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Last active July 31, 2021 23:15
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Generating RIO-style Has-classes/lenses via template haskell
data WindowSize = MkWindowSize { windowWidth :: !Natural
, windowHeight :: !Natural
makeRioClassy ''WindowSize
-- This will generate
-- class (HasWindowWidth env, HasWindowHeight env)
-- => HasWindowSize env where windowSizeL :: Lens' env WindowSize
-- class HasWindowWidth env where ... (method signatures omitted for brevity from here on out)
-- class HasWindowHeight env
-- (as well as associated `id` instances, omitted for brevity for this and the other types)
newtype Email = MkEmail { emailString :: String }
makeRioClassy ''Email
-- This will generate
-- class HasEmailString env => HasEmail env
-- class HasEmailString env
data Config = MkConfig { windowSize :: !WindowSize
, verbose :: !Bool
, studentEmail :: !Email
, teacherEmail :: !Email
makeRioClassy ''Config
-- This will *not* generate class HasWindowSize, since that class already exists
-- However, it *will* generate
-- instance HasWindowSize Config -- as well as instances for HasWindowWidth and HasWindowHeight
-- class HasVerbose env
-- class HasStudentEmail env -- since generation is name-driven it will *not* generate a HasEmail instance
-- class HasTeacherEmail env -- ditto
-- class (HasWindowSize env, HasVerbose env, HasStudentEmail env, HasTeacherEmail env)
-- => HasConfig env
data App = MkApp { config :: !Config
, logFunc :: !LogFunc
makeRioClassy ''App
-- This will generate
-- class (HasConfig env, HasLogFunc env) => HasApp env
-- as well as
-- instance HasConfig App, instance HasWindowSize App, instance HasWindowWidth App, ...
-- instance HasLogFunc App
class (HasWindowWidth env,
HasWindowHeight env) => HasWindowSize env
where windowSizeL :: Lens' env Main.WindowSize
instance HasWindowSize Main.WindowSize
where windowSizeL = id
class HasWindowWidth env
where windowWidthL :: Lens' env GHC.Num.Natural.Natural
class HasWindowHeight env
where windowHeightL :: Lens' env GHC.Num.Natural.Natural
instance HasWindowWidth Main.WindowSize
where windowWidthL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.windowWidth (\x_0 y_1 -> x_0{Main.windowWidth = y_1})
instance HasWindowHeight Main.WindowSize
where windowHeightL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.windowHeight (\x_2 y_3 -> x_2{Main.windowHeight = y_3})
class HasEmailString env => HasEmail env
where emailL :: Lens' env Main.Email
instance HasEmail Main.Email
where emailL = id
class HasEmailString env
where emailStringL :: Lens' env GHC.Base.String
instance HasEmailString Main.Email
where emailStringL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.emailString (\x_0 y_1 -> x_0{Main.emailString = y_1})
class (HasWindowSize env,
HasVerbose env,
HasStudentEmail env,
HasTeacherEmail env) => HasConfig env
where configL :: Lens' env Main.Config
instance HasConfig Main.Config
where configL = id
class HasVerbose env
where verboseL :: Lens' env GHC.Types.Bool
class HasStudentEmail env
where studentEmailL :: Lens' env Main.Email
class HasTeacherEmail env
where teacherEmailL :: Lens' env Main.Email
instance HasWindowSize Main.Config
where windowSizeL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.windowSize (\x_0 y_1 -> x_0{Main.windowSize = y_1})
instance HasVerbose Main.Config
where verboseL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.verbose (\x_2 y_3 -> x_2{Main.verbose = y_3})
instance HasStudentEmail Main.Config
where studentEmailL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.studentEmail (\x_4 y_5 -> x_4{Main.studentEmail = y_5})
instance HasTeacherEmail Main.Config
where teacherEmailL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.teacherEmail (\x_6 y_7 -> x_6{Main.teacherEmail = y_7})
instance Main.HasWindowWidth Main.Config
where Main.windowWidthL = windowSizeL . Main.windowWidthL
instance Main.HasWindowHeight Main.Config
where Main.windowHeightL = windowSizeL . Main.windowHeightL
class (HasConfig env, HasLogFunc env) => HasApp env
where appL :: Lens' env Main.App
instance HasApp Main.App
where appL = id
instance HasConfig Main.App
where configL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.config (\x_0 y_1 -> x_0{Main.config = y_1})
instance HasLogFunc Main.App
where logFuncL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.logFunc (\x_2 y_3 -> x_2{Main.logFunc = y_3})
instance Main.HasWindowSize Main.App
where Main.windowSizeL = configL . Main.windowSizeL
instance Main.HasWindowWidth Main.App
where Main.windowWidthL = configL . Main.windowWidthL
instance Main.HasWindowHeight Main.App
where Main.windowHeightL = configL . Main.windowHeightL
instance Main.HasVerbose Main.App
where Main.verboseL = configL . Main.verboseL
instance Main.HasStudentEmail Main.App
where Main.studentEmailL = configL . Main.studentEmailL
instance Main.HasTeacherEmail Main.App
where Main.teacherEmailL = configL . Main.teacherEmailL
