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Created March 3, 2022 01:26
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W3 color conversions in TypeScript
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
/* eslint-disable no-loss-of-precision */
// Source:
// Sample code for color conversions
// Conversion can also be done using ICC profiles and a Color Management System
// For clarity, a library is used for matrix multiplication (multiply-matrices.js)
export type Color = [number, number, number]
// standard white points, defined by 4-figure CIE x,y chromaticities
export const D50 = [0.3457 / 0.3585, 1.00000, (1.0 - 0.3457 - 0.3585) / 0.3585]
export const D65 = [0.3127 / 0.3290, 1.00000, (1.0 - 0.3127 - 0.3290) / 0.3290]
// sRGB-related functions
export function lin_sRGB (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of sRGB values
// where in-gamut values are in the range [0 - 1]
// to linear light (un-companded) form.
// Extended transfer function:
// for negative values, linear portion is extended on reflection of axis,
// then reflected power function is used.
return (val) {
const sign = val < 0 ? -1 : 1
const abs = Math.abs(val)
if (abs < 0.04045) {
return val / 12.92
return sign * (Math.pow((abs + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4))
}) as Color
export function gam_sRGB (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light sRGB values in the range 0.0-1.0
// to gamma corrected form
// Extended transfer function:
// For negative values, linear portion extends on reflection
// of axis, then uses reflected pow below that
return (val) {
const sign = val < 0 ? -1 : 1
const abs = Math.abs(val)
if (abs > 0.0031308) {
return sign * (1.055 * Math.pow(abs, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055)
return 12.92 * val
}) as Color
export function lin_sRGB_to_XYZ (rgb: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light sRGB values to CIE XYZ
// using sRGB's own white, D65 (no chromatic adaptation)
const M = [
[0.41239079926595934, 0.357584339383878, 0.1804807884018343],
[0.21263900587151027, 0.715168678767756, 0.07219231536073371],
[0.01933081871559182, 0.11919477979462598, 0.9505321522496607]
return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb) as Color
export function XYZ_to_lin_sRGB (XYZ: Color): Color {
// convert XYZ to linear-light sRGB
const M = [
[3.2409699419045226, -1.537383177570094, -0.4986107602930034],
[-0.9692436362808796, 1.8759675015077202, 0.04155505740717559],
[0.05563007969699366, -0.20397695888897652, 1.0569715142428786]
return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ) as Color
// display-p3-related functions
export function lin_P3 (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of display-p3 RGB values in the range 0.0 - 1.0
// to linear light (un-companded) form.
return lin_sRGB(RGB) // same as sRGB
export function gam_P3 (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light display-p3 RGB in the range 0.0-1.0
// to gamma corrected form
return gam_sRGB(RGB) // same as sRGB
export function lin_P3_to_XYZ (rgb: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light display-p3 values to CIE XYZ
// using D65 (no chromatic adaptation)
const M = [
[0.4865709486482162, 0.26566769316909306, 0.1982172852343625],
[0.2289745640697488, 0.6917385218365064, 0.079286914093745],
[0.0000000000000000, 0.04511338185890264, 1.043944368900976]
// 0 was computed as -3.972075516933488e-17
return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb) as Color
export function XYZ_to_lin_P3 (XYZ: Color): Color {
// convert XYZ to linear-light P3
const M = [
[2.493496911941425, -0.9313836179191239, -0.40271078445071684],
[-0.8294889695615747, 1.7626640603183463, 0.023624685841943577],
[0.03584583024378447, -0.07617238926804182, 0.9568845240076872]
return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ) as Color
// prophoto-rgb functions
export function lin_ProPhoto (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of prophoto-rgb values
// where in-gamut colors are in the range [0.0 - 1.0]
// to linear light (un-companded) form.
