present
$flac_dir =~ s/\/$//;
# create folders, either using default output folder, or user chosen
foreach my $lame_option (keys %lameOptions) {
my $mp3_dir = '';
my $flac_dir_proper = $flac_dir;
# Try and remove ([{FLAC}]) and ([{}]) variations
$flac_dir_proper =~ s/[\||\(|\[|\{| \|| \(| \[| \{]+[|FLAC]+[\}|\]|\)]//gi;
if ($defaultOutput_folder eq '') {
$mp3_dir = $flac_dir_proper . " ($lame_option)";
} else {
$mp3_dir = $defaultOutput_folder . fileparse($flac_dir_proper) . " ($lame_option)";
`mkdir "$mp3_dir"`;
$lameOptions{ $lame_option }[1] = $mp3_dir;
# Gather all of the flac files
print "$flac_dir\n";
opendir(DIR, $flac_dir);
my @files = grep(/\.flac$/,readdir(DIR));
my $output_name = "";
# Loop through each of the encodings chosen
for my $lame_option ( keys %lameOptions ) {
print "\nEncoding with $lame_option started...\n";
# Pull out the directories and flags from the array
my @mp3_arry = @{$lameOptions{$lame_option}};
my $mp3_dir = $mp3_arry[1];
my $lame_flags = $mp3_arry[0];
# Loop through each of the FLAC files
foreach my $file (@files) {
# Grab the tag info from the FLAC, if configured
my %flac_tags = ('TITLE','','ALBUM','','ARTIST','','TRACKNUMBER','','GENRE','','COMMENT','','DATE','');
for my $tag ( keys %flac_tags ) {
$flac_tags{ $tag } = `metaflac --show-tag=$tag "$flac_dir/$file" | awk -F = '{ printf(\$2) }'`;
# Remove :'s and ?'s
$flac_tags{ $tag } =~ s/[:,?,\/]/-/g;
# Add a '0' to the track number if needed, if configured
if ($numberName_choice && $flac_tags{'TRACKNUMBER'} && $flac_tags{'TRACKNUMBER'} < 10 && substr($flac_tags{'TRACKNUMBER'}, 0, 1) != 0) {
$flac_tags{'TRACKNUMBER'} = "0$flac_tags{'TRACKNUMBER'}";
# Create the destination mp3 filename using the FLAC tags, if configured
# exit if the FLAC tags are not populated
my $mp3_filename = '';
if ($fileName_choice && $flac_tags{'TRACKNUMBER'} && $flac_tags{'TITLE'}) {
$mp3_filename = `basename "$flac_tags{'TRACKNUMBER'} - $flac_tags{'TITLE'}" .flac`;
} else {
print "\nEither the files are incomplete or they are missing tags";
print "\nTag the FLAC music correctly then re-attempt transcoding\n";
exit 0;
$mp3_filename = $mp3_dir."/".$mp3_filename.".mp3";
# Build the conversion script and do the actual conversion
my $flac_command = "flac -dc \"$flac_dir/$file\" | lame $lame_flags " .
"--tt \"" . $flac_tags{'TITLE'} . "\" " .
"--tl \"" . $flac_tags{'ALBUM'} . "\" " .
"--ta \"" . $flac_tags{'ARTIST'} . "\" " .
"--tn \"" . $flac_tags{'TRACKNUMBER'} . "\" " .
"--tg \"" . $flac_tags{'GENRE'} . "\" " .
"--ty \"" . $flac_tags{'DATE'} . "\" " .
"--add-id3v2 - \"$mp3_filename\" 2>&1";
$output_name = "$flac_tags{'ARTIST'} - $flac_tags{'ALBUM'}";
# Create m3u file, if configured
if ($make_m3u) {
print "\nCreating m3u file...\n";
my $playlist = "$mp3_dir/$output_name.m3u";
my @files = grep(/\.mp3$/,readdir(DIR));
foreach my $file (@files) {
print "$file\n";
print "\nEncoding with $lame_option finished...\n";
# Move over any other files using rsync
if ($move_other) {
my $rsync_comm = "rsync -a --exclude \"*.flac\" --exclude \"*.log\" \"$flac_dir/\" \"$mp3_dir/\"";
# Create .torrent file with parameters, if tags are present, if configured by user
if($torrent_output_directory ne '') {
print "\nCreating torrent...\n";
my $torrent_create = "mktorrent -a$torrent_passkey/announce -o \"$torrent_output_directory$output_name ($lame_option).torrent\" \"$mp3_dir\"";
print "'$torrent_create'";
print "\nAll Done...\n";
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