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Created May 31, 2018 20:53
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import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
class Challenge {
private static Integer[] input;
private static int inputLength;
private static String concatBinary;
private static int resultantValue;
public static Integer arrayPacking(List<Integer> integers)
//Initialise values
input = null;
inputLength = 0;
concatBinary = "";
resultantValue = 0;
//First ensure numbers are between 0 and 255, if not prevent further execution
input = new Integer[integers.size()];
input = integers.toArray(input);
inputLength = input.length;
concatBinary = createConcatenatedBinaryString();
resultantValue = binaryToDecimal(concatBinary);
System.out.println("Result: " + resultantValue);
return resultantValue;
System.out.println("Input numbers are not between 0 and 255");
return -1; //Indicates error
* Convert decimal value into binary representation
* @param int input - integer with decimal value to convert
* @return String outString - binary representation of integer parameter
public static String decimalToBinary(int input)
String outString = Integer.toBinaryString(input);
//Concatenates a 0 onto the beginning of the string whilst the binary string's length is less than 8
while(outString.length() < 8)
outString = "0" + outString;
System.out.println("Output: " + outString);
return outString;
* Create long binary string from concatenated binary strings
* @param - none
* @return - Long concatenated binary string
public static String createConcatenatedBinaryString()
//For loop used in reverse to ensure correct placement of binary strings
for(int i = inputLength-1; i >= 0; i--)
String binaryStr = decimalToBinary(input[i]);
concatBinary = concatBinary + binaryStr;
System.out.println("Long binary string: " + concatBinary);
return concatBinary;
* Convert binary string back to decimal value
* @Param String input - String holding value of binary string to be converted to decimal
* @Return int decVal - integer representation of binary string parameter
public static int binaryToDecimal(String input)
int decVal = Integer.parseInt(input, 2);
return decVal;
* Ensures numbers held in input List are between 0-255
* @Param List<Integer> input - List holding input integers
* @Return boolean inputOkay - boolean determining if List contents are legal
public static boolean checkNumberBoundaries(List<Integer> input)
boolean inputOkay = true;
for(Integer n : input)
if(n > 255 || n < 0)
inputOkay = false;
return inputOkay;
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