// Transfer curve is gamma 1.8 with a small linear portion
// Extended transfer function
const Et2 = 16 / 512
return (val) {
const sign = val < 0 ? -1 : 1
const abs = Math.abs(val)
if (abs <= Et2) {
return val / 16
return sign * Math.pow(val, 1.8)
}) as Color
export function gam_ProPhoto (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light prophoto-rgb in the range 0.0-1.0
// to gamma corrected form
// Transfer curve is gamma 1.8 with a small linear portion
// TODO for negative values, extend linear portion on reflection of axis, then add pow below that
const Et = 1 / 512
return (val) {
const sign = val < 0 ? -1 : 1
const abs = Math.abs(val)
if (abs >= Et) {
return sign * Math.pow(abs, 1 / 1.8)
return 16 * val
}) as Color
export function lin_ProPhoto_to_XYZ (rgb: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light prophoto-rgb values to CIE XYZ
// using D50 (so no chromatic adaptation needed afterwards)
const M = [
[0.7977604896723027, 0.13518583717574031, 0.0313493495815248],
[0.2880711282292934, 0.7118432178101014, 0.00008565396060525902],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.8251046025104601]
return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb) as Color
export function XYZ_to_lin_ProPhoto (XYZ: Color): Color {
// convert XYZ to linear-light prophoto-rgb
const M = [
[1.3457989731028281, -0.25558010007997534, -0.05110628506753401],
[-0.5446224939028347, 1.5082327413132781, 0.02053603239147973],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.2119675456389454]
return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ) as Color
// a98-rgb functions
export function lin_a98rgb (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of a98-rgb values in the range 0.0 - 1.0
// to linear light (un-companded) form.
// negative values are also now accepted
return (val) {
const sign = val < 0 ? -1 : 1
const abs = Math.abs(val)
return sign * Math.pow(abs, 563 / 256)
}) as Color
export function gam_a98rgb (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light a98-rgb in the range 0.0-1.0
// to gamma corrected form
// negative values are also now accepted
return (val) {
const sign = val < 0 ? -1 : 1
const abs = Math.abs(val)
return sign * Math.pow(abs, 256 / 563)
}) as Color
export function lin_a98rgb_to_XYZ (rgb: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light a98-rgb values to CIE XYZ
// has greater numerical precision than section of
// but the values below were calculated from first principles
// from the chromaticity coordinates of R G B W
// see matrixmaker.html
const M = [
[0.5766690429101305, 0.1855582379065463, 0.1882286462349947],
[0.29734497525053605, 0.6273635662554661, 0.07529145849399788],
[0.02703136138641234, 0.07068885253582723, 0.9913375368376388]
return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb) as Color
export function XYZ_to_lin_a98rgb (XYZ: Color): Color {
// convert XYZ to linear-light a98-rgb
const M = [
[2.0415879038107465, -0.5650069742788596, -0.34473135077832956],
[-0.9692436362808795, 1.8759675015077202, 0.04155505740717557],
[0.013444280632031142, -0.11836239223101838, 1.0151749943912054]
return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ) as Color
// Rec. 2020-related functions
export function lin_2020 (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of rec2020 RGB values in the range 0.0 - 1.0
// to linear light (un-companded) form.
