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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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std.regex and HTML entities
import std.regex;
immutable string[string] namedEntities;
// Construct AA at startup
shared static this()
namedEntities = [
"gt": ">",
"lt": "<",
"acE": "\u223E\u0333"
// Generate this table from the HTML5 JSON document of named entities
// Probs best to put it in its own module that is auto-generated in its entirety
// Can also use string imports to parse the JSON at compile-time, but since the
// JSON document doesn't change, that's just way overkill
string entityToUTF8(Captures!string capture)
import std.algorithm : startsWith;
import std.conv : text, to; // text helps convert from dchar to string (single code point to UTF-8)
// capture[0] is whole match, capture[1] is first submatch (the part in parantheses)
auto submatch = capture[1];
return (cast(dchar)submatch[1 .. $].to!uint()).text();
return namedEntities[submatch];
// Compile regex to machine code at CT
static entityPattern = ctRegex!`&([#a-zA-Z0-9]+);`;
auto text = "&lt;3 &#39;apostrophe&#39; &acE;";
text = text.replaceAll!entityToUTF8(entityPattern);
assert(text == "<3 'apostrophe' \u223E\u0333");
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