class HasStuffContent env => HasOtherStuff env
where otherStuffL :: Lens' env Main.OtherStuff
instance HasOtherStuff Main.OtherStuff
where otherStuffL = id
class HasStuffContent env
where stuffContentL :: Lens' env GHC.Base.String
instance HasStuffContent Main.OtherStuff
where stuffContentL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.stuffContent (\x_0 y_1 -> x_0{Main.stuffContent = y_1})
class (HasSaApp env, HasSaOtherStuff env) => HasSuperApp env
where superAppL :: Lens' env Main.SuperApp
instance HasSuperApp Main.SuperApp
where superAppL = id
class HasSaApp env
where saAppL :: Lens' env Main.App
class HasSaOtherStuff env
where saOtherStuffL :: Lens' env Main.OtherStuff
instance HasSaApp Main.SuperApp
where saAppL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.saApp (\x_0 y_1 -> x_0{Main.saApp = y_1})
instance HasSaOtherStuff Main.SuperApp
where saOtherStuffL = Lens.Micro.lens Main.saOtherStuff (\x_2 y_3 -> x_2{Main.saOtherStuff = y_3})
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments, LambdaCase, TupleSections, TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
module TH where
import RIO
import qualified RIO.Char as C
import RIO.Lens
import Language.Haskell.TH
type Field = VarBangType
makeRioClassy :: Name -> DecsQ
makeRioClassy tyConName = do
fields <- reify tyConName >>= \case
TyConI (DataD _ _ [] _ [RecC _ fields] _) -> pure fields
TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ [] _ (RecC _ fields) _) -> pure fields
_ -> fail "Unsupported declaration"
(orphanFields, parentedFields) <-
partitionEithers . map (\(x, my) -> maybe (Left x) (Right . (x,)) my) <$> mapM attachClass fields
superInsts <- concat <$> mapM mkSuperInsts parentedFields
insts <- mapM mkInstance fields
let result = [thisClass fields, thisInstance]
<> map mkClass orphanFields
<> insts
<> superInsts
-- traceShowM . ppr $ result -- uncomment to print the generated code
pure result
tyCon :: Type
tyCon = ConT tyConName
attachClass :: Field -> Q (Field, Maybe Name)
attachClass field = findClass >>= \x -> pure (field, x)
findClass = lookupTypeName . nameBase $ className field
thisInstance :: Dec
thisInstance =
InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (ConT thisClassName) tyCon)
[FunD thisLensName [Clause [] (NormalB (VarE $ mkName "id")) []]]
thisLensName :: Name
thisLensName = mapName (lensSuffix . (ix 0 %~ C.toLower)) tyConName
thisLens :: Dec
thisLens = SigD thisLensName (envLens' tyCon)
thisClass :: [Field] -> Dec
thisClass fields = ClassD ctxt thisClassName envParam [] [thisLens]
ctxt :: Cxt
ctxt = map ((\cls -> AppT (ConT cls) (VarT env)) . className) fields
env :: Name
env = mkName "env"
envParam :: [TyVarBndr ()]
envParam = [PlainTV env ()]
thisClassName :: Name
thisClassName = mapName classPrefix tyConName
classPrefix :: String -> String
classPrefix = ("Has" <>)
lensSuffix :: String -> String
lensSuffix = (<> "L")
fieldLens :: Field -> Name
fieldLens (fieldName, _, _) = mapName lensSuffix fieldName
mapName :: (String -> String) -> Name -> Name
mapName f = mkName . f . nameBase
envLens' :: Type -> Type
envLens' = AppT (AppT (ConT $ mkName "Lens'") (VarT env))
mkClass :: Field -> Dec
mkClass field =
ClassD [] (className field) envParam [] [mkMethod field]
className :: Field -> Name
className = mapName (classPrefix . (ix 0 %~ C.toUpper)) . view _1
mkMethod :: Field -> Dec
mkMethod (name, _, fieldType) =
SigD (mapName lensSuffix name) (envLens' fieldType)
mkInstance :: Field -> Q Dec
mkInstance field = InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (ConT $ className field) tyCon) . pure <$>
mkImpl field
mkImpl :: Field -> Q Dec
mkImpl (fieldName, _, _) = do
b <- body
pure $ FunD (mapName lensSuffix fieldName) [Clause [] b []]
body :: Q Body
body = do
x <- newName "x"
y <- newName "y"
NormalB <$> [| lens $(varE fieldName) \ $(varP x) $(varP y) ->
$(recUpdE (varE x) [pure (fieldName, VarE y)]) |]
mkSuperInsts :: (Field, Name) -> DecsQ
mkSuperInsts (field, cls) = do
reify cls >>= \case
ClassI (ClassD ctxt _ _ _ _) _ -> concat <$> mapM superInstsForPred ctxt
_ -> fail $ "Expected " <> show cls <> " to be a class, but it's not"
mkSuperInstsRec :: Name -> DecsQ
mkSuperInstsRec name = reify name >>= \case
ClassI (ClassD ctxt _ _ _ decs) _ -> do
inst <- superInstHead . concat <$> mapM mkSuperImpl decs
(inst :) . concat <$> mapM superInstsForPred ctxt
_ -> fail $
"Couldn't make instance for " <> show name <> " - it's not a class"
superInstHead :: [Dec] -> Dec
superInstHead = InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (ConT name) (ConT tyConName))
superInstsForPred :: Pred -> DecsQ
superInstsForPred = \case
AppT (ConT superCls) (VarT _) -> mkSuperInstsRec superCls
constraint ->
fail $ "Unsupported superclass constraint " <> show (ppr constraint)
mkSuperImpl :: Dec -> DecsQ
mkSuperImpl (SigD methName _) =
[d| $(varP methName) = $(varE $ fieldLens field) . $(varE methName) |]
mkSuperImpl _ = pure []
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