// ITU-R BT.2020-2 p.4
const Ipm = 1.09929682680944
const Isq = 0.018053968510807
return (val) {
const sign = val < 0 ? -1 : 1
const abs = Math.abs(val)
if (abs < Isq * 4.5) {
return val / 4.5
return sign * (Math.pow((abs + Ipm - 1) / Ipm, 1 / 0.45))
}) as Color
export function gam_2020 (RGB: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light rec2020 RGB in the range 0.0-1.0
// to gamma corrected form
// ITU-R BT.2020-2 p.4
const Ipm = 1.09929682680944
const Isq = 0.018053968510807
return (val) {
const sign = val < 0 ? -1 : 1
const abs = Math.abs(val)
if (abs > Isq) {
return sign * (Ipm * Math.pow(abs, 0.45) - (Ipm - 1))
return 4.5 * val
}) as Color
export function lin_2020_to_XYZ (rgb: Color): Color {
// convert an array of linear-light rec2020 values to CIE XYZ
// using D65 (no chromatic adaptation)
const M = [
[0.6369580483012914, 0.14461690358620832, 0.1688809751641721],
[0.2627002120112671, 0.6779980715188708, 0.05930171646986196],
[0.000000000000000, 0.028072693049087428, 1.060985057710791]
// 0 is actually calculated as 4.994106574466076e-17
return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb) as Color
export function XYZ_to_lin_2020 (XYZ: Color): Color {
// convert XYZ to linear-light rec2020
const M = [
[1.7166511879712674, -0.35567078377639233, -0.25336628137365974],
[-0.6666843518324892, 1.6164812366349395, 0.01576854581391113],
[0.017639857445310783, -0.042770613257808524, 0.9421031212354738]
return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ) as Color
// Chromatic adaptation
export function D65_to_D50 (XYZ: Color): Color {
// Bradford chromatic adaptation from D65 to D50
// The matrix below is the result of three operations:
// - convert from XYZ to retinal cone domain
// - scale components from one reference white to another
// - convert back to XYZ
const M = [
[1.0479298208405488, 0.022946793341019088, -0.05019222954313557],
[0.029627815688159344, 0.990434484573249, -0.01707382502938514],
[-0.009243058152591178, 0.015055144896577895, 0.7518742899580008]
return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ) as Color
export function D50_to_D65 (XYZ: Color): Color {
// Bradford chromatic adaptation from D50 to D65
const M = [
[0.9554734527042182, -0.023098536874261423, 0.0632593086610217],
[-0.028369706963208136, 1.0099954580058226, 0.021041398966943008],
[0.012314001688319899, -0.020507696433477912, 1.3303659366080753]
return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ) as Color
// CIE Lab and LCH
export function XYZ_to_Lab (XYZ: Color): Color {
// Assuming XYZ is relative to D50, convert to CIE Lab
// from CIE standard, which now defines these as a rational fraction
const Imicro = 216 / 24389 // 6^3/29^3
const Ideg = 24389 / 27 // 29^3/3^3
// compute xyz, which is XYZ scaled relative to reference white
const xyz =, i) => value / D50[i])
// now compute f
const f = => value > Imicro ? Math.cbrt(value) : (Ideg * value + 16) / 116)
return [
(116 * f[1]) - 16, // L
500 * (f[0] - f[1]), // a
200 * (f[1] - f[2]) // b
// L in range [0,100]. For use in CSS, add a percent
export function Lab_to_XYZ (Lab: Color): Color {
// Convert Lab to D50-adapted XYZ
const Ideg = 24389 / 27 // 29^3/3^3
const Imicro = 216 / 24389 // 6^3/29^3
const f = []
// compute f, starting with the luminance-related term
f[1] = (Lab[0] + 16) / 116
f[0] = Lab[1] / 500 + f[1]
f[2] = f[1] - Lab[2] / 200
// compute xyz
const xyz = [
Math.pow(f[0], 3) > Imicro ? Math.pow(f[0], 3) : (116 * f[0] - 16) / Ideg,
Lab[0] > Ideg * Imicro ? Math.pow((Lab[0] + 16) / 116, 3) : Lab[0] / Ideg,
Math.pow(f[2], 3) > Imicro ? Math.pow(f[2], 3) : (116 * f[2] - 16) / Ideg
// Compute XYZ by scaling xyz by reference white
return, i) => value * D50[i]) as Color
export function Lab_to_LCH (Lab: Color): Color {
// Convert to polar form
const hue = Math.atan2(Lab[2], Lab[1]) * 180 / Math.PI
return [
Lab[0], // L is still L
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Lab[1], 2) + Math.pow(Lab[2], 2)), // Chroma
