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Last active April 16, 2024 19:50
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Get JSON of running apps + paths on macOS

Running Processes to JSON Script on MacOS


This AppleScript retrieves a list of all running processes on a macOS system that are not background processes and converts this list into a JSON format. The JSON output includes the title and path of each application.


To use this script:

  1. Open Script Editor on your Mac.
  2. Paste the script into the editor.
  3. Run the script to get the JSON output of running applications.


-- Get JSON of runnin apps + paths on macOS
-- Author: JakubAndrysek + (
-- Version: 1.0
-- License: MIT
-- Link:
-- Description: This script lists all running non-background processes and their paths in JSON format.
tell application "System Events"
set runningProcesses to (every process whose background only is false)
end tell
set appsJSON to "{\"apps\": [\n"
repeat with i from 1 to count runningProcesses
set runningProcess to item i of runningProcesses
set appName to name of runningProcess
set appPath to POSIX path of (file of runningProcess as alias)
set appsJSON to appsJSON & "{ \"title\": \"" & appName & "\", \"path\": \"" & appPath & "\"}"
if i is not count runningProcesses then
set appsJSON to appsJSON & ",\n"
end if
end repeat
set appsJSON to appsJSON & "\n]}"
return appsJSON
{"apps": [
{ "title": "Spotify", "path": "/Applications/"},
{ "title": "webstorm", "path": "/Users/kuba/Applications/"},
{ "title": "phpstorm", "path": "/Users/kuba/Applications/"},
{ "title": "Google Chrome", "path": "/Applications/Google"},
{ "title": "Finder", "path": "/System/Library/CoreServices/"}
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