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Created April 1, 2015 10:22
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Helper templates for User-Defined Attributes
private template isAttribute(Attribute)
enum isAttribute(alias other) = is(typeof(other) == Attribute);
enum isAttribute(Other) = is(Other == Attribute);
private template isAttribute(alias Attribute)
enum isAttribute(alias other) = is(typeof(other) == Attribute!Args, Args...);
enum isAttribute(Other) = is(Other == Attribute!Args, Args...);
template hasAttribute(alias sym, Attribute...)
import std.typetuple : anySatisfy;
enum hasAttribute = anySatisfy!(isAttribute!(Attribute[0]), __traits(getAttributes, sym));
template getAttribute(alias sym, Attribute...)
import std.typetuple : Filter;
private alias matchingAttributes = Filter!(isAttribute!(Attribute[0]), __traits(getAttributes, sym));
// Return first match
static if(is(matchingAttributes[0]))
alias getAttribute = matchingAttributes[0];
enum getAttribute = matchingAttributes[0];
struct Normalized {}
struct Type(T)
alias TheType = T;
@Normalized @Type!float
void foo() {}
@Normalized() @Type!int()
void bar() {}
static assert(hasAttribute!(foo, Normalized));
static assert(hasAttribute!(bar, Normalized));
static assert(hasAttribute!(foo, Type!float));
static assert(hasAttribute!(bar, Type!int));
static assert(hasAttribute!(foo, Type));
static assert(hasAttribute!(bar, Type));
static assert(is(getAttribute!(foo, Type).TheType == float));
static assert(is(getAttribute!(bar, Type).TheType == int));
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