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Last active June 14, 2019 08:19
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import Vue from "vue";
import { Timeline, Tween } from "gsap";
/* tslint:disable ban-types no-namespace max-classes-per-file */
/* */
declare enum SCROLL_DIRECTION {
declare enum SCENE_STATE {
interface IControllerOptions {
container?: string | HTMLElement;
vertical?: boolean;
globalSceneOptions?: ISceneOptions;
loglevel?: number;
refreshInterval?: number;
interface ISceneOptions {
duration?: number | string | Function;
offset?: number;
triggerElement?: string | HTMLElement;
triggerHook?: number | string;
reverse?: boolean;
loglevel?: number;
interface ISetPinSettings {
pushFollowers?: boolean;
spacerClass?: string;
interface ICommonEventProperties {
type: string;
target: ScrollMagic.Scene;
interface IAddSceneEventProperties extends ICommonEventProperties {
controller: boolean;
interface IChangeScenceEventProperties extends ICommonEventProperties {
what: string;
newval: any;
interface IDestroySceneEventProperties extends ICommonEventProperties {
reset: boolean;
interface ISceneDirectionEventProperties extends ICommonEventProperties {
progress: number;
state: string;
scrollDirection: string;
interface IShiftSceneEventProperties extends ICommonEventProperties {
reason: string;
interface IUpdateSceneEventProperties extends ICommonEventProperties {
startPos: number;
endPos: number;
scrollPos: number;
interface ISceneAddIndicatorOptions {
parent?: string | HTMLElement;
name?: number;
indent?: number;
colorStart?: string;
colorEnd?: string;
colorTrigger?: string;
interface ISceneAboutProperties {
size: number;
vertical: boolean;
scrollPos: number;
scrollDirection: string;
container: HTMLElement;
isDocument: boolean;
declare namespace ScrollMagic {
export class Controller {
constructor(options?: IControllerOptions);
addScene(newScene: Scene | Scene[]): Controller;
destroy(resetScenes?: boolean): void;
removeScene(scene: Scene | Scene[]): Controller;
scrollTarget: number | string | HTMLElement | Function | Scene,
additionalParameter?: any
): Controller;
update(immediately?: boolean): Controller;
updateScene(scene: Scene, immediately?: boolean): Controller;
enabled(newState?: boolean): boolean | Controller;
loglevel(newLogLevel?: number): number | Controller;
scrollPos(scrollPosMethod?: Function): number | Controller;
about?: string
): ISceneAboutProperties | number | string | boolean | HTMLElement;
export class Scene {
constructor(options?: ISceneOptions);
addTo(controller: Controller): Scene;
controller(): Controller;
destroy(reset?: boolean): void;
progress(progress?: number): number;
refresh(): Scene;
remove(): Scene;
removeClassToggle(reset?: boolean): Scene;
removePin(reset?: boolean): Scene;
setClassToggle(element: string | HTMLElement, classes: string): Scene;
element: string | HTMLElement,
settings?: ISetPinSettings
): Scene;
update(immediately?: boolean): Scene;
duration(newDuration?: number | Function): number;
enabled(newState?: boolean): boolean | Scene;
loglevel(newLogLevel?: number): number;
offset(newOffset?: number): number;
reverse(newReverse?: boolean): boolean;
newTriggerElement?: string | HTMLElement
): string | HTMLElement;
triggerHook(newTriggerHook?: number | string): number;
scrollOffset(): number;
state(): string;
triggerPosition(): number;
names: string,
callback?: (
| ICommonEventProperties
| IAddSceneEventProperties
| IChangeScenceEventProperties
| IDestroySceneEventProperties
| ISceneDirectionEventProperties
| IShiftSceneEventProperties
| IUpdateSceneEventProperties
) => void
): Scene;
names: string,
callback: (
| ICommonEventProperties
| IAddSceneEventProperties
| IChangeScenceEventProperties
| IDestroySceneEventProperties
| ISceneDirectionEventProperties
| IShiftSceneEventProperties
| IUpdateSceneEventProperties
) => void
): Scene;
trigger(name: string, vars?: any): Scene;
/* add indicator plugins */
addIndicators(options?: ISceneAddIndicatorOptions): Scene;
removeIndicators(): void;
/*GSAP plugins */
removeTween(reset?: boolean): Scene;
setTween(tweenObject: Timeline | Tween): Scene;
tweenObject: string | HTMLElement | Tween,
duration: number,
params: Object
): Scene;
tweenChanges(newTweenChanges?: boolean): Scene;
declare module "vue/types/vue" {
interface Vue {
$scrollmagic: {
/** Add one ore more scene(s) to the controller. */
addScene(newScene: ScrollMagic.Scene | ScrollMagic.Scene[]): void;
/** Destroy the controller, all scenes and everything. */
destroy: (resetScenes: boolean) => void;
/** Remove one ore more scene(s) from the controller. */
removeScene: (
scene: ScrollMagic.Scene | ScrollMagic.Scene[]
) => void;
/** Scroll to a numeric scroll offset, a DOM element, the start of a scene or provide an alternate method for scrolling. */
| number
| string
| HTMLElement
| Function
| ScrollMagic.Scene,
additionalParameter?: any
): void;
/** Updates the controller params and calls updateScene on every scene, that is attached to the controller. */
update: (immiediately: boolean) => void;
/** Update one ore more scene(s) according to the scroll position of the container. */
updateScene: (scene: ScrollMagic.Scene) => void;
/** Get or Set the current enabled state of the controller. */
enabled: (newState?: boolean) => void | boolean;
/** Get or Set the current loglevel option value. */
loglevel: (newLoglevel?: number) => void | number;
/** Get the current scrollPosition or Set a new method to calculate it.
* When used as a setter this method prodes a way to permanently overwrite
* the controller's scroll position calculation.
scrollPos: (scrollPosMethod?: Function) => void | Function;
/** Get all infos or one in particular */
info: (about?: string) => ISceneAboutProperties | number | string | boolean | HTMLElement;
/** A Scene defines where the controller should react and how. */
scene: (options: ISceneOptions) => ScrollMagic.Scene;
/** Set custom scollTo handle */
handleScrollTo: (handle: Function) => void;
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