hue >= 0 ? hue : hue + 360 // Hue, in degrees [0 to 360)
export function LCH_to_Lab (LCH: Color): Color {
// Convert from polar form
return [
LCH[0], // L is still L
LCH[1] * Math.cos(LCH[2] * Math.PI / 180), // a
LCH[1] * Math.sin(LCH[2] * Math.PI / 180) // b
// OKLab and OKLCH
// XYZ <-> LMS matrices recalculated for consistent reference white
// see
export function XYZ_to_OKLab (XYZ: Color): Color {
// Given XYZ relative to D65, convert to OKLab
const XYZtoLMS = [
[0.8190224432164319, 0.3619062562801221, -0.12887378261216414],
[0.0329836671980271, 0.9292868468965546, 0.03614466816999844],
[0.048177199566046255, 0.26423952494422764, 0.6335478258136937]
const LMStoOKLab = [
[0.2104542553, 0.7936177850, -0.0040720468],
[1.9779984951, -2.4285922050, 0.4505937099],
[0.0259040371, 0.7827717662, -0.8086757660]
const LMS = multiplyMatrices(XYZtoLMS, XYZ)
return multiplyMatrices(LMStoOKLab, => Math.cbrt(c))) as Color
// L in range [0,1]. For use in CSS, multiply by 100 and add a percent
export function OKLab_to_XYZ (OKLab: Color): Color {
// Given OKLab, convert to XYZ relative to D65
const LMStoXYZ = [
[1.2268798733741557, -0.5578149965554813, 0.28139105017721583],
[-0.04057576262431372, 1.1122868293970594, -0.07171106666151701],
[-0.07637294974672142, -0.4214933239627914, 1.5869240244272418]
const OKLabtoLMS = [
[0.99999999845051981432, 0.39633779217376785678, 0.21580375806075880339],
[1.0000000088817607767, -0.1055613423236563494, -0.063854174771705903402],
[1.0000000546724109177, -0.089484182094965759684, -1.2914855378640917399]
const LMSnl = multiplyMatrices(OKLabtoLMS, OKLab)
return multiplyMatrices(LMStoXYZ, => c ** 3)) as Color
export function OKLab_to_OKLCH (OKLab: Color): Color {
const hue = Math.atan2(OKLab[2], OKLab[1]) * 180 / Math.PI
return [
OKLab[0], // L is still L
Math.sqrt(OKLab[1] ** 2 + OKLab[2] ** 2), // Chroma
hue >= 0 ? hue : hue + 360 // Hue, in degrees [0 to 360)
export function OKLCH_to_OKLab (OKLCH: Color): Color {
return [
OKLCH[0], // L is still L
OKLCH[1] * Math.cos(OKLCH[2] * Math.PI / 180), // a
OKLCH[1] * Math.sin(OKLCH[2] * Math.PI / 180) // b
// Premultiplied alpha conversions
export function rectangular_premultiply (color: Color, alpha: number): Color {
// given a color in a rectangular orthogonal colorspace
// and an alpha value
// return the premultiplied form
return => c * alpha) as Color
export function rectangular_un_premultiply (color: Color, alpha: number): Color {
// given a premultiplied color in a rectangular orthogonal colorspace
// and an alpha value
// return the actual color
if (alpha === 0) {
return color // avoid divide by zero
return => c / alpha) as Color
export function polar_premultiply (color: Color, alpha: number, hueIndex: number): Color {
// given a color in a cylindicalpolar colorspace
// and an alpha value
// return the premultiplied form.
// the index says which entry in the color array corresponds to hue angle
// for example, in OKLCH it would be 2
// while in HSL it would be 0
return, i) => c * (hueIndex === i ? 1 : alpha)) as Color
export function polar_un_premultiply (color: Color, alpha: number, hueIndex: number): Color {
// given a color in a cylindicalpolar colorspace
// and an alpha value
// return the actual color.
// the hueIndex says which entry in the color array corresponds to hue angle
// for example, in OKLCH it would be 2
// while in HSL it would be 0
if (alpha === 0) {
return color // avoid divide by zero
return, i) => c / (hueIndex === i ? 1 : alpha)) as Color
// Convenience functions can easily be defined, such as
export function hsl_premultiply (color: Color, alpha: number): Color {
return polar_premultiply(color, alpha, 0)
function multiplyMatrices (M: number[][], v: number[]): number[] {
return => row.reduce((a, b, j) => a + b * v[j], 0))
/* eslint-enable no-loss-of-precision */
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
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